

Social Security and Population Ageing in Vietnam: A Guarantee for the Elderly People’s Life  - Pages 381-390 
Binh Thanh Dao, Ngoc ThiBich Tran, Galina Anzelmovna Barysheva and Lam Si Tran

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.37

Published: 07 September 2020

Abstract: Demographic change affects the socio-economic development of any country. In Vietnam, the population and housing censuses from 1989 to 2019 showed an appreciable increasing proportion of the elderly in the total population and fast ageing pace. Older people have many difficulties in their life. Among them, only 27% have pensions or stable incomes, and the rest 73% live without pensions, facing many difficulties. Vietnam is a developing country, and social security policies are in the process of completion. Therefore, improving the social security system, as well as creating opportunities for active ageing and wellbeing for older people, was one of the strategic goals of the Long-Term Development Plan that Vietnam’s government has been carried out for more than half a century. In this article, the issues of demographic change, population ageing, social security system, social assistance and pension benefits as the actual sociological problem are studied by using quantitative methods and comparative analysis approach to confirm the research questions; the proposals made by the authors can be helpful for today’s reforming social security system in Vietnam and social policy making in context of ageing in Vietnam where a large number of elderly people do not have any social benefits.

Keywords: Demographic change, Population ageing, Pension scheme, Social pension, Social protection.



Family Policy in the Context of the Transition to Sustainable Development: A Comparative Analysis of Russia and Kazakhstan  - Pages 391-399 
Zhuldyzay Iskakova and Nataliya Kalashnikova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.38

Published: 07 September 2020

Abstract: Despite the crisis of values that is characteristic of many countries in the world, family remains the focus of the state policy for most of them. It is recognized as the basic social unit of society, whose level of development inevitably affects the progress of the entire society. In this sense, families are active agents for achieving sustainable development goals. Thus, the progress of families will inevitably affect the progress of their communities and societies. This research paper considers a wide range of issues relating to family policy in Central Asian countries, with particular emphasis on the national policy in the field of family relations in Kazakhstan and Russia. The authors consider the concept of family policy and its impact on the family institution, study the role and importance of such a policy in the modern context, as well as analyze the conditions for the formation of the family policy during the USSR period and after the independence of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: Family policy, Family institution, Marriage, Civil society institutions.



How Self Control and Situational Pressure Influence the Tendency to Receive Gratification: An Experimental Study  - Pages 400-414 
Dodik Ariyanto, Gilang Maulana Firdaus, Maria Mediatrix Ratna Sari, Ayu Aryista Dewi, I Made Gilang Jhuniantara

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.39

Published: 07 September 2020

Abstract: This study aimed to produce empirical evidence on tendency differences to accept gratuities between individuals with a high level of self-control and a low level of self-control, the conditions are the presence or absence of situational pressure. The method used is an experiment with a 2x2 factorial design. A total of 136 officers and staff in the Directorate General of State Bali region become research participants. The data were processed with statistical parametric, two-way ANOVA. The results showed that individuals with high levels of self-control have a lower tendency to accept gratuities than participants with lower levels of self-control. However, this study did not obtain empirical evidence indicating situational pressures experienced by the individual can affect the tendency to accept gratuities. Interaction hypothesis testing showed that the interaction between the individual levels of self-control and situational pressures experienced affects the tendency to accept gratuities.

Keywords: Gratification, corruption, self-control and situational pressures.



Three Major Interrelated Factors Contributing to Homelessness Issue among Former Prisoners in Malaysia  - Pages 415-430 
Mohd Alif Bin Jasni, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah and Norruzeyati Che Mohd Nasir

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.40

Published: 11 September 2020

Abstract: Homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia upon their release is of great concern. Hence, this study aimed to identify the predominant factors influencing homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia. Imprisonment is usually assumed to be a negative life event and can act as a hindrance for the former prisoner to successfully integrate after being freed from prison. Imprisonment and past criminal records are the biggest contributors to becoming homeless. This is a fact because imprisonment causes the former prisoners to lose his source of income, personal belongings, ability to seek shelter and personal relationships due to family rejection, addiction and unemployment. This study was based on the Ecological Model of Homeless by Nooe and Patterson. The selection of this model was considered appropriate and aligned with the objectives of the study which aimed to identify the factors that lead to the life of the homeless among former prisoners. In this study, nineteen former prisoners, regardless of the type of offence committed, were selected using the snowball sampling method and were interviewed. The findings revealed that family denial, unemployment, and drug addiction were the three major interrelated factors that contribute to the homelessness issue among the former prisoners during their reintegration process. Housing security is a risk factor of homelessness.

Keywords: Homelessness, former prisoners, family rejection, addiction and unemployment.
