

Historical and Sociological Analysis of the Value World of the Cultural Policy of the Siberian Tatars (The Case Study of the Russian Archive Documents of the 18th – 19th Centuries)  - Pages 546-552 
Farida H. Gilfanova, Tamara V. Khvesko, Rosalia D. Raimova, Tatyana Yu. Pletyago and Eugenia M. Abysheva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.53

Published: 21 September 2020

Abstract: The nature of the cultural policy of the Siberian Tatars and its connection with the value world is described for the first time. This material singles out and describes three levels in the development of the anthroponymys value world in the national cultural policy (ancient, middle-aged, and new Turkic). The authors used comparative methods (investigation of archives) and empirical methods, namely, the generalization of the great human experience, which is formed at the levels of cultural policy forming (ancient, middle-aged, and new Turkic). According to the level of religiousness of the ancient Turks, the system of ideas, which is reflected in the needs and desires due to naive mental activity, the authors singled out the ancient model of constructing their cultural policy or the first ancient level of values in the cultural policy of the Siberian Tatars. The anthroponyms system of the Siberian Tatars is an axiological worldview observing objective and subjective evaluative attitudes. The subject in the cultural policy becomes familiar with the value world of name-giving, the system of ideas or ideology appears, which is transformed into a certain stage of development. Cultural policy in the ancient period was created but it is changed in the modern world. The novelty of the study is in the fact that the object category was studied in the cultural policy of Siberian Tatars indefinitely. Our investigation showed interrelation between human being and his experience (object and subject). Our motivation to study the value world of the cultural policy of the Siberian Tatars is supported by the idea that harmony and peace between cultures is possible only in the way of value world and its priorities understanding. New research results complement theoretical generalizations, open up new conceptual opportunities in solving national problems, and make it possible to formulate new strategic goals in our multinational state. They can improve the implementation of cultural policy by social society in goal setting and identification of national cultural values and priorities in the creation on their basis of targeted programs and expenses.

Keywords: Historical and sociological analysis, Values, Policy, Anthroponyms, Culture, Religion.



The Influence of National Economy Specifics on the Interaction between Universities and Corporations in the Field of Innovation  - Pages 553-562 
Pavel G. Gribov, Andrey L. Lomakin, Marina Ya. Kurganskaya and Maria Z. Kumelashvili

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.54

Published: 21 September 2020

Abstract: Questions of the influence of national economy features on innovation activity do not lose their relevance at the beginning of the XXI century. In different countries of the world, new approaches to stimulating innovation are emerging that take into account the peculiarities of national economies. However, the main problem of such activities remains the speed of movement of new technologies from universities to corporations and the further creation of new products and technologies. The number of patents obtained by various organizations is becoming one of the main indicators of the development of the national economy. It is noted that the relationship between research costs and the number of patents obtained is not as linear as it seems in theory. The practical implementation of diffuse processes in an innovative environment also does not have a linear dependence on the "investment – result". The use of statistical analysis methods allowed us to identify the facts that signal that the model of stimulating innovation activity, formed in the 1980s of the XX century, is losing its advantages. The article examines in detail the progress of higher education reform in the EU countries and identifies the key features of combining scientific organizations to create large multidisciplinary research centers. The authors conclude that the experience of such a reform in France is very interesting to study in Russia. It is noted that since the 2000s. in the United States and the European Union, questions are raised about the revision of the University tax system, as well as changes in the legal status of educational organizations. Similar trends occur in Russia, however, due to historical and social processes, they have their specifics. According to the authors, the regulation of taxation of scientific activities leads to the formation of unique elements of the economic mechanism for stimulating innovation.

Keywords: Innovation activity, intellectual property, higher education, entrepreneurial university, intellectual capital.



Socio-Economic Impact of the Creation and Operation of Mega-Science Projects  - Pages 563-571 
N.N. Nurakhov, A.S. Malyshev, Е.А. Kolesnikova and N.Yu. Tsvetus

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.55

Published: 21 September 2020

Abstract: Challenges of development facing society and states require efforts consolidation, in the research field in particular. Therefore, to organize international cooperation and to conduct basic and applied research, mega-science infrastructures are being created and implemented all over the world. Currently, research facilities of the mega-science class are being created in the Russian Federation. They play an important role in the development of science and the innovation process. The competitiveness of Russian science is a determining factor for ensuring the safety and technological independence of Russia. Therefore, the Federal program for the development of Synchrotron and Neutron research and research infrastructure for 2019-2027 was approved in March 2020.

In the present article, the concept of the socio-economic impact of the operation of large-scale research infrastructure is revealed. The authors refer to the materials on the socio-economic impact analysis, which was based on the data on the Swedish neutron source (European Spallation Source). The article provides a generalized idea of the main indicators for assessing the potential of the research infrastructure as well as their application to characterize the research facilities in the Russian Federation. It is worth highlighting that each large research facility is unique and it is not possible to unify the analysis of the socio-economic impact. However, the obtained results can be used for a similar analysis of research infrastructures, based on the same physical principles and created to solve general scientific problems.

Keywords: Mega-science, large-scale research infrastructure, socio-economic impact, research infrastructure, mega-science projects.



Shariah Assessment Toward the Prosecution of Cybercrime in Indonesia  - Pages 572-586 
Wahyuddin Naro, Abdul Syatar, Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin, Islamul Haq, Achmad Abubakar and Chaerul Risal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.56

Published: 21 September 2020

Abstract: This research aims to uncover how Islamic criminal acts towards social media crimes. This study also elaborates on how Islam assesses Indonesian criminal prosecution against social media crimes. The approach used is a juridical normative to assess the criminal law system in force in Indonesia with the Islamic criminal perspective as grand theory. The results found that crime through social media was adapted with the crime in Islamic law namely Hudūd, qisas diyat and tazir. This research also found that the Indonesian legal system provides legal rewards for perpetrators of crimes through social media charged with the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Law still needs to be expanded. Crimes through social media most often threatened by the ITE Law are insults to the government or symbols of the state, threatening and defamation of others, insults to others and violating SARA (ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup). Cybercrimes related to adultery, alcoholism and terrorism must be considered because they are a serious threat. Prison penalties and fines that are most often sentenced to perpetrators of social media crimes include part of criminal tazir which is following Islamic criminal law.

Keywords: Cybercrime, ITE law, Islamic Criminal Law.
