
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Reframing Autism in a Mainstream Classroom via the Constructs of Inclusion and Stigma - Pages 57-67

Kevin Xuereb and Wenn B. Lawson

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2019.07.03.1

Published: 06 August 2019


Abstract: An investigation was undertaken to explore the social environment in a mainstream classroom that housed both non-autistic and autistic students. The research focus was to see if engaging students in a particular programme, successfully reduced stigma. The research is founded upon the concept of autism as part of neurodiversity rather than only disorder. It posits affective and social outcomes of inclusive education can be a reality once stigma is exposed and autism, reframed. The literature reviewed yielded valuable insights into how best to support the rationale of this study to prepare typical classmates for entry of autistic children.

Method: Via a single case-study, an engaging and interactive Peer Preparation Programme (PPP) provided opportunities for the pupils and the focus child to interact with each other; enabling them to acquire knowledge about themselves, each other, autism and ways to minimise the negative impact of stigma.

Results: Findings indicated a considerable increase in empathetic attitudes, spontaneous interactions, peer awareness, positive peer imitations and peer advocacy.

Conclusions: To reframe autism within mainstream classrooms, although conscious this is a single case-study, the program helped pupils comprehend the sensitive issues of social stigma and encourage empathy in practice.

Keywords: Autism, inclusion, stigma, peer awareness, empathy, mainstream classrooms.



Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children: What are Salient Development and Research Factors to Consider? - Pages 68-76

Marisa Macy, Ching-I Chen and Robert Macy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2019.07.03.2

Published: 06 August 2019


Abstract: Early childhood professionals are increasingly pressed to use evidence-based measures when assessing young children. Professional time and resources to investigate research is limited, and takes time away from the delivery of direct services. The literature review is to describe the progression of a widely used curriculum-based assessment (CBA), the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS). In addition to sharing the development of this early childhood measure, we identified 19 studies from the available research found in various databases that have investigated the evidence supporting the use of this measure. Findings have implications for the validity, reliability, and utility of the AEPS.

Keywords: Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS), early childhood curriculum-based assessment, early intervention, early childhood special education, reliability, validity, utility.



Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

A Curative Perspective on Down Syndrome - Pages 77-85

Jean A. Rondal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2019.07.03.3

Published: 06 August 2019


Abstract: A curative perspective on Down syndrome is pointing out. Experimental work regarding chromosome correction and corrective action on genes and proteins is yielding positive results. They open the way to advances in dealing with aneuploidies and may end up markedly changing the life of the individuals affected with these conditions at the same time, several molecules are in the research pipeline of cognitive pharmacotherapy. The paper summarizes these advances and set them into perspective for the future of Down syndrome. Research on the effects of the amyloid cascade in the etiology of Alzheimer disease, which is more frequent in aging persons with Down syndrome, is also analyzed. Its potential for improving early diagnosis and paving the way for stabilizing the condition at least in the first stages is also discussed.

Keywords: Aneuploidies, Down syndrome, genetic therapy, cognitive pharmacotherapy, Alzheimer disease.



Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Motivational Mechanisms of Demonstration of Professional Competences in a Situation of Uncertainty - Pages 86-96

Petr A. Korchemnyj

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2019.07.03.4

Published: 06 August 2019


Abstract: The research paper establishes that the efficient resolution of a situation of uncertainty is achieved due to the motivational mechanisms for the manifestation of professional competencies. The psychological essence of the condition of uncertainty, the role of needs, intentions and professional goals in the restructuring of energy in the mental apparatus of a person, the place of motive as a conscious impetus of a person to specific actions are revealed. The author proposed the concept of the relationship of psycho-physiological and motivational mechanisms for the actualization of professional competencies in a situation of unexpected changes in the professional goals and objectives of the activity. The topicality of the work is due to the need to study the effect of motivation to act on the manifestation of professional competencies in a situation of uncertainty. An important goal of the research paper is assessed - a theoretical-psychological analysis of the motivational mechanisms for the expression of professional competencies of a subject of activity internally motivated for success in an unexpected professional situation, taking into account his personal, professional skills. The theoretical significance of our work is in the theoretical-methodological substantiation of the motivational model for the manifestation of the abilities of an extreme profession specialist's personality to apply professional competence in the conditions of uncertainty. It has been proved that the motivational factor of actualization of professional competencies in a situation of risk is fundamental in deciding to cope with unforeseen difficulties.

Keywords: Professional competences, motivational mechanisms, situation of uncertainty, decision-making, intentions, needs, motives, goals.
