

Tafsir Application in the Customs and Rules and Social Behavior of the Various Society - Pages 2427-2433

Ilyes Mukhrimhonovich Abrorov, Siumbel Usmanovna Sabitova, Alfiya Marselevna Khabibullina and Mohamed Magdy Yassin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.294

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: This paper is a description of one of the essential methods used in Qur’anic exegetics: the thematic tafsir method. The authors give a definition of thematic tafsir, trace the history of the origin and development of this method, and also highlight the most critical areas of application of the thematic tafsir. Besides, the paper describes the thematic tafsir as a sensual and rational experience of a believing interpreter of the Qur'an, describes the motivations of a person who decided to resort to this method. The rationale for the thematic tafsir method is also given in terms of Islamic doctrine. In addition, the authors distinguish and describe the three main sections of the thematic tafsir: tafsir of the Qur’anic terms, tafsir of the Qur’anic themes, tafsir of the Qur’anic suras. The authors also write about the developing and expanding areas of application of the thematic tafsir method. Attention is paid to the linguistic direction of the thematic tafsir. The paper also indicates the leading Islamic ulama theologians who successfully apply the method under consideration used in the research. In addition, the contribution to the thematic tafsir of the French scientist Jules La Bohm is emphasized. Among the most popular topics for thematic tafsir, the authors distinguish the following: peace, science, nation, justice, hypocrisy. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of the thematic tafsir for secular and Islamic science and the Islamic community.

Keywords: Thematic tafsir, Transliteration, Translation, Vocabulary, Qur’an.



Prospects of Culture, Science and Human in the Context of a Technocratic Tide of the Post-Industrial Era - Pages 2434-2438

E.L. Antonova, A.E. Taranova and E.A. Antonov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.295

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: The main aim of the study is to investigate prerequisites, essence and possible consequences of deaxiologisation trends in culture and deanthropologisation tendencies in science which arose out in the post-industrial age. Globalization processes are of a great importance in deprivation the science in its technocratic mechanistic interpretation of its historically determined constructive “human-centric” potential that had been implementing through creation and development of spiritual foundations of a human and society. The new shape of science – techno-science – exists without general metaphysical basis, summarizing and generalizable epistemological principles and person-oriented beginnings. It becomes to signify the return to mechanism in the field of implementation of logical procedures and processes but in the new – technocratic – dimension. The “new” mechanism, unlike the “classic”, is not about reducing the nature of man, society and culture to their nature-centric grounds that base and depend on physical laws, but is about orientating to extrabiological and virtual technical analogies, so it makes one to point out comprehensive competition between the human and artificial intelligence in all fields of vital activity. The main points and conclusions have their grounds on analysis of the most significant stages of science development from classics to post-non-classics.

Keywords: Post-industrial era, Technological order, Рost-human, Post-science, Conceptual thinking.



Rules of Speech Behavior in Tatar and Turkish Proverbs - Pages 2450-2456

Iskander Zhamilovich Edikhanov, Guzel Amirovna Nabiullina, Renat Islamgarayevich Latypov and Akarturk Karahan

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.297

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: Today, despite the abundant supply and scientific papers concerning particular features of multi-method, communicative culture and comparative linguistic research on the ethnocultural stereotypes of Turkic peoples' communicative behavior, it is vital in modern linguistics. The issue statement is because the ethnocultural examination of the Turkic peoples' communicative behavior permits us to look at the ethnos' communicative culture in the modern context and distinguish typical and distinctive characteristics of the Tatar's communicative culture Turkish peoples. This survey investigates the ethnocultural stereotypes of the communicative behavior of the Tatar and Turkish linguistic cultures expressed in the paroemiological fund. The analysis is based on the Tatar and Turkish languages' phraseological and paroemiological units within this article's framework. The research adopted descriptive, stylistic, and comparative techniques. Moreover, The methodological framework is the linguoculturological, cognitive-linguistic aspects of the investigation of paroemiological units. The most substantial typical categories of the Tatars' communicative culture are the culture of communication, politeness, sociability, verbiage, silence, conflict communication, and effective communication. In paroemias, truth is proclaimed before lie, laconicalness before loquacity, silence before speaking, deed before the word, listening before speaking. The examination of stereotypes of communicative behavior reveals that the Tatars persist faithfully to the observance of folk traditions and particular speech cultures.

Keywords: Ethnocultural Stereotype Speech Behavior, Speech Culture, Turkish Ethnic Cultures, Tatar Cultures, Paroemiological Fund.



Predictive Autoregressive Models of the Russian Stock Market Using Macroeconomic Variables - Pages 2439-2449

N.G. Bagautdinova, E.I. Kadochnikova and A.N. Bakirova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.296

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: This article evaluates the relationship of macroeconomic variables of the domestic market with the stock index on the example of the Moscow exchange and selects forecast specifications based on an integrated auto regression model - the moving average. The methods that have been used are included in integrated auto regression-moving average model with exogenous variables and seasonal component, Box&Jenkins approach, auto-arima in R function, Hyndman & Athanasopoulos approach, and maximum likelihood method. The results demonstrate that the inclusion of external regressors in the one-dimensional ARIMAX model improves its predictive characteristics. Time series of macro-indicators of the domestic market – the consumer price index, the index of the output of goods and services for basic activities are not interrelated with the index of the Moscow exchange, with the exception of the dollar exchange rate. The positive correlation between the Moscow exchange index and macro indicators of the world economy - the S&P stock index, the price of Brent oil, was confirmed. In models with minimal AIC, a rare presence of the MA component was found, which shows that the prevailing dependence of the stock market yield on previous values of the yield (AR component) and thus, better predictability of the yield. It has shown that for stock market forecasting, "manual" selection of the ARIMA model type can give better results (minimum AIC and minimum RMSE) than the built-in auto.arima algorithm in R. It is shown that from a practical point of view, when selecting forecast models, the RMSE criterion is more useful for investors, which measures the standard error of the forecast in points of the stock index.

Keywords: Macroeconomics, stock market, autoregression model, forecast error.



Russian Size Adjectives Analyses by Corpus Linguistics Methods - Pages 2457-2464

Azaliya Rishatovna Gizatullina, Gulnara Firdavisovna Lutfullina and Tameryan Tatiana Yulievna

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.298

Published: 30 December 2020

Abstract: The paper analyzes the functioning of size adjectives, exact as well as average size adjectives in Russian. Accurate measurement requires a numeral and also an adjective corresponding to the unit of measure. A parametric adjective is non-obligatory, while the designated parameter is derived from the semantics of the defined noun. The parametric noun in the required case form is included in the noun group, which performs the function of the attribute. Average size adjectives with abstract parameter nouns form complex attributes, taking pre and post positions to the defined noun. The adjective cредний /average is mainly combined with height and length parameters with the dominance of the noun size. Size adjectives короткий / short and длинный / long have a 2.4 asymmetrical ratio index of their functioning. It should be noted that roads and streets are more often characterized by positive and negative parameters, in turn. Adjectives of a positive width parameter dominate in garment characterization. This survey's primary objective is a qualitative analysis of the structure and semantics of size adjectives of exact measurement.

Keywords: Size Adjectives, Exact Size Adjective, Average Size Adjectives, Functional Semantics Collocation Analysis.
