

Forecast Model of Prices for Liquefied Natural Gas in the World Asian Energy Market - Pages 790-796

Alexander Lvovich Elyakov, Izabella Damdinovna Elyakova and Alexandr Alekseevich Pakhomov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.74

Published: 15 October 2020

Abstract: The relevance of the study lies in the fact that concerning the strategic objectives of Russia to take a share of the growing world market of liquefied natural gas, it is advisable to assess the impact of factors affecting the development of the global liquefied natural gas market. This article provides a comparative analysis of exports and imports in the global LNG market by region, identifies potential trends in the development of global LNG trade over the past 50 years, it makes a price forecast for liquefied natural gas (LNG) for the Asia-Pacific region (APR) based on a correlation and regression analysis of the dependence of LNG prices on changes in factors such as world oil prices, global demand for LNG, exchange rates and growth rates of the Asia-Pacific economies.

Keywords: Forecast, liquefied natural gas, the world market.



The Current State of Transnational Organized Crime - Pages 797-802

Vladimir Golubovskii, Mikhail Kostyuk and Elena Kunts

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.75

Published: 15 October 2020

Abstract: The paper indicates that criminal groups may differ in terms of size, the scope of operations, types of activities, territorial range, relations with authorities and management, internal organization, and the set of means and methods used to promote their criminal activities and to guard against measures taken by the Government and law enforcement bodies. When national, historical, and cultural differences are taken into account, the diversity of criminal organizations becomes even more evident, while prevention and suppression pose even greater challenges for law enforcement agencies, especially in countries where these organizations are active in their illegal activities. The study is aimed at analyzing national-level legislative measures that may be efficient about one type of organized criminal group, but may not be appropriate for other types. To solve the problems formulated, a complex methodology will be required, combining empirical studies of specific facts and a fundamental theoretical understanding of the conceptual foundations of the problem posed. The results of the analysis made it possible to theoretically substantiate the increased social danger of transnational organized criminal groups, which entails the adoption of appropriate legislative measures. Identifying the latency level of transnational crimes will make it possible to assess the efficiency of the existing sets of measures against it, as well as to formulate recommendations on improving the system of legislative measures to prevent the activities of transnational criminal organizations. A gap in the study can be attributed to the insufficient amount of statistical information on the analyzed crime. The novelty of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of the current state of transnational organized crime.

Keywords: Organized transnational crime, international cooperation, national legislation, transnational criminal organizations, crime, prevention.



Ensuring Enforcement of Judgements through the Prism of Reforming Criminal Provisions - Pages 735-747

Aliesia A. Mytnyk, Dmytro I. Syrota, Tetiana M. Slobodianyk, Viktoriia V. Loktionova and Oleksandr V. Pleskun

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.69

Published: 15 October 2020

Abstract: The problem of ensuring the enforcement of judgements is pressing both at the national and global levels. In some countries, judgments are often enforced only in part or with long delays, and sometimes not enforced at all. One of the consequences of non-enforcement of judgements is the application of penalties for the failure to fulfil international obligations. This study intends to identify the main aspects of non-enforcement of judgments in Ukraine and the world and to outline the prospects for criminal law provisions regulating enforcement of national and international judgements on the example of reforming Ukrainian legislation. The object of research is criminal law provisions regulating the enforcement of judgements. The research methodology is due to the specifics of the object, which requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach involving a set of general and special methods of scientific cognition. The results of the study are related to the confirmation and refutation of hypotheses on sufficiency of international mechanisms to effectively ensure enforcement of judgements; the need to take certain actions at the national level to ensure the enforcement of judgements; the need for the legislative authorities to take certain actions at the national level; the need for the executive authorities to take certain actions at the national level; reasonability of criminalization of non-enforcement of judgments. The article contains a novelty that has theoretical and practical significance. In particular, the theoretical significance of the obtained results is that it is an original comprehensive study of enforcement of judgements of national and international judicial institutions through the prism of reforming criminal law, and offers a new concept of criminal law enforcement of judgements. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the presented data can serve as a guide for future work in this area, as well as legislative initiatives on criminal law enforcement of judgements in Ukraine and the world

Keywords: Non-enforcement of judgements, Non-compliance with judgments, Enforcement, Criminalization, Criminal liability, European Court of Human Rights, National court.



Sociological Analysis of the Commercial Hunting on the Lands of Small-Numbered Indigenous Peoples of the North in the Arctic Zone of the Sakha Republic Republic (Yakutia) - Pages 803-813

Valery V. Velichenko and Anatoly N. Sleptsov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.76

Published: 26 October 2020

Abstract: The article presents the results of the analysis of commercial hunting of the most typical communities of small indigenous peoples of the North of Russia living in the Arctic zone of Yakutia, for which hunting largely determines the life quality. For the analysis, statistical data and internal hunting materials were used with the participation of the article authors. In preparing this article, we used statistical data and materials from the Yakutia Department of Hunting Management, as well as stock materials from the Institute. We used statistical methods to process the materials. For the first time, the materials of the intra-economic hunting arrangement conducted in the areas assigned to small peoples are analyzed. For the first time, the article provides data on the history of establishing hunting grounds in Yakutia as part of all-Russian activities. The article provides the results of foreign researchers' studies dedicated to the issue of framing and maintaining the traditional lifestyle of indigenous peoples of the North. Based on the analysis of the structure of commercial production, it is demonstrated that hunting trends are adapted to the extreme weather and climatic conditions of the Arctic and defined by the wildlife species that inhabit these regions. Backed by retrospective analyses, considerable changes in the structure of commercial production are illustrated. These are linked to the decrease in numbers of one of the populations of wild reindeer and the decreasing demand for natural fur, factors that have reduced the importance of traditional hunting in the lives of the region’s ethnic groups. It is revealed that the forecast of large-scale development of mineral resources in the Arctic regions of Yakutia demands that preventive measures be taken to protect natural resources that are the foundation for the traditional crafts of the indigenous peoples of the North.

Keywords: The Arctic, indigenous peoples of the North, tribal communities, hunting grounds, traditional crafts.
