Urban Planning Across Europe: Insights into Planning Cultures of Switzerland, Greece, and Serbia


  • Ana Perić 1University College Dublin, School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, Dublin, Ireland and University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5029-3556




Urban planning, planning cultures, cultural embeddedness, multiple case study, Solothurn, Patras, Belgrade


The research explores the planning cultures in three distinct European contexts: Solothurn (Switzerland), Patras (Greece), and Belgrade (Serbia). Grounded in the conceptual framework of planning culture, which posits that spatial planning practices are deeply influenced by societal, institutional, and professional contexts, the analysis examines three key dimensions: social setting, planning process, and planning environment. The multiple case study methodological approach employed in this research illuminates both the diversity and commonalities in planning cultures, highlighting the importance of cultivating context-sensitive planning practices. The Solothurn case exemplifies a decentralised, consensus-based planning culture rooted in Swiss direct democracy, where collaborative processes and independent expertise are pivotal in shaping innovative spatial solutions. In contrast, the Patras and Belgrade cases reveal the challenges of centralised decision-making, administrative fragmentation, and the marginalisation of planning professionals and public participation in Greece and Serbia, respectively. On the one hand, these findings underscore the profound influence of political, economic, and cultural factors on the conceptualisation, implementation, and experience of spatial planning across diverse European contexts. On the other hand, the analysis suggests that effective spatial planning must be tailored to local cultural environments rather than applying universal models. The research ultimately contributes to the broader discourse on the cultural embeddedness of planning and offers insights for practitioners, policymakers, and scholars seeking to develop more nuanced, adaptive approaches to addressing contemporary urban challenges.


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How to Cite

Perić, A. . (2024). Urban Planning Across Europe: Insights into Planning Cultures of Switzerland, Greece, and Serbia. Global Journal of Cultural Studies, 3, 102–115. https://doi.org/10.6000/2817-2310.2024.03.12


