

Societal Derivations for the Illegal Gun Trafficking: In Addis Ababa: Ethiopia
Pages 127-132

Creative Commons LicenseDesalegn Birara

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2017.06.13

Published: 10 October 2017

Abstract: Gun is not allowed to buy and own for civilians in Ethiopia. There are national laws, regulations and administrative procedures that allow production, export, import, transit or retransfer of small arms which are limited to state and federal security purposes; while any other, if any, is explained by the anti-terrorists act. The law requires a record of the acquisition, possession and transfer of each privately held firearm be retained in an official register. Nonetheless, both the anti-terrorist act and other firearm regulations, have not been successfully implemented to prevent illicit trafficking of guns and violent crimes associated with illegal gun possession. Peripheral neighborhoods in Addis Ababa prove its existence and people in these neighborhoods are found to be defenseless. Graveyards of church and jungles have been the busiest illegal gun exchange belts. The number of people involved in the different courses of action to procure guns is also considerable. This research assesses the societal apprehension to the illicit gun exchange. Residents in the village where illegal gun trafficking took place have negative impressions to it. The illegal gun exchange created fear in the residents; limited the right of people to movement; and embarrassed in many respects. Trust on police for security purposes is diminishing; because, residents understood policemen, themselves, as part of the illicit trafficking. The midnight time when people are most likely to sleep is the peak time of the gunfire. This compels to prognosticate the impending terrorism; as its opportunity of emergence and development is open.

Keywords: Gun trafficking, emerging terrorists, gun troubles, neighborhood insecurity.



Double Expectations: Law Enforcement Workers and Dilemmas on Handling Drug Use at the Street Level
Pages 103-116

Creative Commons LicenseRafaela de Quadros Rigoni

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2017.06.11

Published: 20 June 2017

Abstract: This paper analyses law enforcement workers’ experiences when transforming policies for crack cocaine and heroin into practice. It focuses on dilemmas workers have and choices they make when approaching drug users. Grounded theory principles and ethnographic techniques were used to gather and analyse in depth interviews and extensive participant observations of 20 workers across the cities of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Porto Alegre (Brazil). The comparative analysis enables to explore the impact of different socio-economic and political environments on workers’ practices around drug use. Three areas in which law enforcement workers reported to have dilemmas concern workers’ choices on how to deal with violence; choices between being tough or friendly towards users; and on defining their role on curbing public nuisance. If a first sight shows differences between the cities, in a closer look interesting similarities appear. When deciding upon approaching drug users, law enforcement workers drift between order and care approaches. At the street level, different contexts produce ambiguities and workers’ experiences question the etic reductionism in simple dichotomies of care vs. order approaches. From this closer perspective, similarities appear more clearly, as well as counterpoising perspectives to the stereotypical views of Dutch and Brazilian workers.

Keywords: Law enforcement, drug policy, street-level bureaucracy .



Personal Differences among Brazilian Adolescents with Distinct Levels of Engagement in Delinquency
Pages 65-74

Creative Commons LicenseAndré Vilela Komatsu and Marina Rezende Bazon

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2017.06.07

Published: 11 May 2017

Abstract: Many adolescents manifest delinquent behavior, but only a few are responsible for most of the offenses and the serious crimes. To know the differences in the criminal engagement and in the personal variables related to the more persistent/severe antisocial behavior is important to adjust the Juvenile Justice Systems to the adolescents needs. In the Brazilian Justice System, this is not considered. Although the law indicates the importance of personalizing legal and social responses to each juvenile offender, the treatment is essentially undifferentiated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify and describe personal variables that discriminate subgroups of Brazilian adolescents with different levels of criminal engagement. A total of 193 male adolescents (133 recruited in schools and 60 institutionalized) answered a Self-Report Delinquency Questionnaire, which included scales of psychosocial constructs. Five groups were found by the Ward and K-means clustering methods. The adolescents were compared on variables such as personal traits. Those groups with major criminal engagement had higher levels of impulsivity (η² = 0.08; p = 0.002), higher antisocial values (η² = 0.08; p = 0.003), and higher prevalence of alcohol (X² = 103.75; p < 0.001) and marijuana use (X² =257.61; p < 0.001). This finding confirms the specialized literature, denoting how important it is to identify and understand the differences in the criminal engagement of adolescents.

Keywords: Juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice systems, criminal engagement, cluster analysis .



Trauma-Informed Risk Assessment in Correctional Settings
Pages 93-102

Creative Commons LicenseJulie K. Bates-Maves and Deirdre O’Sullivan

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2017.06.10

Published: 13 June 2017

Abstract: This paper outlines a model which infuses trauma-informed principles into the existing Risk-Needs-Responsivity model of risk assessment commonly used in correctional settings. The connection between certain types of trauma and criminality is established. Despite this, many risk assessment procedures do not include screening for trauma, or trauma-specific interventions. An overview of the lasting effects of childhood maltreatment is included. Trauma-informed practices and assessment recommendations are also provided, along with recommendations for additional resources.

Keywords: Trauma-informed, risk assessment, corrections .



Confrontation to Humiliation Complex Causing the Violence, Crime, Uncivilized, Non-Citizenship and Extremism by Positive Education and Cognitions
Pages 75-83

Creative Commons LicenseAmani Kubitary and Muaweah Ahmad Alsaleh

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2017.06.08

Published: 11 May 2017

Abstract: The individual is the initial unit of society. So, building positive society begins within positive characters of its individuals. The education of the individual must be from a childhood in a positive way, and learn to define goals clearly (presence of clear life goals) and know the meaning in life (Presence and Search for Meaning in Life) and the creation of a purpose in life. This develops a positive, conscious and social personality in the individual who forms society and the world.

The absence of positivity, purpose in life and/or meaning in life in individual plays a role in the creation of sadism, negative-sadomasochism personality disorder, barbarism, crime, brutality and extremism among Man who seeks behind the creation of war and destruction and savoring the pains of girls, young people, women and children as Syrian War.

Man is not extremist, oblique and criminal by the innate. But, family, parents and their psychological aspect, friends, schools, universities, environmental and media make this oblique and criminal Man. In addition, education of the Civilized Man in life is made to develop his Negative Thought instead of develop his Positive Thought. The result is quite catastrophic. People are most of the time unable to live intensely a happy moment so much they are inhibited from all that is positive. So, Man becomes oblique and criminal by his environment.

Crime, uncivilized and extremism have an impact on local communities all over the world. Environmental and their risk factors such as economic difficulties, no activity and no job, negative emotions (disillusioned, resentment, emptiness, boredom, loneliness, or feeling lost and abandoned, no clear purpose in life and no life’s meaning, etc.), absence of coping skills to withstand life stressors, psychological and cognitive development, and ability to make prudent decisions lead acceptance of violent extremist ideologies as crime, uncivilized, violence and extremism.

Good citizenship, crime, uncivilized, extremism and violence extremism are the important social issues that might be affected by patterns of thinking (positive or negative) in individuals, institutions, and communities. Positive thinking is as a way for developing good citizenship behavior and confronts the crime, uncivilized, abuse and extremism.

Positive thinking about oneself would lead to positive thinking about society; hence develop the link between individuals and their environmental and society by using the positive thinking. So, the RPPT (Repetitions Phrases of Positive Thoughts) can be an effective tool for promoting positive thinking and so building positive identity and positive expectation.

Therefore, practicing RPPT, as an educational tool for positive thinking, reinforces positive thoughts which lead the citizenship for better future and a better community. TRPPT (Treatment of Repeating Phrases of Positive Thoughts) contributes in building personal resilience and positive sense of identity that are essential components to prevent violent extremism.

Keywords: Humiliation complex, extremism, prison, positive psychological barrier, negative and positive personality, psychopathology, psychohealth, brain, childhood, education, cognitions .
