Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment <p>This is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in Neuroscience with particular reference to Intellectual Disabilities. The journal is useful reading for professionals in academia, former researchers, and Ph.D. students interested in the results of the latest discoveries in this field.<br />The journal aims to describe the research work on Intellectual Disability Diagnosis and Treatment in children and adults. It covers not just the technical aspects of these procedures both in prenatal, newborn, and postnatal screening, but also the impact of testing and treatment on individuals, parents, families, and public health in general.</p> en-US (Support Manager) (Technical Support Staff) Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:47:37 +0000 OJS 60 Perception and Acceptability of Regular Education Teachers Towards Inclusion of Children with Intellectual Disability in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria <p>Access to education has been a challenge to individuals with intellectual disability (ID) in Cross River State, Nigeria, as a result of limited schools that accept these individuals. This study consequently investigated the knowledge and perception of regular teachers about children with ID and their level of acceptance into the regular classroom. Two hundred (200) teachers in public primary schools in Calabar municipal were randomly selected for the study. A descriptive research design was adopted. “Teachers’ Knowledge, Perception and Acceptability of Teachers towards Children with Intellectual Disability (TKPATCID)” was used as an instrument for data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency count, simple percentage standard deviation, and mean scores. Findings showed that the knowledge of regular teachers about children with ID is very low. The majority of the regular teachers have negative perceptions of children with ID. Similarly, the majority of the respondents were of the opinion that children with ID should not be accepted alongside their non-disabled counterparts in the classroom. It was therefore recommended, among others, that awareness of the nature of ID be created. Regular in-service training should be organized for regular education teachers by the government in order to properly equip them with relevant and up-to-date knowledge of children with ID.</p> Samson Aderibigbe Akinwumi, Adeleke Owoade Philip, Akintoye Oluyemi Ayorinde, Mabel Obioma Ajah, Emmanuel Ahuenasebhor, Okoye Joy Sade, Igbineweka Paul Osa, Ogunjimi Blessing Etukudo, Apie Martina Ayibeya, Ntino Martina Ongbonya, Okoi I.I. Ikpi, Obeten Okoi Okorn, Christopher Okoi Ofem, James Daniel Daniel, Itam Ben Edet, Orim Samuel Orim Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Reducing the Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Intellectual Gifted Students and Improving their Cognitive Flexibility <p><em>Background</em>: The issue of the presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in intellectually gifted students is a complex one due to the overlap between ADHD symptoms and the characteristics of gifted students.</p> <p><em>Objective</em>: The current study aimed at reducing ADHD symptoms in intellectually gifted students and improving their cognitive flexibility through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) principles and techniques.</p> <p><em>Methods</em>: The study relied on a quasi-experimental approach to test the effectiveness of ACT principles and techniques in reducing the severity of ADHD symptoms and improving cognitive flexibility. A one-group quasi-experimental design (experimental group) was used with pre- and post-measurement and then follow-up measurement to verify the continuity of the program's effectiveness. The independent variable was the principles and techniques of ACT, while the dependent variables were symptoms of ADHD and cognitive flexibility. The final study sample consisted of (11) intellectually gifted secondary school students with ADHD.</p> <p><em>Results</em>: The study's results demonstrated the effectiveness of ACT in reducing the severity of ADHD symptoms in intellectually gifted people and improving their cognitive flexibility.</p> <p><em>Conclusions</em>: This study is one of the first to use ACT to reduce the severity of ADHD symptoms and develop cognitive flexibility among this category of students. The study presented a scale to measure cognitive flexibility among secondary school students and a program based on the principles and techniques of ACT.</p> Mahmoud Mohamed Eltantawy, Hanan Nagy Abd El-Naiem Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Inner World and Formation of the Paranoid Personality Type in Persons with Intellectual Disabilities <p>This study investigates the progression of paranoid personality disorder (PPD) and its influence on social interactions. Contemporary research indicates that genetic predispositions and extrinsic variables, such as crisis events, play a role in the development of PPD. Individuals with PPD frequently struggle to form enduring social relationships as a result of their prevailing negative thoughts, hostility, and unwillingness to compromise. The study emphasizes the need for prompt psychological support in overcoming stereotyped cognition and diminishing social seclusion among individuals with personality disorders. The study employs a theoretical and methodological framework that integrates analytical research methodologies and content analysis of psychotherapy interventions for individuals with neuropsychiatric conditions. The findings uncover challenges about psychological adjustment, emotional control, and interpersonal communication abilities among patients with PPD. This article also presents contemporary psychotherapy approaches that aid in recovering mental well-being. Furthermore, a pragmatic framework for the diagnosis and treatment of PPD in psychotherapy has been created. The findings collected in this study hold great importance for professionals in the fields of education and social work, as well as practical value for psychologists and psychotherapists who offer support to those at risk of developing neuropsychiatric illnesses.</p> Liana Spytska Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Directions and Practices for Implementing Early Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Ukrainian and Swedish ECEC System <p><em>Background</em>: This article explores the strategies and approaches used in Ukraine and Sweden's Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) systems for providing early care to children with developmental disabilities. It examines the similarities and differences in policies, legislation, professional training, family involvement, resource allocation, service provision, integration vs. segregation practices, and cultural attitudes toward disability between the two countries.</p> <p><em>Methods</em>: This study used questionnaires and surveys, analysis of learning outcomes, performance evaluation, and an expert evaluation method.</p> <p><em>Results</em>: The authors analyze Ukrainian best practices for implementing early care for children with developmental disabilities. In the example of the Swedish system and the context of a comparative investigation of early care for children with developmental disabilities in the countries under analysis, the authors pointed out the strengths and weak aspects of both systems and distinguished the similarities and differences. The theoretical study allowed the practical perspectives and critical Swedish practices that could be implemented in modern Ukrainian practices, among which the most perspectives are those related to early intervention programs, individualized support plans, and fostering partnerships with community organizations and healthcare providers.</p> <p><em>R</em><em>research </em><em>Limitation</em>: The experimental part of the study included a relatively small sample size (50 respondents) and was characterized by a short duration (three months). This may limit the ability to generalize the results.</p> <p><em>Conclusions</em>: Additionally, the emphasis on inclusive curriculum and environments, as well as professional development opportunities for educators on inclusive practices, could significantly enhance modern Ukrainian practices in early care for children with developmental disabilities.</p> Valentyna Tarasun, Nataliia Melnyk, Tetiana Stepanova, Tamiliia Dotsevych, Olena Al-Mrayat Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000