

Policy Determination in E-Budgeting Implementation by the Government of DKI Jakarta – Indonesia - Pages 149-167

Abdul Hakim, Ondy Asep Saputra and Choirul Saleh

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2021.10.19

Published: 18 January 2021

Abstract: This research discusses and analyzes the deep comprehensiveness of the process of determining and implementing the E-Budgeting Policy by the Government of the Jakarta Migrant Workers; Research methodology uses a qualitative approach. The research results reveal the effectiveness of the role of actors in the process of implementing E-Budgeting policies determined by several factors, namely: the level of understanding of budgeting procedures and mechanisms (APBD), activeness in providing input in the initial process (Musrenbag), and the ability to accommodate the interests of constituents into programs and concrete activities in the RKPD; the legislative role in implementing E-Budgeting can be mapped out by looking at the actions of the executive and executive, namely: first, the interaction of non-professional making models, is a form of meeting between the executive and the legislature to use the power and authority, use of the budget, process and use; secondly, the associative systemic pattern, is a model of executive and legislative relations that is influenced by political, economic, and social systems, so that the process of formulating the General Budget Policy (KUA) and the Budget Priority and Platform (PPAS) is not value-free because it is influenced by the interests and demands of various interest groups. If there are interests from groups that have more political resources and political power compared to other groups, then they are likely to influence budget decisions.

Keywords: Policy, E-Budgeting and Government.



The Peculiarities of Conducting Special Operational-Search Measures in the Fight Against Crime - Pages 168-179

K.S. Madiev, T.A. Koszhanov, A.D. Shaimuhanov and V.V. Filin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2021.10.20

Published: 18 January 2021

Abstract: The relevance of the study is due to the need to determine the feasibility of using special operational-search measures in the system of operational-search activities of the authorized bodies of Kazakhstan and to establish their place and importance in the fight against crime. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying and disclosing the essence of operational search activities, identifying their main content. A comparative study of the legislation of individual countries providing for similar activities was carried out in order to identify the features of the conduct and the legal regulation of operational search activities and their significance. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the features of special operational-search measures are manifested only in their number, name, and partly in the content of the actions taken, while their essence is manifested almost equally. Along with this, to ensure the reliability of the results obtained, scientific and technical means are being actively introduced, mechanisms and methods for recording operational information are being improved, and scientific knowledge is being accumulated and well-grounded recommendations for conducting operational-search measures. The materials of the article are of practical value for the bodies that carry out operational investigative activities, scientific and practical workers of the authorized bodies.

Keywords: Special operational-search measures, operational-search activity, authorized state bodies, crime, security provision.



Government Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity in Russia: Legal and Economic Aspects - Pages 180-186

Z.K. Radzhabova, O.R. Radzhabov, M.M. Osmanov, T.G. Aygumov, G.A. Emirova and S.Z. Khidirova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2021.10.21

Published: 18 January 2021

Abstract: The paper assesses the fact that in the current conditions of globalization, any national economy is becoming more open, and therefore the state should take into account in its trade and economic policy the consistent relationship between the processes occurring within the economy and in the sphere of foreign economic relations. The state also acts as the organizer of the system of servicing foreign economic relations and achieving internal economic equilibrium, and finances this activity from budgetary funds. This system is branched in its nature, covering such areas of activity as the provision of information and consulting services, and organization of advertising and exhibition work; it also helps to increase the efficiency of foreign economic activity, introducing new participants to it. The authors conclude that in order to maintain domestic economic balance, the state should strengthen its influence on imports in order to maintain domestic producers and without depriving them of competition from foreign goods at the same time.

Keywords: Economic sovereignty, Economic security, Coordination of interests, Foreign trade policy, Customs and tariff regulation.



The Influence of Employee Competency in Small and Medium Business Brazil and Brics and Jair Bolsonaro’s 1st Year of Presidency - Pages 187-191

Vasil Timerjanovich Sakaev and Tanya Yordanova Popova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2021.10.22

Published: 18 January 2021

Abstract: This study aims to look at employee competency with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at small and medium business (SMB) by consdring the Brazil politics. The political stage in Brazil changed course towards the “right” on 1 January 2019 when the anti-globalist former army officer Jair Bolsonaro was inaugurated as the 38th President of the Republic. That was an abrupt change of ideologies for a country leaded by the “left” (Workers’ Party) in the last 13 years. Scholars made contradictory assumptions about the future of BRICS: one of the most significant economic organisations on the international arena nowadays, within the new Brazilian background. In the beginning of 2019 the opportunity for Braxit was not excluded, although there was no immediate call for it. However, the most common opinion came from pragmatists like N. Muhandiram: they affirmed that the union would keep functioning but it would meet multiple challenges. This article gives an answer to the question why the “right” turn in Brazil affects the relations between the biggest Latin American democracy and BRICS.

Keywords: Employee’s, Brazil, Presidential elections 2018, Jair Bolsonaro, Far right, Foreign policy, BRICS.
