

The Essence and Causes of Mass Panic: An Analysis of Data on the Beginning of Quarantine in Ukraine - Pages 3146-3156

Inna I. Osadchenko Tetiana D. Perepeliuk, Olena D. Baldyniuk, Ruslan V. Masliuk and Andrii A. Semenov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.381

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: Based on the analysis of scientific information sources and empirical material (development and processing of the electronic questionnaire survey “Characteristics of mass behaviour in relation to COVID-19” in the social network “Facebook” at the beginning of the quarantine) clarified the nature of “mass panic” as a state of uncontrolled fear , panic state, confusion, a state of horror that increases when the real threat (COVID-19 pandemic) has become inevitably more threatening, and the imaginary danger of the consequences and further escalation of the pandemic acquires the magnitude of a real danger in person’s consciousness, which blocks the ability to rationally evaluate the threat of disease and mobilize internal and external potential, self-control for individual/group/mass resistance to this danger. Four causes of the occurrence and intensity of mass panic are specified: individual and psychological, physiological, socio-situational, politically ideological conditions. Another dimension of mass panic, which the authors call “self-isolated individual-mass panic” is defined. It was stated that if people had the opportunity to gather on the street at the beginning of quarantine, there would be mass panic in its classic form. The panic developed at home, so people did not communicate physically, did not gather in crowds, interacted only by means of communication equipment. The mass mental state of Ukrainian citizens during the quarantine period can be considered a state of mass panic of various stages of intensity.

Keywords: Fear, neurosis, self-isolation, mental health, physical activity, mass panic, society, age groups.



Problems of Multidisciplinary Regulation of Confiscation of Property in Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration Processes - Pages 3157-3162

Yurii M. Yurkevych, Ivan V. Krasnytskyi, Roman V. Krupnyk, Nataliia I. Hrushchynska and Yuliia O. Petronchak

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.382

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: This study provides a detailed theoretical analysis of problems of regulation of confiscation of property in Ukraine in different branches in the conditions of European integration processes. Property relations are the object of protection of various branches of law: constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal, etc. Accordingly, the regulation of property relations by the provisions of both public and private branches of law often gives rise to numerous discussions about certain social relations within this institution. In the national law of Ukraine confiscation is considered both as a ground for termination of property rights, as a special civil law method of protection of copyright and related rights, as a type of administrative penalties (including for violation of customs and tax legislation), as an additional type of criminal penalties, and as a special procedure in criminal proceedings. Proper legal provision of confiscation is a prerequisite for recognising Ukraine as a reliable partner of the European and world community. According to the results of the study, the position regarding the prospects of research and improvement of regulation of property confiscation in the modern market economy was outlined.

Keywords: Property, intellectual property, termination of property rights, criminal punishment, administrative penalty, confiscation.



Storytelling in Media Communication: Media and Art Models Processes - Pages 3163-3171

Gulmira S. Amangeldiyeva, Muratbek B. Toktagazin, Bauyrzhan Zh. Omarov, Saule S. Tapanova and Roza A. Nurtazina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.383

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The article is devoted to study of storytelling models in media communication in the context of globalization and postmodernism of information space. This article is of interest because recently storytelling as a special type of communication has become an object of research in science. Advertising has modified, turning into art of storytelling and brand-image. In this article, the specifics of storytelling are analysed, its definition is provided, functions and types are pointed out. The authors also consider such phenomena as landing and longread inseparable from storytelling in online space. In the article, there is characteristic of each component of technique of transmedia narration in the context of postmodernism information community and globalisation changes. The author analyses how the story in advertising is tool of reflection and experience transfer, value and cultural identification and how affect the audience. Using the example of popular commercials, the author studies how storytelling and myth are connected and how it is implemented within media space.

Keywords: Technique, transmedia narration, landing, longread, epistolary storytelling, narrative.



Economic and Legal Mechanisms of Interstate Support for Agricultural Producers - Pages 3172-3183

Airat B. Bazenov, Aizat M. Begzhan, Zhassulan S. Zhunissov, Abzal K. Tazhikov and Bagdat Amandossuly

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.384

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The transitional stage in the agrarian economy requires an optimal combination of state protection and market levers. At present, the state regulatory influence on the development of agriculture remains, on the one hand, quite significant, and on the other, insufficiently effective. There is no systemic integrity in the practice of state regulation of the agricultural sector. The relevance of the study is that in transition economies, agrarian protectionism was initially caused by somewhat different circumstances, and the protectionist policy was formed in fundamentally different conditions. The authors demonstrate that protectionism in industrial-type transition economies inherited a huge mechanism of state support for the agro-industrial complex in the depths of a centrally planned economy. Everywhere this support constituted a heavy burden of national finances, and one of the primary tasks of reforms in transition economies, including agrarian reforms, was precisely the release from this burden. It causes sharp liberalization of agrarian policy in almost all countries. The method of analysis was used to investigate the main directions, methods, and mechanisms of state regulation of the economy in different countries; the priority areas of state regulation of prices in the agro-industrial complex industry were highlighted. The practical significance of the study is that macroeconomic reforms in countries with an industrial type of development led to a rapid deterioration in the financial situation of the agricultural sector.

Keywords: Government support, agriculture, development, reform, economics.
