

Model of Self-Identification of Youth in the Global Communication Environment - Pages 1441-1450

Viktor D. Bakulov, Svetlana V. Silenko, Lev A. Polomoshnov and Natalya N. Anisimova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.164

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: Identity is the result of an identification process. The essence of the identification process is expressed in the acceptance of a certain social role by an individual in the process of entering a social group. The psychological meaning of the phenomenon of “identity” reflects the inner identity and integrity of an individual. This phenomenon can affect both an individual and a group. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that important factors in the process of identity development are specific events in the past and present, periods of crisis and changes in the history of society. It is shown that the main psychological mechanism for the development of identity is identification associated with the interaction between an individual and a social group. The development of personality identity includes a number of types of identity and continues during ontogenesis, is a dynamic and uneven process. The authors show that the concept of national identity within the framework of various fields of psychological science can relate to a group and a person. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that in the study the authors understand national identity as the cognitive and emotional awareness of a person of his own belonging to a particular nation, which has its own characteristics. Student (late adolescence) age is decisive in the formation of a person's identity and sensitive for the development of his national identity. The psychological mechanism for the development of a person's national identity at this age is national identification. An insufficient study of the development of the national identity of student youth has been established.

Keywords: National identity, ethnic identity, national language, nationality, professional education.



Cultural Form of Manifestation of Value Models in the Interaction of Personal Values and Social Structures - Pages 1451-1460

Hanna Chmil, Nadiia Korabliova, Iryna Zubavina, Vasily Kupriichuk and Inna Kuznietsova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.165

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: Value models in society are often positioned as key factors in the formation of interpersonal interaction. In this regard, the process of forming a value model should be considered based on the pattern of social interaction. In cultural studies, as in other socio-humanities, such an internal branch of knowledge as cultural axiology was also formed. In general, cultural axiology is correlated with the implementation of the value approach as a general scientific approach. However, in cultural studies, this approach has its own specifics. The use of a value-based approach in cultural studies allows highlighting the inner side of the relationship between an individual and society. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the structural content of the formation of values and their correlation with the practical values of the development of the social system. The authors show that the main importance is achieved through the interaction between the paradigm of social development and the expectations of the population in the process of spreading state or public ideology. The paper defines that the main goal remains to determine the possibility of adapting the social value model and the global cultural paradigm. The practical significance of the study is determined by the need to adapt post-structural social development and mitigate the transformation of the paradigm of social development in crisis socio-political periods.

Keywords: Culture, paradigm, structure, approach, society.



Ethical and Legal Issues of Interaction between a Defence Lawyer and a Prosecutor during the Criminal Trial - Pages 1474-1480

Sergiy O. Ivanytskyy, Volodymyr S. Bondar, Alina P. Bunina, Demyd A. Morozov and Dmytro Y. Fursov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.167

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: The institutions of the prosecution and defence are recognised as equitable related institutions that facilitate the activities of the judiciary. The consolidation of the new status of the institution of defence in the judicial system necessitates the study of new forms of communication between the defence and the court, the principles of such interaction, including the consideration of international standards and European experience. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that interaction between a defence lawyer and a prosecutor can only be within the framework of a court session and any exchange of information can be performed only if full publicity is achieved in the process of interaction between a defence lawyer and a prosecutor. The authors show that interaction is carried out through a judge and is completely personalised. Accordingly, the interaction should be implemented to influence the judge in the process of forming and passing an appropriate judgement. The authors determine that the such a judgement can be formed in the course of communication and the provision of certain arguments that a defence lawyer cannot communicate in advance and which can only be voiced during a court session. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of innovating the activities of a defence lawyer and increasing the appropriate level of perception on the part of the judge and, accordingly, the prosecutor as representatives of the institutions of justice.

Keywords: Trial, procedural, defence, evidence.



Info-Communicative and Protective Function of the State as Combating Fraud using Sberbank Bank Cards - Pages 1461-1473

Igor Yu. Nikodimov, Igor A. Burmistrov, Tatyana N. Sinyukova, Elena A. Mironova and Sergey I. Zakhartsev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.166

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: Financial crimes are defined as unfair activities that have become widespread in banking structures. The activities of financial fraudsters often have negative consequences before public rules are created that prohibit them. Intensive transformation processes in financial markets, their automation and virtualisation, the spread of remote interaction between banks and their clients, the influence of unauthorised persons on the software and hardware systems of banks, an increase in the number of cases and trading volumes determine the relevance of clarifying the essence of this phenomenon and the peculiarities of its manifestation in banking structures. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that financial violations can be represented both in the structure of the current activities of banks and the process of interaction with clients and in the structure of expanding the list of services provided. The leading method to study this problem is the method of analysis, which allows to identify and comprehensively consider ways to counter financial crimes in banks to improve the level of financial security. The authors show that structurally, one should take into account, first of all, countermeasures on the part of customers, which often serve as a source of obtaining personal data. In this case, the state function is considered only as a security function for the purpose of possible punishment for fraudulent actions. The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibilities of structural implementation of combating financial fraudulent actions in the context of the development of the information society.

Keywords: Financial violations, fraud, banking structure, banking activities, financial security.



The Concept of Violence and its Expression in Criminal Law - Pages 1481-1490

Raimundas Jurka, Jolanta Zajančkauskienė, Renata Marcinauskaitė and Jolita Šukytė

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.168

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: The very concepts of violence, studies of its forms from the criminal law viewpoint may be instrumental in dissociating criminalised violent actions from non-criminalised though having a legal significance or the actions falling outside the area of criminal regulation; furthermore, such studies can help identify the actions that in criminal law should be viewed as socially useful (for instance, the circumstances excluding criminal responsibility). It should be noted that the concept of violence and identification of its expression forms have not only a theoretical value, but also, as has been by this study proven, is applicable in legislation (for instance, for the purpose of criminalising different types of violence), as well as in case law (for instance, when identifying possible violence manifestation options). In the light of the above the present paper focuses on the definition of violence, the possible forms of its manifestation; the authors also looked into the specific forms the coercive criminal acts can acquire in the legislation.

Keywords: Criminal law, violence, physical violence, psychical violence, freedom of will.
