Guidelines for Conference Proceedings

Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment is accepting papers from conferences and publish them as ‘Conference Proceedings – Special Issues’. Each conference proceedings issue will be published as a separate special issue. The contributors of the issue are strongly advised to read below instructions about these points at an early stage:

1.      The journal needs to receive a complete proposal for the proceedings issue sent by email. This proposal must be filled on Conference Proceeding Proposal form available for download here. The form should be completed providing sufficient information on the issue. The form will be reviewed by journal’s editorial team.

2.      One (or more) expert participant(s) should act as the Conference Proceedings guest editor(s) of the issue. They select the papers that are suitable for inclusion in the proceedings volume and have them individually refereed (as they would be for a journal). Referee form can be downloaded here and used for refereeing. Detailed instructions will be provided to the scientific editor when the proposal is approved.

3.      The issue should include papers which are reasonably consistent to a topic, i.e. concerned with a limited and well defined area. Contributions that are essentially unrelated to this central topic should be excluded.

4.      Follow the Guidelines for Authors for Journal of Reviews on Global Economics for the preparation of your paper. All contributing authors will be required to complete ‘Author Declaration’ form which can be downloaded here.

5.      All conference proceedings will be published in OPEN ACCESS. The representative of the conference / organizer / proceedings guest editor will be responsible for the cost of publication / article processing fee as per agreed upon terms with conference organizer.

Call us at +1-800-971-6640 or Email us for any further details and submission of proposal forms.

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