Metha Wanapat - Profile

Metha Wanapat
Prof. Dr. Metha Wanapat,
one of the most prominent animal scientists in the Asian-Australasian region, has earned a B.Sc. from Khon Kaen University, Thailand, MS, Ph.D. in ruminant nutrition from North Dakota State University, USA and Post Doc., from Agricultural University of Norway. His teaching and research have been in ruminant nutrition and feeding in ruminants, including buffaloes, beef, dairy cattle, and small ruminants, using local feed resources and agricultural crop residues. Manipulation of rumen ecology and fermentation process have been among the prioritized research activities. Moreover, the development of food-feed-system (FFS) and feeding strategies using dietary means as rumen enhancers. Currently, he has been investigating developing feeding innovations to mitigate rumen methane emission based on the use of plant and fruit-peels phytonutrients as dietary supplements. He has published research papers in International Journals with a high impact factor of more than 350 papers and holds H-index = 45. Currently, Professor Wanapat has been ranked in the world’s top 2 % of scientists in 2023 by Stanford University Ranking.

Furthermore, human resource development and on-farm research work have been his current focal undertakings. In addition, he has been honored with numerous outstanding scientific awards including The Outstanding Animal Scientist (2000) of Thailand by the Animal Husbandry Association of Thailand, the 7th Outstanding Animal Science Award by the Asian-Australasian Animal Production (AAAP) Societies (2008), The Sarasin Outstanding Researcher Award (2011) of Khon Kaen University, the Outstanding Professor in Science and Technology of Thailand (2012) by the Council of University Academicians of Thailand etc. Currently, he has been awarded the High-end Foreign Expert under the One Belt One Road Initiative Policy by the Chinese Government of Yunnan Province, PR. China. In addition, he has been invited as a Visiting Professor to many Organizations/Universities, including The National Research Institute/ MTTK, Finland; the University of California, Davis, USA; University of Nottingham, the UK; Yunnan Academy of Grassland and Animal Science, China; China Agricultural University, China; Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; Lanzhou University, China; Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Nong Lam University, Vietnam, Souphanouvong University, Laos, etc.

Professor Wanapat has been serving in many capacities, such as a resource person and short-term consultant to many International Organizations, e.g., IFS, UNDP, FAO, EU, ICARDA, SIDA-SAREC, NUFU, ILRI, etc.

Professor Dr. Metha Wanapat has been actively engaging in ruminant nutrition and feeding innovation research and now holds the position of “The Distinguished Research Professor of Khon Kaen University, Thailand”.
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