
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Addressing Service Failure and Recovery in Digital Service Systems: Opportunities and Challenges  Pages 1654-1661

João Reis, Vasco Ribeiro Santos, Marlene Amorim and Nuno Melão

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.149

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: Digital service systems are changing the world as we know it, enabling companies to embrace new forms of relationship with their customers. The aim of this article is to propose a categorization of service failures in digital service systems and an illustration of recovery solutions based on life situations. Thus, this article used an exploratory case study research conducted in a Portuguese private bank. Data collection involved multiple sources, such as semi-structured interviews, customer complaints from an online database, and direct observation. The case revealed that digital service systems are not failure proof and service failures are inevitable. As a result, companies are struggling to consistently maintain high service standards across all channels and, for that purpose, have essentially invested on automated interactions. On the other hand, humanized recovery solutions are expected to enable organizations to make significant progress, including prevention and corrective actions, that will mitigate the perception of poor service delivery. While current studies tend to focus on what is going wrong in digital engagement, researchers have hitherto not investigated sufficiently this digital breakdown and the subsequent recovery solutions.

Keywords: Digital service systems, service failure, recovery solutions, channels, case study.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

The use of Gamification in Knowledge Management Processes: A Systematic Literature Review  Pages 1662-1679

Marta Correia Sampaio, Maria José Sousa and Andreia Dionísio

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.150

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present a systematic literature review that synthesizes the investigations made into the use of Gamification in Knowledge Management processes in recent years, and a conceptual model for analysis of the Gamification of Knowledge Management Systems.

Theories: Since the last decade the Gamification - defined by the application of game design principles in a non-game context - as a management practice has become increasingly challenging for researchers. At the height of the Knowledge Age, in which we live today, knowledge and the organizational capacity to create, disseminate and retain it is one of the most important sources of competitive advantage for organizations. As employees’ knowledge is critical for companies, it is essential to find effective mechanisms to encourage collaborators to share knowledge. In this field, gamification is a dynamic to be considered as an enabler of successful knowledge management systems.

Methodology: A systematic review of the literature was carried out, analyzing the scientific articles obtained through electronic databases, manual research and the cross-referencing of bibliographic references to identify and synthesize studies on the use of gamification in Knowledge Management processes in the period from 2015 to 2018.

Results: This study demonstrates that the use of gamification in knowledge management processes has a positive impact on employees’ motivation and involvement with these systems, while promoting the creation, transfer and sharing of knowledge in the organization. A conceptual model for the gamification of knowledge management systems is proposed, intended to be a valid contribution to the operationalization of future studies on the link between gamification and knowledge management.

Keywords: Gamification, Knowledge management, Literature review.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Recruitment and Selection as a Tool for Strategic Management of Organizations – El Corte Ingles Case Study  Pages 1680-1688

Isabel Reis, Marta Correia Sampaio and Filipa Martinho

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.151

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to acknowledge how can recruitment process & selection be used as a strategic partner in the management of current organizations.

Having as a reference an international prestigious organization recognized, El Corte Ingles, this case study will go from an analysis of the state of the art of this topic, trying to understand how to find different and innovative ways to use, whether recruitment or selection techniques, to leverage the management of intangible assets and get competitive advantage towards the various players in the market, moving on for a qualitative analysis of the case in study and the ways in which this organization uses the process of recruitment and selection, continuously, as an essential tool to achieve the organizational goals.

Keywords: Strategic Planning, Human Resources Management, R&S.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Emergent Digital Strategies and Networks: Advancements to Service Management Research  Pages 1689-1708

João Reis, Marlene Amorim and Nuno Melão

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.152

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to report and explore new channel strategies, which allow delivering services through new digital technologies. Therefore, we have conducted an in-depth qualitative case study to generate comprehensiveness and rich knowledge. The case focused on a Private bank in Portugal and counted with several sources of data collection, gathering 42 semi-structured interviews, more than 80 direct observations and more than 3,600 internal documents, for triangulation and corroboration purposes. The results suggest that organizational synergies are changing the business landscape by encompassing triadic elements channels-services-firms. While some organizations are implementing this strategy around the world, we found that it provides greater channel freedom of choice to customers when compared with the previous strategies. Thus, our findings identify a set of potential advantages, as well as risks of adopting digital business networks as a strategy. This article also studies technology-driven solutions in business networks, as customers are becoming active co-producers.

Keywords: Digital strategies, Networks, Mobile payments, Multichannel, Framework, Service management.
