Journal of Buffalo Science

Isolation and Characterization of Mannheimia varigena from a Murrah Buffalo
Pages 15-20
Sarita Yadav, Aman Kumar, Sushila Maan, Ashok Boora, Narender Singh Maan, Rajiv Banger, K.P. Singh and Inderjeet Singh


Published: 03 April 2015


Abstract: The present study was aimed to isolate and characterize phenotypically as well as genotypically bacterialstrain from tracheal froth of a Murrah buffalo on the Government livestock farm (GLF) located at Hisar, Haryana. The isolate showed the cultural, morphological and biochemical properties of Mannheimia haemolytica as per Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology and as confirmedby GENIII microplate (biolog). However, the isolate was further confirmed as Mannheimia varigenaby 16S rRNA sequencing.

Keywords: Mannheimia,16S rRNA sequencing, Murrah buffalo, phenotypic characterization.
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