

Regulatory and Legislative Support of Management Decisions for Support of Regional Development - Pages 2964-2971

Mykola Popov, Liudmyla Prykhodchenko, Yuriy Rovynskyy, Kateryna Rovynska and Svitlana Kozulina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.361

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The article is devoted to certain aspects of normative-legal regulation of regional development. In the conditions of transformation processes, transition to the European integration vector of development, change of the system of regional management by means of reform of decentralization there is a question of maintenance of effective development of regions. Adoption and implementation of management decisions is a key factor in ensuring harmonious sustainable development. In the absence of a clear comprehensive structure of distribution of powers between authorities at different levels, there are problematic aspects of providing information and analytical support for management decisions. The interaction of different branches of government and authorities at different levels is inefficient. The basis for establishing an effective management system at the regional level is the development of a regulatory framework that would ensure a clear division of responsibilities and powers of the authorities to address certain socio-economic, social, environmental and other issues inherent in the level of regional development. Compliance of the regulatory framework with today's requirements, the changes and transformations taking place in the country, world practices and international regulations is a priority to ensure effective decision-making and implementation of management decisions to create opportunities for regional development. The article analyzes the structure of management decisions at the regional level, taking into account the transformation processes in the system of regional governance associated with decentralization reform. The article develops ways to improve the development management system at the regional level.

Keywords: Mechanisms of public administration, region, decentralization reform, legal documents.



The Media Image of the Multinational Transcarpathia: The Problems of the Search for Ethnic and Civil Identities - Pages 2972-2983

Yuriy M. Bidzilya, Yevhen O. Solomin, Nataliia V. Tolochko, Halyna V. Shapovalova and Yaroslava M. Shebeshtian

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.362

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The article is concerned with the media image of Transcarpathia in the light of the formation of ethnic and civil identities of the auditory of Ukraine’s westernmost region. The peculiarity of this region as a part of the national information space, lies within the fact that the local mass media satisfy the information needs not only in Ukrainian, but also in Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Romani, German, Slovak, and other languages. At the same time while residing in the borderland area and speaking several languages, the Transcarpathian audience has free access to any media product of the four neighboring EU countries. The broad palette of national and non-national media is called to facilitate the formation of the Transcarpathians’ affiliation not only to their ethnic group, but also to the civil (national) identity. To the author’s mind, however, an intentional separatist image of the region is emerging due to the destructive materials, the spreading of information myths both in Ukrainian and foreign mass media. The resolution of these problems is seen by the author in the creation of a distinct media system and development of a national information strategy in Ukraine and in the multi-ethnic borderland areas among others.

Keywords: Multinational information field, ethnic media, intercultural communication, post-communist heritage.



The Prospects of the Arts Promotion in the Context of Limitations and Consequences of Self-Isolation - Pages 2984-2990

Mariya P. Kalashnyk, Iurii M. Novikov, Maryna I. Varakuta, Anton O. Genkin and Daryna D. Kupina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.363

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The rapid development of events related to the coronavirus pandemic has led to a crisis not only in the financial sector, but also in the field of art and culture. According to various international organisations, losses for the sphere of culture and art amount to tens of billions of dollars due to the forced quarantine. Museums and philharmonic societies closed and hundreds of concerts were cancelled. The artists faced a problem – to find and involve an audience in their work, contacting them only via the Internet. Many cultural institutions were able to transfer their resources to the digital sphere quite quickly (using digital resources). The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic forced representatives of the cultural and artistic sector to look for new forms of functioning and communication with the audience. In this regard, this paper is aimed at identifying the consequences of forced self-isolation on the development of art and creativity of specific cultural figures. The leading method for the study of this subject is the method of analysis, which makes it possible to comprehensively assess the following areas: the activities of Ukrainian and world museums, theatres and philharmonic societies during quarantine, their methods of maintaining communication with the audience; the theme of the work of artists and illustrators during the pandemic, their ways to share their work without the possibility of organising exhibitions and art residences; work of musicians in isolation. One of the main conclusions in this situation was the need to use digital technologies as a platform to demonstrate the results of the creative process. Another important issue remains the search for new funding opportunities for the cultural sector during a crisis, since dependence on the state budget and donors can be unstable.

Keywords: Culture, coronavirus pandemic, digital technologies, museums, crisis.



Decentralization as a Basis for Modernisation of Public Administration: European Experience for Ukraine - Pages 2991-3001

Oleksandr Pukhkal, Valentyna Karlova, Ihor Reiterovych, Svitlana Sytnyk and Ivan Tyutyunnik

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.364

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: Ensuring the development of Ukraine as a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, and legal state at the present stage requires, first of all, the establishment of an effective domestic system of public administration. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the modernisation of public administration in European countries. The analysis revealed the specific features of modernisation of public administration at the regional level, typical of the unitary countries of the European Union, close to Ukraine in terms of territorial, demographic, administrative-territorial structure, and other criteria. In particular, the authors explored the features of public administration reforms in France and Poland. Also, steps were identified to intensify modernisation of public administration at the regional level in Ukraine under decentralisation in the context of the experience of European countries. Upon substantiating the results of the study, authors concluded that the adaptation of modernisation of the European experience should take the obvious shortcomings into consideration so as not to exacerbate the problems of relations between different levels of public authority in the regions of Ukraine, which are already familiar to Ukrainian realities.

Keywords: Region, democratisation, public administration, regional level.
