
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

A "Golden Age" of the Companies: Conditions of Its ExistencePages 88-103

P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatova, N.P. Orekhova and V.L. Kulik

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2018.07.07

Published: 09 March 2018  

Abstract: A few years ago we have discovered the effect of the "golden age" of company (Brusov et al. 2015): it was shown for the first time that valuation of the weighted average cost of capital, WACC, in the Modigliani – Miller theory (Modigliani et al. 1958; 1963; 1966) is not minimal and valuation of the company capitalization is not maximal, as all financiers supposed up to this discovery: at some age of the company its WACC value turns out to be lower, than in Modigliani – Miller theory and company capitalization V turns out to be greater, than V in Modigliani – Miller theory. It was shown that, from the point of view of cost of attracting capital there are two types of dependences of weighted average cost of capital, WACC, on the company age n: monotonic descending with n and descending with passage through minimum, followed by a limited growth. In practice there are companies with both types of dependences of WACC on the company age n.

In this paper we investigate which companies have the "golden age", i.e. obey the latter type of dependence of WACC on n. With this aim we study the dependence of WACC on the age of company n at various leverage levels within wide spectrum of capital costs values as well as the dependence of WACC on leverage level L at fixed company age n. All calculations have been done within modern theory of capital cost and capital structure BFO by Brusov–Filatova–Orekhova (Brusov et al. 2011a,b,c,d,e; 2012 a,b; 2013 a,b,c; 2014 a,b; Filatova et al. 2008).

We have shown that existence of the "golden age" of company does not depend on the value of capital costs of the company, but depends on the difference between equity k0 and debt kd costs. The "golden age" of company exists at small enough difference between k0 and kd costs, while at high value of this difference the "golden age" of company is absent: curve WACC(n) monotonic descends with n. For the companies with the "golden age" curve WACC(L) for perpetuity companies lies between curves WACC(L) for company ages n=1 and n=3, while for the companies without the "golden age" curve WACC(L) for perpetuity companies is the lowest one.

In previous paper (Brusov et al. 2015) we have found also a third type of WACC(n) dependence: descending with passage through minimum, which lies below the perpetuity limit value, then going through maximum followed by a limited descending. We called this effect "Kulik effect". In this paper we have found a variety of "Kulik effect": descending with passage through minimum of WACC, which lies above the perpetuity limit value, then going through maximum followed by a limited descending. We call this company age, where WACC has a minimum, which lies above the perpetuity limit value, "a silver age" of the company.

Because the cost of attracting capital is used in rating methodologies as discounting rate under discounting of cash flows, study of WACC behavior is very important for rating procedures. The account of effects of the "golden (silver) age" could change the valuation of creditworthiness of issuers.

Remind that, since the "golden age" of company depends on the company's capital costs, by controlling them (for example, by modifying the value of dividend payments, that reflect the equity cost), company may extend the "golden age" of the company, when the cost to attract capital becomes a minimal (less than perpetuity limit), and capitalization of companies becomes maximal (above than perpetuity assessment) up to a specified time interval. We discuss the use of opened effects in developing economics.

Keywords: Brusov–Filatova–Orekhova theory, Modigliani – Miller theory, minimal capital cost of company, the "golden age" of the company, rating methodology.


Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

New Meaningful Effects in Modern Capital Structure TheoryPages 104-122

Peter Brusov, Tatiana Filatova, Natali Orekhova, Veniamin Kulik and Irwin Weil

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2018.07.08

Published: 09 March 2018  

Abstract: Paper is devoted to describe the new meaningful effects in capital structure theory, discovered within modern theory of capital cost and capital structure, created by Brusov, Filatova and Orekhova (BFO theory). These qualitatively new effects are present in general version of BFO theory and absent in its perpetuity limit (Modigliani – Miller theory). BFO theory has changed some main existing principles of financial management. Discovered effects modify our understanding of financial management and dictate some unusual managerial decisions.

Keywords: Brusov- Filatova- Orekhova theory, Modigliani- Miller theory, trade off theory, ratings, new effects in corporate finance.


Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

BFO Theory Principles and New Opportunities for Company Value and Risk ManagementPages 123-128

Sergey V. Laptev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2018.07.09

Published: 09 March 2018  

Abstract: This article explores the significance and additional capabilities of new principles for analyzing the capital structure and calculating the market value of a company. These principles are being developed as part of Brusov–Filatova–Orekhova theory (BFO) and are aimed at considering the diverse factors which affect the market value of companies. These principles include accounting and calculating the value of a company within its lifecycle; focusing on a more complete and differentiated assessment of a company’s risks and their consideration in the course of running the company and managing its market value, compared to in the Modigliani–Miller theory. According to these principles, one should take into account and assess all significant possible effects that are formed in the course of running a company with regard to its value, even if such effects do not explicitly materialize until a certain point of time, are not taken into account during the market appraisal and are used during the company valuation as some kind of a virtual, imaginary value. Changes in the calculation of such virtual values of a company value may suggest that risks have accumulated both at the micro and macro level of economy. Studying the mechanisms created in the course of running a company and aimed at transforming the virtual values of its value into real positive or negative changes in the value can be an important tool for enhancing the effectiveness of risk management in companies and economic systems.

Keywords: Modigliani–Miller theory, Brusov–Filatova–Orekhova theory, real and imaginary effects of changes in company value, risk and company value management.


Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Analysis of the Telecommunication Companies’ Capital and its Structure OptimizationPages 129-137

Filonova Elena Sergeevna

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2018.07.10

Published: 09 March 2018  

Abstract: The search for optimal capital structure of a company is an important task of the strategic financial management.

The paper given is a natural continuation of a series of author’s publications on the study of problems connected with building an optimal capital structure of a company (Ageev and Filonova, 2017), (Filonova ES, 2017). The practical part of the research conducted deals with the leaders of the Russian telecommunication market «Rostelecom», «MTS», «MegaFon», «Vimpel-Communications» and there were some attempts to build an optimal capital structure in the strategic group of competitors, based on the materials of accounting (financial) reports of these companies as at 2014 and 2015.

The present paper contains the analysis of the actual capital structure of the companies mentioned above based on studying their balance sheets, made as at the end of 2016, and gives the results of the search for optimal capital structure based on the data in the new accounting period.

Keywords: Capital structure of a company, own capital, borrowed capital, capital cost, capital structure optimization, optimization model.
