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Whilst the centuries-old British monarchy is beginning to be seen as irrelevant, for some, it offers stability and reassurance for the country.

Back in when Prince Harry started dating Meghan Markle, a mixed-race American actress, it sparked a refreshing, but controversial new generation of Royals. There was optimism for the future of the Royal Family a woman of colour entered the institution, so surely it would be moment of change and perspective on social issues?

Well, opinion has been mixed! There are polarised opinions about Megxit and the Royal Family, but I think it is also a difference in generational attitudes. Some of the older members in British society have upheld the same traditional, social and political values present when Princess Diana had similarly suffered in the spotlight.

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But that was still swept under the carpet. Mental Health Matters. More than anything, her confession shocked the very same people for whom Meghan had been an ambassador. Without this interview, we dating strapline not have identified her struggles and pain as she had put on a performance for the media.

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