
Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems

Health on a Cloud: Modeling Digital Flows in an E-health Ecosystem
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Felix Lena Stephanie and Ravi S. Sharma

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/2371-1647.2016.02.01

Published: 11 February 2016
Open Access

Abstract: A unified and well-knit e-health network is one that provides a common platform to its key stakeholders to facilitate a sharing of information with a view to promoting cooperation and maximizing benefits. A promising candidate worthy of being considered for this ponderous job is the emerging ‘cloud technology’ with its offer of computing as a utility, which seems well-suited to foster such a network bringing together diverse players who would otherwise remain fragmented and be unable to reap benefits that accrue from cooperation. The e-health network serves to provide added value to its various stakeholders through syndication, aggregation and distribution of this health information, thereby reducing costs and improving efficiencies. Because such a network is in fact an interconnected ‘network of networks’ that delivers a product or service through both competition and cooperation, it can be thought of as a business ecosystem. . This study attempts to model the digital information flows in an e-health ecosystem and analyze the resulting strategic implications for the key players for whom the rules of the game are bound to change given their interdependent added-values. The ADVISOR framework is deployed to examine the values created and captured in the ecosystem. Based on this analysis, some critical questions that must be addressed as necessary preconditions for an e-Health Cloud, are derived. The paper concludes with the conjecture that “collaboration for value” will replace “competition for revenue” as the new axiom in the health care business that could ideally usher in a fair, efficient and sustainable ecosystem.

Keywords: Cloud computing, electronic health, electronic medical records, value networks, patient-centric health.

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Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems

Development of Deflection Angle Stabilizing System for Balancing Robot

Dmitry Fedorov, Andrey Ivoilov, Vadim Zhmud and Vitaly Trubin


Published: 27 November 2015
Open Access

Abstract: This paper performs determination of a mathematical model of the balancing robot, its linearization and algorithm for calculation of stabilization of the deflection angle from the vertical modal method. This algorithm also makes determination of the angle of deviation from the use of either alpha-beta filter and the angle of rotation of the wheels by means of encoders.

Keywords: Balancing robot, automatic control system, the modal synthesis method, the complementary filter, alpha-beta filter, accelerometer, gyroscope, and encoder.

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Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems

Precise Control of Dynamic Object by Combining of the Advantages of Different Sensors

Vadim Zhmud, Oleg Yadrishnikov and Vladimir Semibalamut


Published: 18 November 2015Open Access

Abstract:  Precise control of dynamic objects with negative feedback loop is widely used in science and industry [1-3]. Control accuracy depends on properties of the regulator, as well as on the accuracy of the sensor of the output value. Often the choice of the best sensor is impossible, because the different sensors may have different, and none of them is the best over the whole frequency range. In this paper, the research work is carried out in the base of the mathematical simulation and some theory. The modeling proof of the method effectiveness is carried out on specific examples. The sensors together with the object give the task with single input and two outputs (SITO).

Keywords: Control, feedback, automation, regulator, quality of control, precision of control.

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Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems

Integrated Quantitative Business Network Planning: Towards a New Understanding of Supply Chain Management

Michael Jahr


Published: 30 July 2015Open Access

Abstract: In business management quantitative modelling is a core competency. It enables structuring various complex problems; reduce systems to their relevant elements and to make objective and clear decisions. This especially applies to production-distribution networks which are formed by multiple independent and globally active companies. Here, individual goals and collective tasks meet so that experienced-based knowledge is no longer satisfactory. A literature review showed that there is no satisfactory concept available for superior network and quantitative operational management in multi-tier business networks. Therefore, in this article we focus quantitative supply chain models as starting point for stipulations among independent network partners. First, we deduce the main elements of quantitative modelling for inter- and intra-organisational production-distribution planning. Thereby, we present an extension of the Two-Stage-Production-Distribution-Problem which can be used as starting point for iterative supply chain coordination. Based on a literature review we introduce a novel pivotal point supply chain management model. The approach induces ongoing alignment of the strategic, tactic and operative tasks. On each level of this hierarchical planning frame specific plans are computed for comparison and adjustment. The advantages of this approach can be found in the reliable objective basis for negotiations and the repeatable combined inter- and intra-organisational management.

Keywords: Mathematical Programming, Production Distribution Networks, Quantitative Management, Supply Chain Reference Model, Pivotal Point Coordination.

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