

Socio-Economic Transformations of Small Rural Settlements of Zakarpattia Amidst Decentralisation - Pages 3089-3094

Vasyl P. Miklovda, Mykhailo I. Pitiulych, Volodymyr V. Hoblyk, Mykhaylo M. Pityulych and Nataliya I. Keretsman

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.375

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The study analyses the key parameters of the population of small rural settlements of the Zakarpatska Oblast amidst economic transformation. Small settlements are described by low population density, which in some rural settlements is three times lower than the regional average. Over the last period there has been a tendency to increase the number of small rural settlements with a population of less than 150 people. Depopulation of villages creates conditions when it is unprofitable to maintain educational, healthcare, cultural institutions, etc. The current situation leads to the destruction of the infrastructure of the village, which is already in decline. The purpose of the study is to analyse the socio-economic development of small rural settlements in the region amidst decentralization. The main attention is paid to the study of problems that describe the quality of life of the rural population – analysis of the main trends of demographic reproduction, the development and effectiveness of new legal forms of management in rural areas amidst the intensifying market relations. The sectoral structure of the economy of rural settlements is analysed, the study substantiates the offers directed on integration of small rural commodity producers in the integrated agro-industrial structures, development of the rural industry, establishment of cooperative movement in the village. The level of satisfaction of the rural population with the main objects of social infrastructure is investigated on the materials of sociological monitoring of the rural population.

Keywords: Small villages, integration, decentralisation, social infrastructure.



Improvement of Public Control over the Use of Land Resources as an Important Aspect of Modernisation of the Ukrainian State in the XXI Century - Pages 3095-3103

Anatoliy V. Kostruba and Pavlo F. Kulynych

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.376

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: For the rational use and protection of land, the issue of effective implementation of land reform remains relevant. An important aspect in increasing the importance of this reform is the state's interest in land use. It is the main subject of land use control and protection. However, the consolidation of provisions on land protection in the Constitution of Ukraine demonstrates that the preservation of land resources in all spheres of public relations constitutes an important component of the legal policy of Ukraine in the land sphere and the constitutional obligation to protect land not only to the state but also to citizens, legal entities, and local communities. The purpose of the study is to analyse the legislative practice of compliance with the rules of rational use and protection of land resources. The main research methods were general science – analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. The study considers the role of the state, people, local governments in the management and control of land resources. The main statutory documents governing the use of land resources were considered. Amendments to the legislation of Ukraine in the field of land ownership were proposed to delegate the powers of control of land resources between the state and local communities. The possible expansion of the land powers of the self-government bodies of the united territorial communities was considered. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using results in the development of projects to improve public control over the use of land resources.

Keywords: Land use, policy, land reform, decentralisation, state control.



Qualified Legal Aid in Developed Democracies: A Comparative Legal Study - Pages 3112-3123

Tetiana Podorozhna, Larysa Makarenko, Liudmyla Andrusiv, Oleksandr Kotukha and Halyna Sanahurska

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.378

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: Professional associations of lawyers play an important part in improving the quality of qualified legal aid. The largest association of legal professionals today is the International Bar Association. In September 1990, the International Bar Association adopted the Standards for the Independence of the Legal Profession, which are designed to enhance the role and importance of lawyers. Accordingly, as stated in the preamble to the Standards, they should be taken into account and respected by national governments when drafting national legislation and practice, as well as by all lawyers, judges, the representatives of executive and legislative power, and society at large. The purpose of the study is a comparative legal analysis of the features of providing qualified legal aid in developed democracies. The leading method during the study was comparative legal analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the problem of guaranteeing the right to receive qualified legal aid is common to all modern states. But the ways to solve it differ, because the content of law as a statutory regulator of social relations is determined in the context of national systems and is deeply connected with their culture.

Keywords: Modern legislation, developed countries, lawyers' association, professional activity.



Legal Categories in Intelligence Legislation: A Comparative Analysis - Pages 3104-3111

Volodymyr V. Proshchaiev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.377

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The study employs the comparative legal method to investigate the features of the inclusion of legal categories reflecting intelligence activities as a specific social phenomenon in the laws on intelligence, as well as their interpretation by legislators from different countries. It has been found that in the legal regulation of intelligence activities there are general patterns inherent in the legislators of all countries. The study considers the features of application of the rules of legal technique in the legislation on intelligence through the investigation of issues of legal terminology, legal structures, and methods of constructing a law on an intelligence agency. The author proposes to conventionally divide all terms into three groups: common, used in everyday life; legal, with established and stable legal content and special, describing the special legal content and revealing the essence, the specifics of intelligence activities. The developed two tables concentrate and summarise the material on the content of the structural parts of the legislative acts of various countries on intelligence under the title “General Provisions” and the list of key terms included and defined in them. As a scientific hypothesis, the conclusion was formulated that in the near future the countries of regional alliances will develop model laws on intelligence, which will give an impetus for the development of national laws in Ukraine at a new and higher level.

Keywords: Defence and security sector, legal situations, national security, intelligence information.



Modern Society Challenges: Youth Communication in Instagram - Pages 3124-3133

Liudmyla L. Markivska Natalia M. Siruk, Oksana L. Durmanenko, Rymma O. Redchuk and Liudmyla M. Tarasyuk

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.379

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: With the emergence and further development of network communication, the number of participants in this process began to increase. The youth turned out to be especially receptive and open to such modern manifestations of communication. It is the youth who actively and easily joins the use of social networks in their lives, where they mainly work. The article is devoted to the consideration of the main theoretical and research approaches to the problem of modern challenges of society – communication of young people on Instagram. The authors noted that one of the main signs of the development of modern society is the rapid formation of computer information technologies, which gives a modern person an opportunity to study, discuss problems that bother him, meet new people and communicate with friends, use the unlimited possibilities of the Internet. One of such information media is the social youth network – Instagram, which can be called one of the best, most convenient and interesting. The article notes that it is young people who master network communication better and use it more often than other age groups, because they are at the forefront of new transformations, and therefore the study of their communicative practices seems to be the most significant and promising.

Keywords: Internet, social network, digitalization, site, user.
