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The number of pages is at the authors' discretion; on an average, papers are 10-25 pages long. When developing your article for publication, we firmly advise you to pay particular attention to your research methods, key results, and language.
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Manuscript Preparation:
Manuscripts presented for research and review articles in the respective journal should be split into the following sections:
- Title
- Title Page
- Structured Abstract
- Keywords
- Text Aim
- Conclusion
- List of Abbreviations (if any)
- Approval for Publication
- Availability of Data and Materials
- Funding
- Conflict of Interest
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Appendices
- Figures/Illustrations (if any)
- Tables (if any)
- Supportive/Supplementary Material (if any)
The title should be specific and concise; and must not be more than 15 words. Information about the type of study should be a part of the title (especially for detailed reviews, and meta-analyses).
Title Page:
The title page should combine article’s title, author (s) full name and affiliation, corresponding author(s) name, institutional affiliation/address, and e-mail.
Authors should also present a short 'running title'. The title, running title, and keywords (as shown in the original manuscript) should be rewritten in the title page.
Structured Abstract:
An article's abstract should be its clear, concise, and precise summary, not exceeding 250 words. It must include the specific sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold).
The headings can be adjusted but must state the purpose of the study, details of the methods, principal results, and conclusion.
The author must provide 6 to 8 keywords. Keep important and relevant keywords that researchers in your field will attempt so that your article will emerge in a database search. The keywords may be contained in the title, and should appear frequently in the article.
Main Text:
The main text should begin on a separate page and split into the title, abstract, and main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the fields to be discussed, backed by the List of Abbreviations (if any), Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements, and Reference sections. For Review Articles, the manuscript should be prepared into title page, abstract, and the main text. The text may be partitioned further according to the fields to be explained, accompanied by the Acknowledgements and Reference sections. The Review Article should contain a broad discussion starting with the general background of the field and discussing notable previous and current reviews in the area. It should then move on to discuss the remarkable features of recent developments. Presenting material already declared in a former review should be avoided. Authors are advised to show and discuss their observations in conclusion section. Non-assimilated terms from Latin or other languages should be italicized, e.g., per se et al., etc.
For Research Articles, the manuscript should begin with the title page and abstract followed by the key words and main text which needs to be structured into separate sections of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Ethics Approval, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements, and References.
The full term for an abbreviation should introduce its first appearance in the text, except when it is a standard unit of measurement.
The Introduction section should include the background and aims of the research comprehensively.
Materials and Methods:
This section provides details of the methodology used along with information on any previous efforts with corresponding references. The author should include details for further modifications and research. Sufficient information should be provided to the reader about the original data source to enable the analysis, appropriateness, and verification of the results reported in the study.
The Method Section needs to be sufficiently detailed regarding the data presented and the results produced from it. This section should include all the information and protocol gathered for the study. If the research is funded or financially supported by an organization, it should be mentioned in the Method Section. Methods must be result-oriented. The statement regarding the approval by an independent review committee (local, regional or national e.g., the ethics committee or institutional review board) should be a part of the Methods Section.
The essential and main findings of the study should come first in the Results Section. The tables, figures, and references should be given in sequence to emphasize the vital information or observations related to the research. The author should avoid the repetition of data in tables and figures and results should be presented precisely. If the research yields some negative/unsupportive results, authors should ethically also mention these in this section.
The author should explore the significance of the results of the research, and the results must be discussed with reference to previous literature published on the topic. However, extensive discussion of previously published studies must be avoided.
The Results and discussions sections may be presented separately, or these may be combined in a single section with short and informational headings.
The author must give a small paragraph summarizing the article's contents and research outcome at the end of the article under the Conclusion section. Proposing further study on the subject may also be included in this section.
The authors need to declare the funding sources of their manuscripts (if applied) clearly by providing the name of the funding agency or financial support along with allotted grant/award number in round brackets, for instance,
"This work was financially supported by [name of the funding agency] (Grant number XXX).
Similarly, if an article does not have any particular funding source rather is a part of the profession of the authors, then the name of the employer will be expected. Authors will have to state whether the funder was involved in writing, editing, approval, or decision to publish the article.
Greek Symbols and Special Characters:
Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes and get corrupted or lost while preparing a manuscript for publication. Authors are advised to thoroughly check for these characters while submitting and later on during galley proof of their articles.
List of Abbreviations (if any):
If abbreviations are used in the text, either they should be specified in the text where first used or the author should provide a complete list of abbreviations after the Main text.
If there is a need to present lengthy but essential methodological details, use appendices, which can be a part of the article. A single appendix should be titled as APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.
Supportive/Supplementary Material (if any):
Supportive/Supplementary material intended for publication must be numbered and referred to in the manuscript, but should not be a part of the submitted paper. The author should provide In-text citations and a section with the heading "Supportive/Supplementary Material" before the "References" section.
Research Ethics and Policies
Conflict of Interest:
The author must acknowledge financial contributions and any possible conflict of interest under the heading 'Conflict of Interest'. Authors need to list the source(s) of funding for the research. In case of no conflict of interest it should also be declared in words.
All individuals listed as authors must have devoted substantially to the conception, execution, analysis, or summarizing of the work and are required to indicate their particular contribution. Anyone (individual/company/institution) who has substantially contributed to studying important intellectual content or was involved in drafting or revising the manuscript must also be acknowledged.
Guest or honorary authorship based solely on position (e.g., research supervisor, departmental head) is discouraged.
Unethical Behavior:
Anyone may point out unethical behavior and misconduct to the Editor and Publisher with enough shreds of evidence. In consultation with the Publisher, the Editor will initiate an investigation against this Unethical misconduct, complete the procedure until an unbiased decision is reached, and maintain confidentiality throughout the process. The author will be contacted to find reply to all minor or major accusations.
In case of serious breaches, the employer/ institution of the authors may be informed by the publishers, where appropriate, by the Editor/Publisher, after reviewing all available information and shreds of evidence or seeking help from experts in that field.
Consent for Publication:
If the manuscript has individuals' data, such as personal detail, audio-video material, etc., the individual's consent should be taken by the author. In children's cases, such permission should be obtained from the parent or the legal guardian of the child.
References follow the text in a section headed REFERENCES (use first-level head format identified earlier).
All references should be double-spaced and use a hanging indent.
Use title case for all titles (capitalize all words except prepositions e.g., of, between, through; articles i.e., a, an, and the; and conjunctions e.g., but, and, or; however, capitalize these if they begin the title or the subtitle).
Capitalize only the first word in hyphenated compound words, unless the second word is a proper noun or adjective (for example, don’t capitalize it in The Issue of Self-preservation for Women, but do capitalize it in Terrorist Rhetoric: The Anti-American Sentiment).
All references should be in alphabetical order according to the first author’s last name.
Include first names for all authors, rather than initials, but use first-name and middle-name initials if an author used initials in the original publication.
List all authors. It is not acceptable to use et al. in the References section unless the work was authored by a committee.
For repeated authors or editors, include the full name in all references (note: this is a change from the third edition of the ASA Style Guide). Arrange references for the same author in chronological order, beginning with the oldest e.g.,
Baltzell, E. Digby. 1958. Philadelphia Gentlemen. Glencoe, IL: Free Press
Baltzell, E. Digby. 1964. The Protestant Establishment. New York: Random House.
Baltzell, E. Digby. 1976. “The Protestant Establishment Revisited.” American Scholar 45:499-519.
When an author appears in both single-authored references and as the first author in a multiple-authored reference, place all of the single-authored references first, even though they may not be in the proper chronological order.
Hoge Dean R., 1979. "A Test of Theories of Denominational Growth and Decline." Pp. 179-197 in Understanding Church Growth and Decline 1950-1978, edited by D. R. Hoge and D. A. Roozen. New York and Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press.
Hoge Dean R., Benton Johnson, and Donald A. Luidens. 1994. Vanishing Boundaries: The Religion of Mainline Baby Boomers. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.
When the same first author appears in multiple references, arrange them alphabetically by the last name of the second author.
Alba, Richard and Philip Kasinitz, 2006. “Sophisticated Television, Sophisticated Stereotypes.” Contexts 5(4):74-77.
Alba, Richard, John R. Logan, and Brian J. Stults. 2000. “The Changing Neighborhood Contexts of the Immigrant Metropolis.” Social Forces 79(2):587-621.
When including more than one work by the same author(s) from the same year, add letters to the year (2010a, 2010b, 2010c) and then list the references for that author and year alphabetically by title.
Fyfe, James J. 1982a. “Blind Justice: Police Shootings in Memphis.” The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 73(2):707-22.
Fyfe, James J. 1982b. “Race and Extreme Police-Citizen Violence.” Pp. 173-94 in Readings on Police Use of Deadly Force, edited by J. J. Fyfe. New York: Police Foundation.
Reference Examples
Book with One Author
Author's full name, inverted so that last name appears first. Year. Book Title in Title Caps and Italicized. Publishing City: Publisher.
Note that the two-letter state abbreviation should be given only if needed to identify the city. For a publisher located in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, or Boston, for example, it would not be necessary to include the state abbreviation.
Note that the word "volume" is capitalized and abbreviated but not italicized.
Gurr, Ted Robert, ed. 1989. Violence in America. Vol. 1, The History of Crime. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Mason, Karen. 1974. Women's Labor Force Participation. Research Triangle Park, NC: National Institutes of Health.
Book with Two or More Authors
Same as with one author, but do not invert authors’ names after the first author. Separate authors’ names with a comma (unless there are only two authors), and include the word ‘and’ before the final author.
Note that the word “edition” is abbreviated, and not italicized or capitalized.
Corbin, Juliet, and Anselm Strauss. 2008. Basics of Qualitative Research. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Edited Volume (when citing the entire volume)
Same as book reference but add "eds." to denote book editor'(s') name(s).
Hagan, John and Ruth D. Peterson, eds. 1995. Crime and Inequality. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Chapter in an Edited Volume
Put the chapter title in quotes.
Use Pp. and page numbers to designate where the chapter is found in the volume.
Italicize the book title, then give the book editor’(s’) name(s).
Do not invert editor'(s)' name(s).
Use initials instead of first and middle names for editor(s).
Clausen, John. 1972. "The Life Course of Individuals." Pp. 457-514 in Aging and Society. Vol. 3, A Sociology of Stratification, edited by M.W. Riley, M. Johnson, and A. Foner. New York: Russell Sage.
Scholarly Journal Article
Author's full name (inverted so that last name appears first). Year. “Article Title in Title Caps and in Quotes.”, Journal Title in Title Caps and Italicized Volume Number (Issue Number):page numbers of article.
Note that there is no space after the colon preceding page numbers.
For multiple authors, invert last name of first author only. Separate authors’ names with commas, unless there are only two author. Use and between last two authors.
Conger Rand. 1997. "The Effects of Positive Feedback on Direction and Amount of Verbalization in a Social Setting." American Journal of Sociology 79:1179-259.
Coe Deborah L. and James D. Davidson. 2011. “The Origins of Legacy Admissions: A Sociological Explanation.” Review of Religious Research 52(3):233-47.
Magazine or Newspaper Article
Ziff, Larzer. 1995. "The Other Lost Generation," Saturday Review, February 20, pp. 15-18.
Newspaper Article (author unknown) Lafayette Journal & Courier. 1998. Newspaper editorial. December 12, p. A-6.
Public Documents: Because the nature of public documents is so varied, the form of entry for documentation cannot be standardized. The essential rule is to provide sufficient information so that the reader can locate the reference easily.
Reports, Constitutions, Laws, and Ordinances
New York State Department of Labor. 1997. Annual Labor Area Report: New York City, Fiscal Year 1996 (BLMI Report, No. 28). Albany: New York State Department of Labor.
Ohio Revised Code Annotated, Section 3566 (West 2000).
Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-014, 110 U.S. Statutes at Large 56 (1996).
U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1990. Characteristics of Population. Vol. 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 4.
Legislation Examples
Court cases and legislative acts follow a format stipulated by legal publishers.
The act or case is listed first, followed by volume number, abbreviated title, and the date of the work in which the act or case is found.
The volume number is given in Arabic numerals, and the date is parenthesized.
Court cases are italicized, but acts are not.
Case names, including v., are italicized.
Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).
If retrieved from an online database, such as LexisNexis or HeinOnline, provide access information.
Ohio v. Vincer (Ohio App. Lexis 4356 [1999]).
U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. H.R. 2. 110th Congress, 1st Session, 2007. Retrieved July 11, 2010 (
Unpublished Materials
Name of author. Year. Title of Presentation. Location where the article was presented or is available or has been accepted for publication but has not yet been published.
Conger, Rand D. Forthcoming. “The Effects of Positive Feedback on Direction and Amount of Verbalization in a Social Setting.” Sociological Perspectives.
Smith, Tom. 2003. “General Social Survey.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 16, Atlanta, GA.
Dissertation or Thesis
King, Andrew J. 1976. “Law and Land Use in Chicago: A Pre-history of Modern Zoning.” PhD dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Print Edition of a Book Accessed through an Online Library
Daniels, John. 2010. Apathetic College Students in America. Middletown, IL: University of Middletown Press. Retrieved April 6, 2011 (give complete link of the reference).
Archival Sources
Meany Archives, LRF, Box 6, March 18, 1970. File 20. Memo, conference with Gloster Current, Director of Organization, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Electronic Sources
For electronic references, follow the same guidelines as for print references, adding information about the medium, such as the URL and date of access.
For online periodicals (journals, magazines, and newspapers), use the same format as for printed periodicals, unless they are available ONLY in online form. In that case, simply add the date viewed and the URL for retrieving the article.
Manuscript Writing Style
For preparing and general formatting of your manuscript for IJCS follow the ASA Style Guide which specifies a particular style of writing for presenting sociological work. Below given guidelines will help authors to draft their manuscript according to IJCS requirements.
Generally, avoid writing in the first person, unless instructed to do so. Avoid giving an opinion, unless the purpose of the writing is to make an argument.
Use the active voice (click here to view the OWL's resources on active voice).
Spell out words such as percent, chi-square and versus, rather than using their abbreviations (except when presenting data in tables or graphs).
Avoiding Plagiarism
Whenever using data that someone else collected; or referring to that data; or using another person’s ideas whether published, unpublished, or available electronically; give reference to the author(s). This also applies whether quoting their work verbatim or paraphrasing it.
Lifescience Global Canada Inc. uses an up-to-date software, which detects instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. This software controls content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and an extensive article database. It generates a similarity report, highlighting the percentage overlap between the uploaded article and the published material. For further details please see editorial policies.
Use straightforward language avoiding jargon, superlatives, wordy phrases and common expressions. Pay close attention to essential grammatical issues as consistent use of verb tenses and accuracy in spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, and following a well-thought-out outline.
Unless gendered terms are important to the analysis or demographics, use non-gendered terms wherever possible.
Instead of man, men, or mankind, use person, people, individual, or humankind e.g.,
“Then there will be peace for mankind” becomes “Then there will be peace for humankind”.
When appropriate, use a plural noun (people) or a pronoun (they). Replace gendered pronouns with an article when possible (instead of hers). e.g., “A girl can play her guitar” becomes “People can play their guitars”/ “A person can play the guitar”.
Race and Ethnicity
Avoid racial and ethnic stereotyping.
Be as specific as possible when using terms that describe a race or ethnicity e.g.,
Chinese is more specific than Asian; Puerto Rican is more specific than Latino.
Use the following terms:
* African American (no hyphen)
* black (not capitalized)
* white (not capitalized)
* Hispanic, Chicano, Latino/Latina (Latino if gender is unknown or known to be male; Latina if known to be female)
* American Indian or Native American (no hyphen)
* Asian or Asian American (no hyphen)
Avoid using the following:
* Negro
* Afro-American
* Oriental
Acronym Usage
The first time you use an acronym, you should give the full name with the acronym in parenthesis.
Afterward, you can use only the acronym. e.g., According to a Department of Energy (DoE) report...
Later in the text:
The DoE suggests that.
Verb Tense
Different sections of a paper may call for different verb tenses but use the same tense within each section.
Literature Review
Use the past tense to communicate that the research being reviewed has been completed e.g.,
In their study of declining congregations, Hoge and Roozen (1979) found that institutional factors were also important.
It is possible to mix tenses if it helps to explain the finding e.g.,
In their study of declining congregations, Hoge and Roozen (1979) found that institutional factors may also help to explain the congregational decline.
Methods Section
Use the past tense to explain the methods used in the research.
“Data collection consisted of twenty interviews in each congregation between the months of November 2010 and February 2011.’’
Results Section
Use either past or present tense but don’t mix them.
‘These results suggest that institutional factors do help explain the congregational decline.’
‘These results suggested that institutional factors did help explain the congregational decline.’
Use only single space after punctuation marks (do not use two spaces between sentences).
Punctuation marks should be in the same font (including italics) as the text that precedes it. (Note: this is a change from the previous usage in The Chicago Manual of Style). ‘The respondent replied, “I loved the movie, Crash!” ’
When numbering a series of items in a list, use the convention (1), (2), (3) rather than 1. or 1).
‘The study finds that three variables are important predictors of openness to outside groups: (1) endorsement of the group, (2) political climate, and (3) cultural compatibility.’
Figures / Tables / Illustrations (if any):
The authors are expected to submit good-quality figure(s) in PDF, PPT, MS Word, TIFF, or JPEG versions.
- Width = 8.5 inches (In-between the required size)
- Height = 11 inches (In-between the required size)
All figures should be in vector scale (except half tone, photograph.)
Data Tables should be submitted in Microsoft Word or Excel format.
- Each table should include a title/caption explaining the details discussed in the table. Detailed legends may then follow.
- Table number in bold font, i.e., Table 1, should follow a title. The title should be in small case with the first letter in caps.
- Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring that the borders of each cell are performed as black lines.
- Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially in order of their citation in the body of the text.
- Reference cited in both the table and text, please insert a lettered footnote to refer to the numbered reference in the text.
- It is adequate to present data in Tables to avoid unnecessary repetition and reduce the length of the text.
- The author must ensure the citation of each table in the text.
- The author should explain symbols and non-standard abbreviations at the end of the text.
Manuscripts containing language inconsistencies will not be published. Authors should seek professional assistance for correcting grammatical and typographical errors before submitting the revised version of the article for publication.
Authors are required to proofread the PDF versions of their manuscripts before submission. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned within 48 hours.
The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the revised manuscript, including all proposed amendments, is endorsed by all authors.
All papers submitted for publication are immediately subjected to preliminary editorial scrutiny by the handling editor of the manuscript regarding their suitability. The Editor determines if the manuscript:
- Falls within the scope of the journal and
- Meets the editorial criteria of Lifescience Global Canada Inc. in terms of originality and quality.
Manuscripts that appear suitable are then subjected to double-blind peer-review by, usually two, neutral eminent experts. The services of well-known international experts are sought through invitations to peer-review a submitted manuscript, keeping in view the manuscript's scope and the reviewers' expertise. The anonymity of reviewers ensures objective and unbiased assessment of the manuscript by the reviewers.
The editorial process and peer-review workflow for each journal are taken care of by a team of Senior Editors, Editorial Board Members (EBMs), and dedicated Journal managers who have the required expertise in their specific fields.
After receiving reviewers’ comments the Editors may recommend acceptance, revision, or rejection of a manuscript based on these comments.
Reviewer's comments may be categorized as:
- Requires minor changes
- Requires major changes
- Rejected but may be resubmitted
- Rejected with no resubmission
The authors are usually requested to resubmit the revised paper within five days, and it may then be returned to the reviewers for further evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal is the final authority to accept or reject the manuscript.
- The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted is 1 week after submission.
- The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted 4-6 weeks
- The average time in which the article is published 8 weeks
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For obtaining permission for reproducing any material published in an article by Lifescience Global Canada Inc. for consideration.
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