
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Features of the Introduction in Schools of Nonverbal Communication Development Programme for Children with Intellectual Disabilities  - Pages 642-649

Oksana V. Zashchirinskaia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.6

Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: Objective: The present study was conducted to identify the features of nonverbal communication in children.

Background: Nonverbal communication is a significant aspect of interpersonal communication. American scientists have found a strong correlation between low ability to recognise facial expressions, interpretation of postures, and gestures with communication difficulties. Experimental data indicate a positive relationship between the social status of an individual and the ability to interpret nonverbal signals. The general dynamics of the development of a child with disabilities are subject to the same laws as ordinary children. But the peculiarities of children associated with a disturbance of the intellectual sphere lead to the limitation of possibilities to obtain information from the outside world, a change in the methods of communication, difficulties of social adaptation, and impoverishment of social experience.

Method: Students of the first-grades of educational institutions of St. Petersburg were the survey sample. Several public and special schools were randomly selected in order to form the most detailed picture of the development of nonverbal behaviour in children, as well as to obtain the most representative sample for our study. A total of 128 children took part in the study – students of the first-grade (average age – 7.4 years; 47 girls, 81 boys).

Results: A programme of psychological influence was developed to optimise the nonverbal communication of children with intellectual disabilities.

Conclusion: With psychological influence aimed at the development of nonverbal communication among primary schoolers with intellectual disabilities, more intact mental functions associated with the implementation of emotional and behavioural components were taken into account.

Keywords: Students with intellectual disabilities, inclusive education, nonverbal communication methods, children with special educational needs.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Spiritual Culture Formation of Young Teachers in the System of Higher Education: The Way for Social Maturity Development  - Pages 650-656

Zhannur Asetova, Saltanat Abildina, Albina Zh. Anesova, Zaure Kystaubayeva and Anar Ryskeldina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.7
Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: The formation of spiritual culture should be based on the principles that guide every teacher in the implementation of their pedagogical skills in direct learning. The purpose of our study is to substantiate that young teachers' social maturity is characterized not only by the level of knowledge, development of their orientations but also by the degree of personal spiritual culture. We have applied the method of diagnosing a level of young teacher's social maturity development as a moderator in the search for spiritual values, but also a participant in the formation of personal spiritual culture directly at the student himself. Diagnostic sections have shown that the index of general social maturity of young teachers who shape the spiritual culture of students, is growing much faster compared to the young teachers who didn't show the activity of this kind. From the experimental data, it follows that young teachers' activity in creating a pedagogical environment of their school is an effective factor in the intensification of their social maturity formation. Investigating the problem of the formation of social maturity of the individual, a certain system of personal orientations develops, which serves as the basis of spiritual culture, which the student can choose. The authors show that such an opportunity can only be implemented with the teacher's integrated participation as a carrier of moral values. The study's novelty is determined by the fact that each of the participants in the educational process seeks to realize the share and type of moral views for the fulfillment of their personal interests. The study's practical significance is determined by the fact that spiritual culture can be based not only on its private but also on its public perception.

Keywords: Social relations assimilation, level of knowledge, spiritual culture, pedagogical environment.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Study of Psychological Satisfaction of Population with Services of the Primary Health Care Integrated into Public Health  - Pages 662-672

Nabi Yessimov, Nailya Izmailova and Dauletkhan Yessimov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.9

Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: The article aims to examine public opinion to achieve a synergistic effect and thereby integrate primary patient feedback in the organization of the promotion of primary care and public health. The leading method to the study of this problem is the questionnaire survey that has afforded revealing issues of regulation of primary and public health care, and in particular, the state of the psychological attitude of patients to primary health care integrated into the public health system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to study the organization of the Primary Health Care System integrated into Public Health Service, 400 healthcare workers were questioned. The authors also analyzed socio-psychological factors that affect the quality of the provision of qualified primary health care. The practical novelty of the study is that the organization of the synergic system of primary health care and public health is implemented based on the public administration system and local systems of public health evaluation. It was concluded that it is more expedient to build a system of integration of primary health care and public health based on feedback from the people and a formation of a spatially distributed network of public medical organizations, which will reduce the burden on, particularly busy areas.

Keywords: Patient, medical service, public health care, integration, modernisation.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Ways to Enhance Students’ Learning Activities in the Context of Higher Education  
- Pages 657-661

Liza Naviy, Gulmira M. Rakisheva, Nina M. Stukalenko, Saule A. Murzina, Assem T. Duisenbina, Marash T. Koshanova and Guldana N. Kazhatova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.8
Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: The article aims to study scientific and methodological features of the ways to enhance students’ learning activities in the context of higher education. The study's theoretical significance is derived from the in-depth analysis of the development of students' learning activity. The study offers the framework of characteristics for the concept of “students’ learning (cognitive) activity”. The main used methods were: analysis, peer-assessment, self-assessment. The interview method was used to make a cognitive profile of the participants, taking into account their psychological characteristics. The authors developed and scientifically tested educational model based on module curricula and interactive teaching methods to enhance students’ learning activity. The authors also reflected the dynamic of the learning activity of the students with disabilities participating in the experiment. The results proved the effectiveness of the developed model of enhancing students' learning activity by using interactive teaching methods. It was concluded that the module curricular and active teaching methods help enhance students with disabilities' learning activity and make them more responsible in respect to the results of their study.

Keywords: Professional training, cognitive interest, pedagogical technologies, cognitive activity, active teaching methods.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Developing and Validating the Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TSE-ASD) Scale  - Pages 673-678

Nabi Nazari

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.04.10

Published: 27 November 2020


Abstract: Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to rise at an astonishing rate. As many schools attempt to create an inclusive environment conducive for students with autism to support academic success, we must recognize the teacher's role in creating an inclusive classroom. Using a student-specific teaching self-efficacy measure might provide more useful information for supporting teachers' beliefs for teaching students with ASD. Teachers with high self-efficacy have a positive impact on student achievement. The purpose of this investigation was to develop an instrument that can be used to measure teachers’ self-efficacy for effectively working with students with ASD. The original version of the scale was translated and back-translated into Persian, followed by a pilot study. A sample (n=633) of university students was recruited. Results indicated that the scale represented a unidimensional construct with acceptable internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated the unidimensionality of the TSE-ASD. The maximum likelihood confirmatory for the 12-item TSE-ASD model indicated excellent model fit indices (χ2/df=2.60, CFI=0.956, SRMR=0.049, PCLOSE >0.05, RMSEA=0.062, 90% CI [0.052, 0.082]). As for criterion-related validity, The Pearson correlation coefficients between (TSE-ASD score) and self-regulation (r= 0.72, p<0.01) revealed a large correlation and linear regression indicating that TSE-ASD significantly predicted self-regulation, b = 0.69, p < 0.001. Using a student-specific teaching self-efficacy measure might provide more useful information for supporting teachers' beliefs for teaching students with ASD. The findings provide evidence that TSE-ASD is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing teacher self-efficacy for teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in educational settings among Persian speaking individuals.

Keywords: Autism, Inclusive Education, Self-Efficacy, Validation, Intellectual Disability.

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