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Korchemnyj, Petr A., Laboratory of the Theoretical and Practical Problems of Socialization, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Korecz, László, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center of Natural Sciences, Institute of Materials- and Environmental Chemistry
Korenis, Panagiota, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Albert, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Koreniuk, Olga , Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Korkut, Umut, Glasgow School for Business and Society, Glasgow Caledonian University, G4 0BA, Glasgow, UK
Kormosh, Natalia G., N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, Russia
Korneenkova, Anna V. , Department of Educational and Methodological Support of Educational Activity, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Kornev, A.Yu., FGBNU "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for the Use of Machinery and Oil Products in Agriculture", Tambov, Russia
Korneyeva, Tatyana Alexandrovna , Department of the Russian Language and Methodology of Teaching, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, KFU, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Korngold, Emanuel, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
Korniichuk, Oleksandr , Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and FPE Dentistry, Dnipro State Medical University, 9, Volodimir Vernadsky Street, 49044, Dnipro, Ukraine
Korniichuk, Oleksandr , Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and FPE Dentistry, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Dnipro State Medical University, 9 Volodimir Vernadsky street, 49044, Dnipro, Ukraine
Korniichuk, Oleksandr, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Dnipro, Dnipro State Medical University, Ukraine
Korniienko, Inokentii O. , Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mukachevo State University, 26, Uzhgorodska str., Mukachevo, 89600, Ukraine
Korniienko, Inokentii O., Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mukachevo State University, 26, Uzhgorodska str., Mukachevo, 89600, Ukraine
Koroied, Sergii O. , Department of Civil Law and Process, King Danyl? University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Korol, Volodymyr I. , Department of the International Private and Comparative Law, Academician F.H. Burchak and Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Korolenko, Vitalii M. , Department of the Jurisdiction Forms of Legal Protection of Subjects of Private Law, the Judiciary and Legal Proceedings, Academician F.H. Burchak Scientific and Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Korolova, Viktoriia V. , Department of State Legal Disciplines, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Korstanje, Maximiliano E., Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, University of Leeds UK
Kortunov, Vadim V. , Higher School of International Cooperation of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Russia
Kosandi, Meidi , Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Indoneia
Koscielniak, Barbara, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
Kosenchuk, Olga V. , Omsk State Agrarian University, 644008, 1, Institutskaya sq., Omsk, Russia
Koshanova, Marash T., Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, Kokshetau, Republic of Kazakhstan

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