
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Mechanisms on Improving the Education System Quality in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Pages 119-124

Izteleuova Lyazat, Mukhamedeyev Takhir, Mukhamedeyeva Irina, Bekishev Kuandyk, Yenseyeva Venera and Rakhipova Saira

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2018.06.03.9

Published: 03 October 2018


Abstract: The article presents the analysis of the components of monitoring as one of management tools for the higher education (HE) system at macro- and micro-levels. The aim of the article is to identify problems of its organization and implementation in the system of professional education on the whole and in higher educational institutions in particular, as well as to analyze the application prospects of monitoring. The conducted research has revealed that although monitoring techniques have been used in the education system widely and for a long time, insufficient account has been taken of opportunities emerging from their direct impact on the effectiveness of education quality. In using monitoring as a tool for assessing higher education quality, various problems arise. Monitoring, in this case, is not a universal tool; but if it is adequate to the existing conditions and its results are correctly used, it can essentially improve the quality of the education process and of its outcomes.

Keywords: Managing quality, quality in Education, quality Management.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Phenomenon of Musical Art in the Education of Individuals - Pages 125-130

Jerdimaliyeva Ritta, Abeltayeva Janel, Elubaeva Marjan, Akhmetbekova Dauresh, Imasheva Aigul and Kusametova Gulsum

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2018.06.03.10

Published: 03 October 2018


Abstract: Phenomenon of musical art considered as one of the conditions needed to create artistic and aesthetic communication that nurtures the growth of a spiritual, moral and harmonious personality. This article focusses on finding new bases for music education. It outlines current music education and points out difficulties that are caused by rapid changes in music culture. Due to these changes, music curriculum must find new starting points. We explored and compared the main ideas about music education in its historical development. We conclude that music education today should be built on music making and listening. It can no longer be based on traditional frameworks because they are not familiar to individuals today. Music education should be based on research, and new ways of teaching and learning musical skills and knowledge should guide its practice.

Keywords: Art of music, education, personality, artistic culture, emotion, ideology, spirituality.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Criteria Evaluation in the Formation of Student Competencies - Pages 131-135

Koshanova Gulyash, Mamayeva Venera, Kulzhagarova Bazarkul, Shuakbayeva Rakhat and Saparbayeva Sholpan

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2018.06.03.11

Published: 03 October 2018


Abstract: Pedagogical education in Kazakhstan has reached a new level of development. Changes occurring in the value, target, functional and other spheres of modern education require adequate identification and scientific and pedagogical comprehension. The essence of these changes, affecting both individual national structures and the world community as a whole, can be designated by the term ‘integration’. Confrontation is replaced by an association that implies a complex interaction between interests of individual subjects of integration and requires a qualitatively new level of management and regulation of such interactions. The dynamics of change in various areas determines the shifts in the geopolitical, economic, social and other conditions of human activity.

The objective of this article was to examine evaluation of training in higher education as an integral part of teacher daily work. A questionnaire was administered to a group of teachers, who responded to several items related to these six dimensions: discipline, characteristics of the course, evaluation tools, evaluation practices, communication between teacher and student, and involvement of teachers in improving learning assessment.

Keywords: Education, criteria, assessment, technology, competence, formation, model.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Sports in Training the Learners with Special Needs - Pages 149-153

E. Baltabayev, E. Saidakov, E. Telakhynov, Sh.A. Mendigaliyeva and A. Kulzhabayev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2018.06.04.3

Published: 31 December 2018


Abstract: Sport has relatively recently ceased to be an applied institution of social life. If earlier the sport had a strictly defined additional orientation (for example, it served the purposes of increasing the combat training of the army), then after the Second World War, sport becomes a means of demonstrating the prestige of the state, reaching the international level. Sport becomes a professional activity and an independent direction of the commercial life of the society.

This paper is a preliminary research which gathers quantitative and qualitative information about social bonding for two categories of stake-holders: intellectually disabled athletes and partners from mainstream schools, training and competing in unique teams. This approach aimed at: identifying the perception of self-concept and self-esteem among ID athletes in relation to their social integration, determining the way ID athletes think they are perceived by their school friends and partners within Special Olympics events, identifying the positive effects on both personal and social levels, by participating in Sports events, identifying the partners’ perception related to the athletes’ abilities and possibility to advocate in this respect.

All data confirmed that regular training and Sports competition attendance leads to greater social inclusion, an interesting self-concept and self-esteem perception of the athletes, as well as certain inside ways of viewing the positive outcomes of delivering such educational programs.

Keywords: Sport low, legislation, sportsmen, education, system, professionalism, special needs.

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