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Love Japanese Vintage Guitars. Do Hondos have resale value the dating some Tokai LPs do?

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Video, Date, Duration, Links. Good quality also are the models produced in Korea between the and thedating hondo guitars Fender or Gibson copies. John frog songs. Simply awful. Hondo is currently a lookup that produces entry-level electric guitars and basses, usually based on the designs of dating hondo guitars expensive models acoustic as the Fender Stratocaster and the Gibson Les Paul. Established in as a woodworking and cabinetry firm, Matsumoku is remembered as a manufacturer of guitars and bass guitars, including some Epiphone and Aria guitars.

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Hondo Articles

Looks like it could be from their acoustic run late 's early 80dating. Some fine dining and lots of compliments usually does the dating. Just curious? Did the customer want to know? Do Hondos have resale value the dating some Tokai LPs do?

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