

Globalisation Impact on the Western and Eastern Cultures - Pages 3002-3006

Evgenia Khiltukhina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.365

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The investigation of the consequences of globalisation on the cultures of West and East is an important aspect in the study of modern world history. Technology and global commerce are rapidly developing, as a result of which, today, we can observe rapid cultural transformation. The aim of this paper is to study the impact of globalisation on the cultures of Western and Eastern countries. The author analyses how the globalisation affects each individual culture, and also models the possible ways of the world development, in the context of globalisation and the interaction of foreign cultures. The main research methods in this paper are: the comparative method, methods of analysis and synthesis of data, the historical method, and theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the topic, namely, globalisation and culture. The concepts of Western and Eastern culture were studied, the distinctive features of these cultures were analysed, as well as the religious prerequisites for the establishment of different worldviews. The results obtained in the course of the study will provide an opportunity to assess the prospects for the further development of Western and Eastern cultures in the modern world.

Keywords: Intercultural interaction, international relations, worldview, unity of opposites.



Some Aspects of the Development of Payment Innovations in the Kyrgyz Republic - Pages 3007-3013

Aijamal K. Kantoroeva and Nurzat K. Toktomamatova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.366

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: This paper reveals the subject of payment innovations and their types, as well as presents analysis of the state and development of funds remittance using payment systems and growth of payments with plastic cards. In particular, it provides an overview of the number of payment cards in circulation in the regions and payment systems, reveals a picture of the development of money transfers that were carried out through international and local systems, as well as in the context of regions in terms of the volume of incoming payments. Disclosed measures and actions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic in the progress of a digital payment systems.

Keywords: Money transfers, payment cards, payment system, acquiring, Elcard.



Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation Process of the State Policy to Promote the Development of Civil Society in Ukraine - Pages 3014-3022

Liudmyla L. Prykhodchenko, Andrii S. Krupnyk, Alla I. Orlova and Oksana V. Dulina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.368

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: Among the components of the cycle of state policy to promote the development of civil society in Ukraine, the process of its implementation is studied. In particular, the current state of monitoring and evaluation (ME) of this process was analysed, scientific developments on this topic were reviewed and the authors’ own approach to the implementation of state policy in this area was proposed. The ME of the process of implementation of the National Strategy for Civil Society Development for 2016-2020 in Ukraine (hereinafter – the National Strategy) as the main legal act that ensures the implementation of state policy in this area at national, regional and local levels of public administration, was studied. The basic requirements to the organisation of the ME of the process of implementation of the National Strategy in terms of periodicity, multilevel, organisational and methodological support, forms of control were formulated. A set of evaluation criteria and indicators was proposed and recommendations for the organisation of this process were provided. The provided recommendations can be the basis for the creation and implementation of the ME system for the implementation of the National Strategy. The results of the ME process of implementation of the current National Strategy can be used in the development of a new National Strategy for the next period after 2020.

Keywords: Assessment criteria, synergy of government-public cooperation, evaluation indicators, government decisions, organisational and educational work.



Universal Human Rights and State Sovereignty - Pages 3014-3022

Iryna V. Boiko, Yuliia V. Mekh, Olha M. Soloviova, Valentyna A. Somina and Olena B. Cherviakova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.367

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The relevance of the study is conditioned by the necessity of establishing the degree of interaction of universal rights and freedoms of the individual in civil and international law, as well as the possibility of limiting state sovereignty in the implementation of international obligations to ensure and protect human rights. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the international experience of legal regulation of universal human rights in order to develop ideas for their implementation in the legal framework of countries in transformation, including Ukraine. The leading methods of the study included the analysis of international and European practices of consolidating universal human and civil rights, modelling of legal structures acceptable to Ukraine. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the restriction of state sovereignty is possible only in favour of the individual based on the priority of human rights. The research materials can be useful for lawyers and government officials performing draft law activities, teachers of law schools, as well as officials and public administration officials who seek to apply the standards and practices of international regulation of universal human and civil rights in individual management cases.

Keywords: Universal civil rights, concepts of human rights, international obligations, state sovereignty.



Higher Education Institutions Educational Process Digitalization in the Context of the Necessity to Provide a Model for Students’ Choice of Training Areas and Academic Specialties - Pages 3033-3039

Dmitriy A. Kozorez, Elena A. Dolgova, Anna V. Korneenkova, Alena V. Rumakina and Minggong Sha

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.369

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The digital revolution in the Russian economy is leading to a radical change in the labour market, the emergence of new competencies, improved cooperation, increased responsibility of citizens, their ability to make independent decisions. This, in turn, is the reason for the reorganisation of the educational process, largely based on the use of IT technologies. The purpose of the paper is to solve the problem of unification of educational programmes within the framework of digitalisation of the educational process in universities. The unification of educational programmes is proposed, which ensures the conducting of the educational process without losing its quality, taking into account individual educational trajectories, as well as implementing a model for students' choice of a direction or training specialty, starting from the third year of study, and, as a result, making it possible to transfer students between educational levels up to 5 semesters, and within a level – up to 6 semesters. The unification of educational programmes is considered on the example of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). The proposed unification covers the extended groups of specialties taking into account different levels and forms of training, as well as various territorial sites (branches).

Keywords: Educational programme, unification of disciplines, individual educational trajectories, information technology.
