
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Academic Anxiety of Vietnamese Secondary School Students as a Reason for Applying Online Learning  - Pages 730-739

Phan Trong Ng, Vu Dung, Le Minh Nguyet, Vu Thi Khanh Linh, Hoang Thanh Thuy and Nguyen Thi Tinh

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.16
Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: Academic anxiety is one of the major problems in student psychology across the world. It applies equally to students of all ages, from elementary school to college and university students. Research shows that learning online is an effective way to defuse feelings of academic anxiety. Elimination of anxiety is clearly visible regardless of age, gender, or prior online learning experience. The study aims to identify academic anxiety as one of the most important reasons for moving to online learning or blended learning in secondary school. The study investigated academic anxiety among secondary school students in Vietnam. After surveying 677 students in classroom learning, the results showed that 13.7% of secondary students suffered from frequent anxiety, and 3.0% of them suffered from very frequent anxiety. Lower anxiety was observed among students actively participated in-class activities, and students with excellent academic performance. These factors can be optimally enhanced through blended and online learning. There were no differences in academic anxiety among male and female students, urban and rural students. There was a moderate correlation between a student's anxiety level and pressure of the school, parental expectations, students' motivation for high performance, and especially, among students who have the melancholic temperament. And the influence of these negative factors can also be optimally reduced with the help of online learning. Regression model could provide useful suggestions for parents, teachers and students in reducing academic anxiety for students, including the use of full or blended online learning.

Keywords: Online learning, anxiety, secondary school students, parenting style, temperament, academic motivation.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Communication Barriers in a Ukrainian Family: Adultery and Socio-Psychological Aspects  - Pages 740-750

Hlib A. Prib and Svitlana S. Bondar

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.17

Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: A common cause of disruption of family communication is adultery, which creates a traumatic situation and even leads to family destruction. The purpose of the article is to investigate sexual and psychosocial disorders in family communication under adultery—research methods. The study used validity methods «Eysenck Inventory of Attitudes to Sex» and «Diagnostics of the inferiority complex». Statistical methods. For the non-parametric data correlation variables, the Spearman coefficient was used, Kendall's, Pearson's.

Results: The present study found the destructive effect of the psychological characteristics of sexuality on family functioning in CGA. The connection between disappointment with existing sexual relations and desire for sexual satisfaction was established (p <0.05). Conflicts between beliefs and internal impulses were detected (p <0.05). It was found that treating a partner as a sexual object without finding sensual pleasure correlated with intolerance to a verbal description of bed scenes (p <0.05). Sexual shyness is a characteristic of couples with sexual inactivity and aversion to sexual manifestations (p <0.05). In turn, the difficulty of acquiring sexual excitement correlated with a fascination with only physical sex without its spiritual component (p <0.05).

Conclusion: Features of the psychological response of men and women in CGA and CG in the genesis and development of impaired family life are connected to the following: a great number of complexes and constant struggle with personal weaknesses, drawbacks, mistakes; fear of analyzing oneself and one's own actions by "hiding" and "postponing" the resolution; inflated self-esteem, self-deception, living in the so-called "imaginary world", low communication (p <0.05).

Keywords: Psychological features, sexuality, adultery, inferiority complex, psycho-emotional issues, family interaction.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Reality of the World and the Multidimensionality of the Reality of the Individual: The Semantic Meaning of Architecture of Consciousness  - Pages 749-758

Svitlana M. Kalishchuk

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.18

Published: 09 December 2020


Abstract: In psychology, the world's multidimensionality is manifested in the study of consciousness, in identifying the methodological foundations of psychology and psychology of consciousness. The structure of the multidimensional world of a man is described from the point of view of the subject's understanding of the characteristic features of the realities where man lives. Aims of study are to formulate and consider the problem of the world's reality and the multidimensionality of the reality of the individual in the perspective of the semantic architecture of consciousness and within the framework of a holistic model of representation of the psychology of understanding the human world. The pragmatic aim of the present research is to set a quantitative measure in which a person is drawn into virtual reality (TER). The meta-analysis of publications with quantitative empirical data reporting on the results of staff training using virtual and augmented reality. The criteria of the search were that articles must be published exceptionally in peer-reviewed journals and be issued not older than in 2017. The platform for the effective search was the Google Scholar search engine. The transfer efficiency factor (TER) was the key element of the analysis. All gathered data extracted from the relevant literature sources were interpreted through observation, description, quantitative calculation, complex analysis, methods of comparison, generalization, and abstraction method. Although learning conditions with more virtual immersion lead to slightly worse results than real learning conditions, most people show similar results after learning, regardless of the level of virtual immersion. The inhomogeneity of acceptance by individuals of virtual reality is found out in quantitative data of the considered studies. The average score for the performance of each training condition represented in the scientific works considered for this study, as well as the 95% confidence interval, was calculated. It was found out that the value of TER 0.5 turned into a percentage by multiplication by 100%, indicates that training on the simulator can reduce the time of personal training by half. Presence is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in the human mind, not in specific technologies. The usage of virtual reality in learning affects the sense of presence and immersion. It directly affects an individual's perception of world reality. At the same time, the individual consciously accepts the picture of simulated reality, which emphasizes the multidimensionality of the individual's reality.

Keywords: Multidimensionality of the reality, the reality of the individual, the architectonics of consciousness, transfer efficiency factor (TER), confidence interval, passive perfectionism.



Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Scope of Social Work Practice for Families of Children with Down Syndrome  
- Pages 740-748

Bilal Ahmad Khan, Wakar Amin Zargar and Shabir Ahmad Najar

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.17

Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: Social work practice takes place at micro, mezzo, and macro levels between persons with disabilities in families and other social institutions, such as schools, health systems, and welfare systems. Drawing from multidisciplinary theoretical sources, the article brings together social work and family therapy to develop a possible social work intervention for families of children with Down syndrome. The primary purpose of these interventions is to aid clients in alleviating problems and improving their well being. Social workers must think creatively about interventions that may help the individuals, couples, families, and groups or communities they serve. This research is using the literature study method. The results confirm that numerous concerns have to be addressed faced by children with Down syndrome. Toward various issues and challenges faced by people with Down syndrome and their families, social workers have the professional responsibility to provide services and intervention to increase the children with Down syndrome's social functioning and overall well-being of parents.

Keywords: Social worker, Down syndrome, families, Intervention, Jammu and Kashmir.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Differential Typology of Burnout in the Ukrainian Sample  - Pages 759-769

Yurii B. Irkhin, Yuliia Chystovska, Iryna I. Pits, Hanna S. Ryk and Liliia A. Shyrokoradiuk

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.19

Published: 09 December 2020


Abstract: Aim of study is a qualitative classification of manifestations of professional burnout based on quantitative indicators of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficiency. The paper substantiates the need to differentiate the symptoms of burnout from similar manifestations of professional maladjustment and personality disorders. The study involved 355 specialists of socionomic professions from different regions of Ukraine with work experience from 1 to 39 years (50.15% of men, 49.85% of women). Based on the cluster analysis of the three basic symptoms of burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and depersonalisation), the groups of engaged and burned-out employees were identified, as well as qualitative and quantitative differences were showed. A comparative analysis of the groups was carried out for a number of additional diagnostic parameters: emotional attitude to work, the ratio of losses and gains of personal resources, the scale of psychological well-being, loyalty to the organisation. Typological profiles of 8 professional groups were created: effective employees ("engaged", "growing" and "taking" type), ineffective employees ("dependent" and "disengaged-relaxed" type), and three groups representing successive stages of burnout (accumulation of job stress, burnout itself and severe degree, accompanied by psychological distress in all spheres of life). The results allow us to conclude that particular symptoms of depersonalisation and reduction in personal achievements are not a sufficient basis for diagnosing burnout syndrome. The symptom of depersonalisation may be a manifestation of other professional deformations, not caused by burnout. Without combination with other parameters, the professional inefficiency is not a symptom of burnout; this is a common sign of insufficient development of competencies or an erroneous choice of the type of activity. Appropriate ways of organisational and psychological support are proposed.

Keywords: Exhaustion, depersonalisation, professional effectiveness, psychological well-being, organisational loyalty, work-related emotions, cluster analysis, emotion.
