
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Model of the Formation of Professional Training of Future Social Pedagogy Teachers in the Conditions of the University  - Pages 567-572

G. Menlibekova, E. Zhumankulova, A. Kurmankulov, S. Ybray, K. Balazhanova and Tussupbekova Gulmira

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.34
Published: 14 October 2020


Abstract: Scientific and technical progress in era of globalization, as well as socio-economic changes occurring in the global world requires the enhancement in the field of science, education, and culture also lead to the innovations on pedagogical science, modern school, and the development of the teacher personality. The school faces the task of forming a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality. Along with this, the vocational orientation of the student's personality already at the school level becomes most relevant, especially with the introduction of a 12-year education at school.

Among all above mentioned, a special place is given to a social pedagogue's personality, since his professional activity acquires qualitatively new characteristics. Social pedagogue is a link between the school and other institutions, between parents and students, and can carry out their work in multifunctional areas such as socio-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, socio-legal and socio-economic sphere. Social pedagogue should also assist students in the professional orientation to develop themselves in competitive environment.

This research aims to analyze the formation of professional training of future social pedagogy teachers in the conditions of the University. And in order to achieve this goal to do some tasks. We need to describe the process of professional training of teachers and do research on its condition at the university level.

All these areas contain various aspects of the activity, and the preparation of future social teachers at the university level should be systematic, practice-oriented, and carried out at the very early stages of preparation at the University. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality of training should also change.

Keywords: Model, formation, professional, training, future, social, pedagogy, teachers, University.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Development Process of the Ecological Education in Independent Kazakhstan  - Pages 573-579

Primbetova Aigul and Baltabayeva Gaukhar

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.35
Published: 14 October 2020


Abstract: Today, the world community understands that one of the main reasons for the emergence of the global ecological crisis is the low education level, including the ecological one. On the 21st century threshold, the individual's ecological development is becoming a priority and a meaning-forming factor in state education policy. In many ways, it acts not only as a means of preserving nature but also of human civilization as a whole.

This study recommends theorizing and establishing ecological education among learners. The future teacher needs to connect diverse thoughts about ecology and attempt to understand effective practices to cultivate a space of reflection for students and devise effective ways and methodologies to foster ecological education skills thought among student learners.

The purpose of the present study was to collect and analyze environmental education undertaken with various subjects. For systematic analysis, selected databases and journals were analyzed across pre-determined criteria.

The close examination resulted in 11 studies reporting the effects of the interventions (e.g., hands-on practices, field trip activities) and 4 studies reporting participants' views on the effects of the interventions in general. Later, these studies were subjected to content analysis to present the trends and to synthesize the common findings of the selected studies. The techniques and instructions used as the intervention in these selected studies were observed to contribute to the development of participants' gains associated with knowledge of the environment and nature, perception of nature, environmental effect, responsible environment behaviors, and conception and understanding of science.

Keywords: Development, process, ecological, education, Independent Kazakhstan.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Future Pedagogy Teachers Readiness Formation in Dual-Oriented Education  - Pages 586-591

Aitenova Elmira, Ibraimova Leskul, Smanova Alua, Sultanbek Malik, Beknazarov Zhambyl and Shalabayeva Laura

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.37
Published: 14 October 2020


Abstract: The socio-economic development of society puts forward new requirements for the teacher of training: he must be competent, educated, informed, have developed thinking. The professionalism of future teachers of training is of priority importance, and its formation is a necessary condition for the intensification of education.

The scientific search for a solution to the problem of the formation of professionalism among future teachers of training is aimed at resolving the contradictions between:

- the need of society for training specialists with a high level of professionalism and an insufficient level of their professional training; the need for personnel with a high> level of professionalism, and the undeveloped process of forming the professionalism of teachers of training at a university; the practical need for the purposeful development of the professionalism of future teachers and the existing conditions for organizing their professional development in an engineering and pedagogical university; the expediency of creating a developmental space and the existing traditional approach to the development of professionalism among future teachers of training at a university.

This research aims to analyze future pedagogy teachers' readiness formation in dual-oriented education.

It is possible to resolve these contradictions based on scientific support for the integration process of development and formation of the personality of the future teacher.

With regard to the topic of the research, we are talking about rethinking the goals and social essence of the training process.

In this paper, we have analyzed the training programmes offered to the teachers, surveying the effects and benefits of professional advancement on creating new knowledge and improving the quality of teaching. The survey results have verified the main hypothesis regarding the effect of professional readiness development in raising the quality of teaching, but they have not verified a completely auxiliary hypothesis that views (considers) as a mechanism to meet the professional development needs of teachers.

Keywords: Professional, training, teachers, Kazakhstan, dual education.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Pedagogical Conditions for Reflexive Culture Improvement of Future Teachers  - Pages 580-585

Belegova Aliya, M. Bulakbayeva, E. Barangulov, A. Kenjan, S. Koshimbetova and Tussupbekova Gulmira

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.36
Published: 14 October 2020


Abstract: Changes in the socio-political and economic guidelines of modern society have led to the advancement of new requirements for a university graduate to his preparedness level. A market economy with the fierce competition requires specialists who are sensitive to creative work, highly professional, mobile, capable of finding and implementing new, effective forms of organizing their activities.

The research problem is to search for pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of professional-pedagogical reflection in future teachers in the process of studying at a university.

The purpose of the research is to identify the level of developed skills in reflexive culture and experimentally prove the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional-pedagogical reflection of the students of the educational faculties and enhance future teacher reflexive culture, especially of the teacher of physical training.

Drawing on educational practices at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (KAZNPU) further, this paper presents the results of the future teacher reflexive culture (RC) enhancement process. It presents various content-based approach models-including those that have been developed at the KAZNPU and, examines the decision-making process of future teacher reflexive culture enhancement for a particular educational setting.

This research comes to the conclusion that during the development of future teachers’ reflexive culture, it is necessary to use the set of methodological tools supporting the educational process.

Keywords: Pedagogical conditions, future, teacher, reflexive, culture, enhancement.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Features of Non-Verbal Communication in Children with Intellectual Disabilities  - Pages 592-593

Oksana V. Zashchirinskaia

Published: 27 November 2020

