

Social Distrust Impact Analysis: Political Overview Competition Law - Pages 2413-2420

Evita Isretno Israhadi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.292

Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to reveal the contents of civil law regarding business competition and social lessons from the prohibition of unfair business competition (monopoly and other fraud) contained in Indonesian government policies. The research method used is qualitative content analysis with a normative juridical approach using the keyword 'Policy related to business competition.' The results of this study indicate two findings. First, Law No. 5/1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition is an implementation of the politics of business competition law in Indonesia. In principle, the politics of business competition law in Indonesia depends on the political will of the House of Representatives (DPR) as the legislative body together with the Government as the executive in making laws. Because Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition is not yet effective enough in creating fair business competition in Indonesia because, in substance, the Law still contains weaknesses in several articles that make the performance of the Business Competition Supervisory. The commission is not maximal. Second, government policies contained in the Civil Code, KUHP, Law no. 5 of 1984 concerning Provisions for Main Industries, Law no. 8/1995 concerning Capital Market, Law no. 9 of 1995 concerning Small Businesses, and Law No. 36 of Telecommunications provide important lessons regarding the prohibition of monopolies and fraudulent practices that can hinder the economy and equitable social welfare. The expected implication is that social learning from government policies in the field of law regarding deregulation, investment, and other policies aimed at supporting business competition can promote sustainable development, particularly in industry, small businesses, capital markets, and telecommunications.

Keywords: Business Actors, Business Competition, Legal Politics.



The Application Model of Political Ethics on the Government Bureaucracy during Covid-19 Pandemicin Ternate City - Pages 2421-2426

Jubair Situmorang

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.293

Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: This research has two objectives; Namely, first, it aims to examine more deeply the model of political ethics and actor bureaucracy and second to examine the application of ethical models of political actors and the Ternate bureaucracy. The research method used is qualitative. The data analysis technique uses content analysis by examining the data collected from semi-structured interviews and relevant documents and articles. The research results reveal that the Ternate City Government always appreciates the moral values that live in the Ternate community. Make it a guideline in issuing policies. As the center of government of Ternate City, Ternate is an inseparable part of the history of the Sultanate of Ternate, which still upholds cultural values in carrying out every social, religious, and political activity. This is symbolized by the noble values of the Ternate people, namely Kie se Gam nagogugumatitirara (six basic traditions that are firmly held) and Jou se NgofaNgare (what is in you is with me and what is in me is also in you). In various policies, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, the City Government has put forward ethical values rooted in the Jou Se NgofaNgare philosophy, namely understanding what is in me and vice versa, what is inside of me. Also yours. The overall ethical values it contains are limited to the relationship between God and humans and manifest in political life and state administration. Furthermore, it was revealed that the Ternate City Government views that the relationship with the community is a complementary and necessary unit. Therefore, in its policy, the City Government of Ternate is very egalitarian and accommodating to people of different ethnicities and religions. This research shows that the Ternate City Government is required to obey the constitutional rules and accommodate and respect the cultural values that live in the community. The expected implication is that the constitutional constitution and cultural values in Ternate City, which contain ethical values, are applied by every political actor and a government bureaucracy to be fully aware of their people's duties and responsibilities.

Keywords: Political ethic, government bureaucracy, model, Covid-19, Ternate.



Tafsir Application in the Customs and Rules and Social Behavior of the Various Society - Pages 2427-2433

Ilyes Mukhrimhonovich Abrorov, Siumbel Usmanovna Sabitova, Alfiya Marselevna Khabibullina and Mohamed Magdy Yassin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.294

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: This paper is a description of one of the essential methods used in Qur’anic exegetics: the thematic tafsir method. The authors give a definition of thematic tafsir, trace the history of the origin and development of this method, and also highlight the most critical areas of application of the thematic tafsir. Besides, the paper describes the thematic tafsir as a sensual and rational experience of a believing interpreter of the Qur'an, describes the motivations of a person who decided to resort to this method. The rationale for the thematic tafsir method is also given in terms of Islamic doctrine. In addition, the authors distinguish and describe the three main sections of the thematic tafsir: tafsir of the Qur’anic terms, tafsir of the Qur’anic themes, tafsir of the Qur’anic suras. The authors also write about the developing and expanding areas of application of the thematic tafsir method. Attention is paid to the linguistic direction of the thematic tafsir. The paper also indicates the leading Islamic ulama theologians who successfully apply the method under consideration used in the research. In addition, the contribution to the thematic tafsir of the French scientist Jules La Bohm is emphasized. Among the most popular topics for thematic tafsir, the authors distinguish the following: peace, science, nation, justice, hypocrisy. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of the thematic tafsir for secular and Islamic science and the Islamic community.

Keywords: Thematic tafsir, Transliteration, Translation, Vocabulary, Qur’an.



Prospects of Culture, Science and Human in the Context of a Technocratic Tide of the Post-Industrial Era - Pages 2434-2438

E.L. Antonova, A.E. Taranova and E.A. Antonov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.295

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: The main aim of the study is to investigate prerequisites, essence and possible consequences of deaxiologisation trends in culture and deanthropologisation tendencies in science which arose out in the post-industrial age. Globalization processes are of a great importance in deprivation the science in its technocratic mechanistic interpretation of its historically determined constructive “human-centric” potential that had been implementing through creation and development of spiritual foundations of a human and society. The new shape of science – techno-science – exists without general metaphysical basis, summarizing and generalizable epistemological principles and person-oriented beginnings. It becomes to signify the return to mechanism in the field of implementation of logical procedures and processes but in the new – technocratic – dimension. The “new” mechanism, unlike the “classic”, is not about reducing the nature of man, society and culture to their nature-centric grounds that base and depend on physical laws, but is about orientating to extrabiological and virtual technical analogies, so it makes one to point out comprehensive competition between the human and artificial intelligence in all fields of vital activity. The main points and conclusions have their grounds on analysis of the most significant stages of science development from classics to post-non-classics.

Keywords: Post-industrial era, Technological order, Рost-human, Post-science, Conceptual thinking.
