About the Journal
Przemysław J. Tomasik View Profile
Abbreviated key title: Int. J. Child Health Nutr.
ISSN (online): 1929-4247
Published by: Lifescience Global
Periodicity: 4 times per year
Months: February, May, August, November
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Listed with: Food and Nutrition Information Center website, USDA, Open J-Gate, Polish Ministry of Education and Science
Indexed and Abstracted in

Index Copernicus International, CAS (Chemical Abstract Service), US Department of Agriculture - FNIC, CrossRef, OCLC (WorldCat), World Health Organization – HINARI, PubsHubTm , Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, Genamics JournalSeek, EZB Nutzeranfragen, AGORA, Advanced Science Index, Scilit, ScienceGate, OpenAIRE | EXPLORE, IJIFACTOR INDEXING, HEC Journal Recognition System, CNKI, OAJI, ASCI
Scope and Topics of the Journal
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers dealing with all aspects of child health and defining the nutritional needs of children, from conception through adolescence. The journal is designed to disseminate research findings and to attract quantitative and qualitative research papers relevant to individuals and institutions from all disciplines working in child health and nutrition, including researchers, policymakers, sponsors, healthcare providers, and non-governmental organizations. International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition intends to bring together scientists and implementing bodies to discuss the current evidence and future requirements for global, regional, and national child health and nutrition.
The journal publishes review articles that highlight the significance of recent research in nutrition and illustrate the central role of nutrition in the promotion of health and prevention of nutrition-related diseases in children like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, HIV, and other chronic diseases. It also focuses on studies of nutrient - gene interactions, the bioavailability of minerals, malnutrition, health, diet & nutrition, nutritional status, and general nutrition & dietetics in children.
The journal is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the field of health sciences and nutrition with a special reference to children. Moreover, it is useful reading for professionals in academia, former researchers, and Ph.D. students and parents interested in the results of the latest discoveries in child health and nutrition.

40th International Conference on Pediatric and Nutritional Research

Conference details: We are delighted to invite you to the 40th International Conference on Pediatric and Nutritional Research, to be held on November 26-27, 2024, in the vibrant city of Madrid, Spain. This prestigious event will bring together leading experts, researchers, and healthcare professionals from around the globe to share their knowledge, discuss cutting-edge research, and collaborate on improving pediatric health and nutrition. This milestone event brings together leading professionals from around the world to share their knowledge, discuss the latest advancements, and collaborate on improving pediatric health and nutrition.
The 2024 edition of Pediatric and Nutritional Conference Research will examine current trends and fresh efforts that can be applied to research and breakthroughs in the field of pediatrics and nutrition. The significance can be evaluated by the fact that it has made significant progress through time and is still having an affect on different industries. Through presentations, educational workshop sessions, and important presentations, Infancy 2024 is managed with regard to its affect on Pediatric research and outcomes. The resources will be given to viewers to support pediatric Conference and nutrition education, giving a forum for the exchange of knowledge and the sharing of issues.