
Chen-Kuei Chung

Phone: 06-2757575 x62111, Email: ckchung@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Current Position:

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan 701, Taiwan

Biography (short):

Dr. Chen-Kuei Chung received his B.E. and Ph.D. degrees of Materials from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, in 1989 and 1994 respectively. From 1994 to 2002, he worked in Industrial Technology Research Institute for further technology research and development including the process development and integration of MEMS technologies and key components such as inkjet printhead, IR sensor array and biochip. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (ME/NCKU) in August, 2002, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2005, and then to full Professor in 2009 as well to take a duty of Associate Head in 2017. He is the life member in several academic societies including Taiwan Vacuum Society (TVS), Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) and Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, Taiwan (CSME). He is awarded as 2018 Distinguished engineering Professor of CSME, Taiwan. He has published more than 140 Int’l Journal Papers (two papers selected as front Cover Images), 6 book chapters and more than 130 Int’l Conference Papers and holds more than 35 patents granted. Dr. Chung’s research interests are micro-nano material science and engineering, and fabrication, characterization and process integration of MEMS/NEMS devices for sensor, actuator and LIGA application, especially in the advanced hybrid pulse anodization, characterization and application; laser processing, polymer mol ing and application; mechanical energy harvesting from unique microneedles- triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG).

Research Interest:

  • Nano-micro material science and engineering
  • Micro-nano machining and integration technology (MEMS) for structure patterning, sensor and actuator application.
  • Advanced/Novel hybrid pulse anodization for the fabrication of porous anodic alumina (AAO) films at room temperature and its application to nanomaterials, sensors, and nano devices
  • Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) for mechanical energy harvesting and self-powered transducers application; advanced/novel CO2 laser processing technology for materials structuring, modification and
  • Simple planar mixer, capillary pump and dual-tone polymer casting for microfluidics integration and application to whole blood separation, diagnosis and biomedical dev ce.


Dr. Chen Li is an Associate Professor and a Master Supervisor of Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He was awarded the 10th Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2020. He received his Bachelor degree in Process Equipment and Control Engineering from Northeastern University in 2015, China, and the PhD degree in Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2019, China. From 2018 to 2019 he worked as a visiting scholar in The University of Queensland, Australia. His research interests focus on ultra-precision machining and micro/nano manufacture. His work was supported by National key R & D program, 973 program, National Natural Science Foundation, etc. He published more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific research papers, and the total citation number of these publications is more than 800. He is a member of Production Engineering Committee of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Member of Heilongjiang Standardization Technical Committee for Instrument, Editorial board members of several academic journals and peer reviewers of more than 20 academic journals indexed by SCI, such as International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Optics Express, Ceramics International, etc. He received the Outstanding Contribution Award at CCAT2017, Excellent Young Researcher Award at the CJUMP 2016, Excellent Paper Award at the CJUMP2015, Excellent Young Paper Award at the CCAT2017, etc.

Representative Publications:

[1] Li C, Li X, Wu Y, et al. Deformation mechanism and force modelling of the grinding of YAG single crystals. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2019, 143: 23-37.

[2] Li, C., Piao, Y., Meng, B., Hu, Y., Li, L., & Zhang, F. Phase transition and plastic deformation mechanisms induced by self-rotating grinding of GaN single crystals. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2022, 172: 103827.

[3] Li C, Zhang F, Meng B, et al. Research of material removal and deformation mechanism for single crystal GGG (Gd3Ga5O12) based on varied-depth nanoscratch testing. Materials & Design, 2017, 125: 180-188.

[4] Li C, Li X, Huang S, et al. Ultra-precision grinding of Gd3Ga5O12 crystals with graphene oxide coolant: Material deformation mechanism and performance evaluation. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 61: 417–427.

[5] Li C, Wu Y, Li X, et al. Deformation characteristics and surface generation modelling of crack-free grinding of GGG single crystals. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 279(5): 116577.

[6] Li C, Zhang F, Wang X, et al. Repeated nanoscratch and double nanoscratch tests of Lu2O3 transparent ceramics: Material removal and deformation mechanism, and theoretical model of penetration depth. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(2): 705-718.

[7] Li C, Zhang F, Meng B, et al. Material removal mechanism and grinding force modelling of ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding for SiC ceramics. Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 2981-2993.

[8] Li C, Piao Y, Meng B, et al. Anisotropy dependence of material removal and deformation mechanisms during nanoscratch of gallium nitride single crystals on (0001) plane. Applied Surface Science. 2022, 578: 152028.

[9] Y Zhang, Q Wang, C Li*, et al. Characterization of surface and subsurface defects induced by abrasive machining of optical crystals using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics. Journal of Advanced Research, 2022, 26, 51-61.

[10] Li C, Zhang F, Wu Y, et al. Influence of strain rate effect on material removal and deformation mechanism based on ductile nanoscratch tests of Lu2O3 single crystal. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(17): 21486-21498.

[11] Li C, Piao Y, Hu Y, et al. Modelling and experimental investigation of temperature field during fly-cutting of KDP crystals. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 210: 106751.

[12] Li C, Zhang Y, Zhou G, et al. Theoretical modelling of brittle-to-ductile transition load of KDP crystals on (001) plane during nanoindentation and nanoscratch tests. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(6): 14142-14157.

[13] Li C, Zhang F, Piao Y. Strain-rate dependence of surface/subsurface deformation mechanisms during nanoscratching tests of GGG single crystal. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(12): 15015-15024.

[14] Li C, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, et al. Nanoindentation and nanoscratch tests of YAG single crystals: an investigation into mechanical properties, surface formation characteristic, and theoretical model of edge-breaking size. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(3): 3382-3393.

[15] Li, C., Hu, Y., Huang, S., Meng, B., Piao, Y., & Zhang, F. Theoretical model of warping deformation during self-rotating grinding of YAG wafers. Ceramics International. 2022, 48, 4637-4648.

[16] Li C, Zhang F, Ma Z, et al. Modeling and experiment of surface error for large-aperture aspheric SiC mirror based on residual height and wheel wear. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 91(1-4): 13-24.

[17] Li C, Zhang F, Ma Z. Study on grinding surface deformation and sub surface damage mechanism of RB-SiC ceramics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232: 1986-1995.

[18] Li C, Zhang F, Ding Y, et al. et al. Surface deformation and friction characteristic of nano scratch at ductile-removal regime for optical glass BK7. Applied Optics, 2016, 55: 6547-6553.

[19] Li C, Zhang F, Wang X, et al. Investigation on surface/subsurface deformation mechanism and mechanical properties of GGG single crystal induced by nanoindentation. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(14): 3661-3668.

[20] Li C, Zhang F, Meng B, et al. Simulation and experiment on surface morphology and mechanical properties response in nano-indentation of 6H-SiC. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(3): 1000-1009.

[21] Dong G, Lang C, Li C*, et al. Formation mechanism and modelling of exit edge-chipping during ultrasonic vibration grinding of deep-small holes of microcrystalline-mica ceramics. Ceramics International. 2020, 46(8): 12458-12469.

[22] Rao X, Zhang F, Lu Y, Luo X*, Ding F, Li C*. Analysis of diamond wheel wear and surface integrity in laser-assisted grinding of RB-SiC ceramics. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(18): 24355-24364.

[23] Dong G, Wang L, Li C*, Yu Y. Investigation on ultrasonic elliptical vibration boring of deep holes with large depth-diameter ratio for high strength steel 18Cr2Ni4WA. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020, 108(5), 1527-1539.

[24] Zhang Y, Wu T, Li C*, et al. Investigation on path optimization and look-ahead speed control algorithm during numerical control grinding of dentures of glass ceramics. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 113, 1899-1913.

[25] Zhang F, Li C*, Zhao H, et al. Simulation and experiment of double grits interacting scratch for optical glass BK7. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition. 2018, 33(1): 15-22.


Dr. Amal Bouich, Postdoctoral Researcher.

ambo1@doctor.upv.es Departament de Física Aplicada Institut de Disseny i Fabricació (IDF)

Física Aplicada a las Ingenierías Aeronáutica y Naval & Instituto de

Energia Solar. Universitat Politècnica de València. Universitat Politècnica de Madrid.


Dr. Amal Bouich obtained the Ph.D. degree from the Universitat Politécnica de València with a Score: Cum Laude (10/10) and International Mention, carrying out her Ph.D. thesis in the field of semiconductor physics and their photovoltaic applications. In particular: the Investigation and Characterization of Hybrid Perovskites (MaPbI3, FaPbI3, CsPbI3) and Copper-Indium-Gallium selenide thin films for Tandem Solar Cells.

She started her research work at the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) in 2018 . Since then, she has developed her research activity at the same university, holding her research work at the School of Design related to Applied Physics and Optoelectronics.

The research of doctor Bouich’s activity has been developed in the field of the Physics of Semiconductors, where she has published more than 34 papers in international journals and 30 oral Presentations at International Conferences. She got two excellent grants one is ‘Becas Iberoamérica Santander Investigación, Santander Universidades 2020-2021,’ and other is Ayudas a la movilidad, convocatoria “university junior international entrepreneurs” - V edición – 2019. She is the leader of the SpinOff project about tandem solar cells elaborated in IDF-UPV. She had a price from UPV ideas with the best-advanced idea project related to flexible perovskite solar cells. After getting her Ph.D., she got the award of best thesis project and Award of category the Best thesis at the EMRS -2021 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). Since 2018, she has integrated the research group named Group of Opto-electronics and Semiconductors (GOPS) and began research in the semiconductor laboratory at the UPV. Since then, Bouich has actively collaborated with the research group GOPS, specializing in the preparation and characterization of semiconductor thin films for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. Nowadays, Dr. Bouich gets her Postdoctoral position of Margaritas Salas at the University Polytechnic of Madrid with the collaboration of the University Polytechnic of Valencia; the main objectives are the realization of a new generation of solar cells based on new materials of perovskite stable, high efficiency with low-cost techniques and the consolidation of the Spin- Off to explode the know-how in this area.


Ahmed A. Farag is a Professor of Applied Physical Chemistry at Mansoura University, Egypt. He received the B.Sc., Master, and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry from Science Faculty, Al-Azhar University/ Egypt in 2002, 2007, and 2011.

He has worked in National Research Center (NRC), Polymers and Pigments Department/Egypt until 2007. He is the Prof. of Applied Physical Chemistry at Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), Petroleum Applications Department, Egypt.

He has been named in the Top 2% Scientists Worldwide in a study from Stanford University in 2021. He got a postdoctoral scholarship in 2014 at the Materials Chemistry Department, Chemical Science and Engineering Faculty, Hokkaido University, Japan.

Scopus ID: 36131329500

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9019-5635



Huizhu Yang received his Ph.D. degree from Xian Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, in 2018. From 2016 to 2017, he was a Research Assistant at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. From 2018 to 2020, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research at the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). Since Nov. 2020, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Automation at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) in Guangdong, China. His research interests include heat exchangers, multiphase flow and heat transfer, phase change process and application, heat pipe, thermal management of electronics and power batteries, and thermal energy storage system.