

The Concept of Violence and its Expression in Criminal Law - Pages 1481-1490

Raimundas Jurka, Jolanta Zajančkauskienė, Renata Marcinauskaitė and Jolita Šukytė

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.168

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: The very concepts of violence, studies of its forms from the criminal law viewpoint may be instrumental in dissociating criminalised violent actions from non-criminalised though having a legal significance or the actions falling outside the area of criminal regulation; furthermore, such studies can help identify the actions that in criminal law should be viewed as socially useful (for instance, the circumstances excluding criminal responsibility). It should be noted that the concept of violence and identification of its expression forms have not only a theoretical value, but also, as has been by this study proven, is applicable in legislation (for instance, for the purpose of criminalising different types of violence), as well as in case law (for instance, when identifying possible violence manifestation options). In the light of the above the present paper focuses on the definition of violence, the possible forms of its manifestation; the authors also looked into the specific forms the coercive criminal acts can acquire in the legislation.

Keywords: Criminal law, violence, physical violence, psychical violence, freedom of will.



Religious Values of Youth within the Framework of the Sociology of Culture - Pages 1491-1498

Andrey V. Artukhov, Lidia V. Rebysheva and Yulia P. Savickaya

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.169

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: In a situation of paradigm pluralism of modern sociology, the selection of certain provisions for the formation of a theoretical framework always causes certain difficulties and problems. On the one hand, there is a clear division of sociological knowledge along the line of the classical – non-classical, and on the other hand, in the present conditions this division looks somewhat artificial and, according to many analysts, should be replaced by the integration of approaches, theories, and concepts, the creation of an integrative paradigm. Therefore, considering the sociological heritage and new developments, it is necessary to select those groups of theoretical propositions that will help reveal the diversity of values in empirical research. The novelty of the research is determined by the existence of a certain hierarchy in the value system. As part of any value system, one can distinguish, first of all, dominant values. The authors show that the system of values determines the criteria recognised by society, based on which control over the activities of people is carried out and their behaviour is regulated, that is, it is the system of values that ensures civil order. It acts as a theoretical framework for social activity. Authors determine that the value system regulates the behaviour of people in society and directs it in the proper, correct direction. It acts as a guideline when choosing a method of action, forms goals and leads to their achievement. The practical significance of the research is determined by the fact that each culture creates its individual system of value guidelines, which serve as a kind of model, determine the direction of the actions of a person or the entire society, that is, values of a certain kind of motivators of actions.

Keywords: Culture, development, structure, dynamics, sociology.



Intercultural Communication and Values-Based Orientations of Youth: Social Mobility and Problems of Self-Realisation - Pages 1499-1506

Svetlana V. Tolmacheva, Natalia I. Skok and Igor Yu. Fomichev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.170

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: The ability to interact at the level of interpersonal communication allows to say that young people not only perceive society as an environment for their self-realisation, but also use it to gain new experience, that can determine the development of an individual. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that each act of communication must be implemented for the purposes of development under certain conditions that affect not only the communication environment itself, but also other forms of interaction at the level of the individual, communality or community. The novelty of the subject matter is determined by the fact that the formation of intercultural communication is possible only if programs of social mobility and, accordingly, cultural exchange are implemented. The authors show that such progress is most likely to be achieved in the external environment, which is determined by the presence of external influences. The authors of the paper primarily refer to this effect as the environment of an educational institution. The leading research method is a sociological survey and the method of analysis, which make it possible to comprehensively consider the value priorities and preferences that are characteristic of modern student youth. The practical significance of the study is determined by structuring and factor analysis, which allows to distribute the cultural layer into various social groups and ensure youth intercultural exchange both in the context of local student communication and in the context of an increase in the level of academic mobility.

Keywords: Potential, self-realisation, structure, academic mobility, education.



Social Portrait of the Family in the Light of New Socio-Political Trends - Pages 1507-1516

Nina A. Tkacheva, Lamara L. Mehrishvili and Lyudmila K. Gabisheva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.171

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: The issue regarding formation of a values-based attitude towards creating a family among modern youth is acquiring special relevance, since changes in moral guidelines have led to the intensification of negative phenomena such as: liberalisation of sexual morality, an increased number of divorces, illegitimate births, single-parent families, and the spread of social orphanhood. Due to the fact that the family is currently perceived as a structural component of the development of individual socio-economic trends, the purpose of the paper is to assess the levels of values-based attitudes towards family creation among students. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: diagnostic (questionnaires, the method of sentence completion, testing), that made it possible to identify the levels of formation of the attitude towards family creation among students; a theoretical method of analysis that allows a comprehensive study of the reasons that complicate the process of forming a values-based attitude regarding family creation. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that a student family is understood as a family in which both spouses are full-time students of a higher education institution, that is, homogeneous in social status of a man and a woman. This is a young family in which the spouses are no more than 28 years old, and the length of family life does not exceed 5 years. The paper indicates that student families are the most progressive, since spouses are ready to accept everything new - in the organisation of life, in the arrangement of the family structure, and the like. Material motives in choosing a spouse in such families play a secondary role, especially in relation to the requirements from a woman to a man. The materials of the paper are of practical value for experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for the family creation among students in extracurricular activities.

Keywords: Young family, values-based attitude, society, family life, student family.
