
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Perception of Unemployment Reasons during Coronavirus Lockdown in Ukraine  
- Pages 527-537

Inokentii O. Korniienko and Beata V. Barchi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.30

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Work has always been a domain where individuals experience distress. However, in the current pandemic and into the unforeseeable future, job loss and unemployment stress will only exponentially increase. This manuscript represents the vision in vocational psychology which aimed to find out how the perception of the reasons for job cuts of males and females shifted in the first stage of the lockdown, to check and to compare the male’s and female’s ideas about the causes of their own long-term unemployment and their ideas about possible ways out of the unemployment in the situation of a COVID lockdown in Ukraine.

Methods: The research agenda includes exploring of the unemployment crisis among participants who were divided into three age groups of both gender: younger (18-25-year-old), middle (26-35-year-old), older (36-50-year-old). To characterize unemployment in the pandemic period, the questionnaire consisting of three scales was developed. It aimed to discover the reasons for job cuts, the ideas about the causes of the participants’ unemployment, and possible ways out of the unemployment situation. Student t-test was used to determine if the means of two sets of data (male and female of different age groups) are significantly different from each other.

Results: It is revealed that the unemployment in Ukraine among all groups of workers showed the different perception of the reasons for job cuts; their ideas about possible ways out of the unemployment in the situation of a COVID lockdown in Ukraine, which showed the generation gap in the job cuts perception and the basics of the interaction between the employer and the employee.

Conclusions: The study provides deeper insights into the labour market and its personal perception by males and females of different age groups in the first stage of a COVID lockdown. Concerning results, consider the passivity of the unemployed, their inertia and unproductive employment strategies, a decline in trust to the media as employment search, and a growing tendency to despair of the ability to find a job. On the positive side is a growing understanding of education importance.

Keywords: Labour market, unemployment, lockdown, job cuts, labour lay-off, COVID-19, pandemic, quarantine.



Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Psychology of the Gender-Equitable Environment: Research of Problems  - Pages 538-547

Oksana M. Kikinezhdi, Halyna Ya. Zhyrska, Ruslana S. Chip, Yaroslava Z. Vasylkevych and Tamara V. Hovorun

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.31
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: The purpose of our study was to perform a comparative analysis of the level characteristics of the subjective perception of the egalitarian psychological well-being of participants in the educational process in mono- and heterogender educational space. The study used qualitative and quantitative methods to measure the level of psychological safety and psychological protection of participants in the educational process. The study relied on a questionnaire that was adapted to identify three indicators: “integrated indicator of the attitude to the educational environment”, “significant characteristics of the educational environment and the index of satisfaction with it”, “index of psychological security of the educational environment”. A pilot project that was developed on the basis of the Research Centre for Gender Education and Development of Pupils and Students of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine determined the educational vectors for building the psychology of an egalitarian safe, educational environment. The analysis found significant differences in the value of the coefficient of psychological well-being of participants in the educational process in all three models of organization of educational space. The masculine model revealed statistically significant signs of subjective psychological distress in cadets compared to the other two models. The satisfaction of parents and teachers with the level of psychological security in a gender-homogeneous educational environment is quite high. The model which reflects the feminine principle of forming study groups is subjectively perceived by students as psychologically safe.

Keywords: Egalitarian (equal) education, gender-equitable environment, non-discriminatory environment, gender, students, teachers, safe environment, psychological security.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Professional Self-Realization as a Factor in the Psychological Well-Being of Specialists of Caring Professions  - Pages 548-559

Olena D. Glavinska, Irina M. Ovdiyenko, Oleksandra V. Brukhovetska, Tetiana V. Chausova and Maryna S. Didenko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.32
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Research Objective: the article discusses the mutual influence of professional self-realization and the psychological well-being of specialists of caring professions. Methodology: correlation and comparative analysis in different professional groups of specialists. The study involved 465 volunteers with work experience of 3 to 40 years: teachers, doctors, medical personnel, psychologists of state and private enterprises. Several standardized self-reports were used to collect data: Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-being, Professional Burnout Questionnaire, Kokun’s Professional Self-Fulfilment Questionnaire, Gura’s Workplace Satisfaction Self-assessment Survey, Tkalych’s Work-Life Balance additional scale. The use of the open questions allowed clarifying some phenomenological manifestations of professional self-realization among specialists of caring professions, as well as to clarifying the external and internal determinants of self-realization. The authors tested the hypotheses about the influence of several factors on the level of psychological well-being: belonging to a certain professional group, the degree of self-realization, as well as age, gender, and length of service. The results of the study present the structure of well-being and features of self-realization in different professional groups. We proved that professional self-realization is a significant factor in the formation of individual components of psychological well-being: self-acceptance and competence. However, in some cases, high scores for professional self-realization may be associated with burnout and the desire to leave the job. The conclusions contain recommendations on organizational agency and direct psychological interventions that ensure the psychological well-being of specialists of caring professions.

Keywords: Psychological well-being, professional self-fulfilment, self-realization, burnout, work-life balance, workplace well-being.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Semantic Guidelines and Conceptual Basis of a Social Education Teacher Professional Mobility in the Pedagogical Science  - Pages 560-566

Zhanat Nurzhanbayeva, Bakhtzhan Aidarov, Almagul Baltabekova, Gavkharbek Makhmudov, Yusubaly Kamalov and Nayila Seisen

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.33
Published: 14 October 2020


Abstract: The article is dedicated to enhancing urgent scientific problems, which is considered the formation of professional mobility of future teachers of professional training as one of the main components of the modernization of their professional training system.

The purpose of the article is to show the results of the scientific search for semantic guidelines and the structure of professional mobility of future teachers of professional training in the conceptual basis of pedagogical science.

The main goal of this research paper was a kind of report on the author’s vision of the essence of professional mobility of future teachers in the structure of their professional readiness and scientific results, and acquaint readers with the opinion of scientists on the semantic guidelines and structure of professional mobility of future teachers based on a review of various information sources on selected topics;

The leading idea of the publication of the article “Semantic guidelines and structure of professional mobility of a teacher in the conceptual basis of pedagogical science” is to share the experience of identifying the semantic guidelines and structure of professional mobility of future teachers of professional training.

Then the concept of "the formation of professional mobility of future teachers of professional training" will be presented as a motivated, focused, and informed process of professional training, reflecting the dynamics of the development of its components and providing predicted changes, professional self-realization, and a quantitative increase in the indicators of the transition of subjects from a low level of mobility to a higher one by creating a system of pedagogical tools.

Keywords: Professional mobility, the structure of professional mobility, a teacher of professional training.

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