Publishing Ethics And Integrity

Below are the essentials of Lifescience Global’s publishing ethics for all groups involved in its publishing process:

Editors' Ethical Responsibilities:

  • Editors-in-Chief of Lifescience Global are responsible for making critical editorial decisions on all peer-reviewed articles submitted in their journals.
  • Although every effort is made to ensure that all published content by Lifescience Global journal is final and reliable to cite, we held our editors responsible for maintaining the transparency of the academic research and record. Therefore, if any case of retraction, rectification, and erratum arises, editors should give special attention to publish the respective note.
  • The editor should exclude every sort of conflict of interest for the article that they review. Assessing manuscripts for their scientific quality and intellectual content is their major responsibility. They are ethically required to make unbiased decisions free from any discrimination of race, gender, geographical origin, or religion of the author(s).
  • The editor should evaluate all manuscripts factually based on their academic merit and free of any commercial or self-interests.
  • The editors should maintain the confidentiality of every submission, and not disclose any information regarding submitted manuscripts before their final publication.
  • Promoting research righteousness must be preserved.
  • If an editor suspects any misconduct in research, he/she should start its prompt and detailed investigation with respective authority. Editor must follow up the case asking relevant editorial staff till final resolution of the issue.
  • Any suspicious activity during peer-review should also be resolved with diligence. Editors are encouraged to view and COPE flowchart in cases of suspected reviewer misconduct in this regard.
  • Lifescience Global editors are supposed to manage Competing interest issues according to COPE’s directives, details of which may be found at,

Reviewers' Ethical Responsibilities:

  • Reviewers of Lifescience Global journals are responsible to provide a timely, detailed, constructive, and unbiased evaluation of all manuscripts that they review.
  • They must include in their reports whether the manuscript’s writing is relevant, and appropriately concise but clear.
  • All reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the complete review process.
  • Reviewers should immediately notify the handling editor of the manuscript about any financial or personal conflict of interest. They may decline to review the manuscript where such a conflict exists.
  • Reviewers should pay attention to ethical concerns while reviewing the. In case of suspected unethical publishing practices, such as any ethical violation of participants of the study, or any considerable similarity between a previously published article and the reviewed manuscript should be immediately reported to the concerned editor.

All reviewers are instructed to follow COPE guidelines which may be further viewed at

Authors' Ethical Responsibilities:

  • Authors have the responsibility of ensuring that all works in the manuscript are original and free from any kind of plagiarism.
  • The work should not have been published elsewhere (including in any other language) or submitted to any other journal(s) at the time of submission to Lifescience Global.
  • Any possible conflict of interest needs to be acknowledged.
  • Proper acknowledgments to others’ work must be provided (of any individual, company, or institution).If some content of the article has been used from other sources, adequate permission must be obtained and clearly mentioned in the article.
  • Only those who have made any substantial contribution to the presentation or organization of the submitted work should be listed as 'Authors.' At the same time, other contributors should be acknowledged. At least one of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author.
  • If authors detect some significant error in their published manuscript by Lifescience Global journal’, it is their responsibility to immediately contact the journals team at The assigned editor will then handle the authors’ concerns and resolve the issue.

Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities:

Lifescience Global is dedicated to work with journal editors, defining clearly their relevant roles to ensure appropriate decisions regarding publication procedures and maintaining the transparency of editorial decisions.

Lifescience Global ensures the integrity, autonomy, and originality of each published article concerning:

  • Publication ethics and honesty
  • Conflict of interests
  • Confidentiality
  • Article modifications
  • Timely publication of content
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