
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Cognitive and Affective Well-Being Differences in Subjective and Objective Socioeconomic Status Groups  - Pages 188-195

Aistė Diržytė and Aleksandras Patapas

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.02.14
Published: 15 May 2020


Abstract: Objective: This study aimed at identifying the relationship between socioeconomic status and psychological well being in the Lithuanian population.

Background: Socioeconomic status implies that not all individuals have equal opportunities to achieve their goals, because not everyone has equal access to education, health, even business support services, and the psychological well-being of some may be significantly reduced solely by lack of material resources.

Method: The main method of research in the article is an interview method at the respondent's home. Also, various assessment tools were used in the Lithuanian population survey. In this survey, the authors applied the following scales: Flourishing Scale; The Satisfaction with Life Scale; The Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale and The Positive and Negative Emotional Experience Scale.

Results: The results of the study showed statistically significant differences in psychological well-being (psychological flourishing, life satisfaction, happiness, positive and negative emotional experiences) between different income quintile groups, with average psychological well-being constructs in the lowest income quintile being about twice lower than in the highest income quintile. The study showed that the mean ranks of the happiness score in the most deprived group were almost seven times lower than in the middle class.

Conclusion: The research has established that strong and lasting negative emotional experiences are related to diminished well-being and can cause direct and indirect public damages. Authors indicate that additional research is needed.

Keywords: Groups, socio-economic status, quality of life assessment, emotional states.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Development of Professional Motivation of the Activity Subject under Specific Conditions  - Pages 196-204

Vasyl I. Osodlo, Tetiana D. Perepeliuk, Oleksandr P. Kovalchuk, Inna I. Osadchenko and Viktoriia F. Vintoniak

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.02.15
Published: 15 May 2020


Abstract: Objective: The study aims to clarify the most crucial interconnections of professional motivation with the features of this activity, its dependence on professional motivation and the personal traits of officers. Background: The article presents the results of motivational research of the professional activity of officers. The received empirical data define the differences in visibility of professional motives and aims of activity, means and conditions of their implementation depending on the stage of professional development of the tested. Method: The main research methods are: the study of literature on the research problem; the diagnosis of the visibility of the most prominent motives of the tested professional goals and the aims of their achievement have been carried out with the aid of the developed survey the core of which is formed by the requirements to reflect in its structure the holistic psychological, professional, social and other peculiarities of the MPA of officers. Results: There's been research conducted on the interconnection of professional activity with personal traits and features, which has allowed to determine the peculiarities of personal determinacy of separate motivational components. As a result of this research, it has been established, that the demonstration of professional motives and aims of activity in the process of personal development depends on personal qualities. Conclusion: At the first stage the more significant qualities are considered to be openness to receive new experience, initiative in terms of social contacts, high level of neuroticism, internality in the sphere of achievements; at the second stage – decency, the inclination to approve, internality in terms of interpersonal communication, at the third stage – emotional sustainability, the inclination to approve, internality in terms of life perception, internality in terms of family.

Keywords: Subject of professional activity, professional development, personal traits, features.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Formation of Readiness of Future Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Implementation of Education in the Inclusive Environment  - Pages 205-210

Raugash K. Nurmaganbetova, Aychurek T. Kaldybayeva, Nurjan K. Sartbekova, Ayzat K. Umirbekova and Elvir M. Akhmetshin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.02.16
Published: 15 May 2020


Abstract: Objective: The study aims to explore the readiness of future teachers for the implementation of education in the inclusive environment.

Background: Inclusive education, which is intensively included in the practice of the modern school, raises many complex issues and new challenges. The teachers need specialised training in the field of correctional pedagogy to provide professional assistance and training for children with the oppositional defiant disorder.

Method: The main method of research in the article is the study of literature on the research problem and a questionnaire survey method which was participated by 247 teachers of comprehensive schools of Karaganda Region.

Results: During the analysis of the results of the survey, it was noted that many teachers were not ready for full and optimal communication with children with disabilities in development. The authors identified the conditions for the formation of professional and personal readiness of the teacher to work with children with disabilities.

Conclusion: The transition to inclusive education requires the participation of all specialists of the education system and the availability of fundamental theoretical developments. The main problems of teachers who will have to work in the environment of inclusion are related to their theoretical training and practical skills of teaching this contingent of children.

Keywords: Retraining of teachers, elementary school, tolerance level, integration.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Empirical Study of Family Conflicts as a Factor of Emotional Burnout of a Woman  - Pages 211-218

Iryna O. Biletska, Liudmyla O. Kotlova, Serhii A. Kotlovyi, Liudmyla Ye. Beheza and Lyazzat S. Kulzhabayeva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.02.17
Published: 15 May 2020


Abstract: Objective: Conflict issues have always been relevant to any society, but in Ukraine, at all stages of its development, conflicts had not just a noticeable place, but also influenced its history.

Background: Conflicts, of course, adversely affect these processes, because a woman spends most of her life in the family and, of course, the climate inside the family affects the emotional state of all its members.

Method: To study the relationship between the level of conflict in the family and the emotional burnout of a woman, we used the following research methods: empirical – methodologies of Y. Aleshina, L. Hoffmann, E. Dubovskaya "The nature of the interaction of the matrimony in conflict situations” and V. Boiko “Diagnostics of emotional burnout”, statistical – Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient.

Results: The study involved 80 participants. The study also determined the relationship between the evaluation of the work-life balance and organizational parameters. As a result of the study, we determined that the syndrome most characteristic of women is exhaustion, at the average level – stress, at a low level, is a resistance.

Conclusion: The study suggests that in families with a high level of conflict, there is emotional exhaustion in women.

Keywords: Family life cycle, marital relationship, stage of resistance, social role.

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