

The Problem of Own and Alien in Dovlatov's Cycle “Suitcase” - Pages 1023-1027

Sara Mahbobzadh, Liliya Harisovna Nasrutdinova and Girish Munjal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.113

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The article deals with various aspects of the reception of the concepts "Own" and "Alien" in S. Dovlatov's "Suitcase" cycle: material, ideological, philosophical, socio - and ethnocultural, etc. Special attention is paid to the reception of the categories of Soviet and official as not-Own. An important component of the problem of Own and Alien in the "Suitcase" cycle is also the attitude of the hero-narrator to Soviet and American culture. Widely articulated desire to associate his biography and professional activities allows us to conclude about the hero’s attempt to position himself as a person outside the Soviet system. The appeal to the realities of culture helps the author to identify their value orientations and express their attitude to people and the world. Certainly, the significance of the problem of the correlation of Own and Alien in the literary heritage of S. Dovlatov is predetermined by his status as a dissident writer and an immigrant writer. However, the writer is not characterized by a tendency toward the antithetic character of creating an opposition between Own and Alien. In the art world of S. Dovlatov, there are no types of "stigmatized Alien" and "hostile Alien". Moreover, the model of his interaction with the world is defined as "Own among your Own".

Keywords: S. Dovlatov, Russian emigrant literature, Own, Alien, autobiography, cultural associations.



Gender-Based Violence: Typology and Solutions - Pages 1028-1032

Kamila Danilovna Shaibakova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.114

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: There are a few solutions that could at least influence the decrease of GBVAW. One of them is raising awareness, informing people about their rights and opportunities to seek help and support is crucial. Victims of GBV often experience psychological problems which come together with stigma, shame and feeling of deserving the violence. Raising awareness could be done differently, using different platforms. The social media took its stand in solving important social issues. Celebrities, influencers, micro-influencers cover the topics of GBVAW and information on how to seek help. Undoubtedly, the work of NGOs and women shelters are important as never. Thus, Educational pages, just as other pragmatic apparatuses committed to handling lewd behavior, savagery as well as sexual orientation correspondence is a need. One of the ways to raise awareness and empower women and girls is to encourage victims to speak out and seek help both legal and psychological as well as the support of the family and friends. Therefore, one of the paramount importance is to erase the shame and stigma around the GBVAW. Undoubtedly, the legal framework shall support women in their intentions to seek help. Unfortunately, this became one of the most significant problems for several countries. In numerous states, enactment tending to sex based savagery against ladies is non-existent, deficient or ineffectively actualized. As well as seeking financing to sustain the women’s shelters and hotline. That became apparent during the lockdown, a lot of the women’s support centers had to close due to the shortage of financing. COVID-19 in addition to making a lot of harm to the state of GBVAW in the world at the same time brought new ideas to fight with it. Thus, during the lockdown, some of the police forces introduced special apps for reporting a GBVAW crime. Thus, an aggressor could not understand that a report had been made. This model of reporting is an excellent tool to seek help especially when a situation is highly dangerous.

Keywords: Gender-Based Violence, women’s rights, typology.



International Standards of Penitentiary Activity: Impact on the Development of the Penitentiary Activity of the CIS Countries - Pages 1033-1037

Andrey S. Burtsev, Yaroslav I. Ivanenko, Elena A. Kupryashina, Ivan V. Mironuk and Victor N. Omelin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.115

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: Overcrowding in prisons is a common problem that affects many countries. It is difficult to define this term because there is no single internationally accepted standard. This article presents a comparative study of international standards for the activities of doctors in penitentiary institutions as an integral part of international standards of penitentiary activity. The authors investigated the methods and the degree of their impact on the penitentiary legislation of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries. The conclusion is drawn about the positive role of such standards in improving the national penitentiary legislation in order to increase the level of medical care for prisoners.

Keywords: Penitentiary legislation, doctor, medical care, prisoner, criminal law.



Adjectival Phraseological Units with the Parametric Component - Pages 1038-1042

Olesya A. Yarullina, Albina R. Kayumova and Antonio Pamies Bertrán

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.116

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The article is devoted to the comparative study of the Tatar and English adjectival phraseological units with the parametric component. Structural and semantic peculiarities are taken into consideration. The main methods of research are those of general linguistic methods and special linguistic methods. The purpose of the article is to find out common and specific features of the adjectival phraseological units with the parametric components in the English and Tatar languages. The investigation is based on the material from English and Tatar monolingual and polylingual dictionaries. The adjectival phraseological units of the Tatar language have not been studied enough. The Tatar and the English languages are structurally different and the study of the adjectival phraseological units with the parametric component is of great interest.

Comparative and non-comparative adjectival phraseological units with parametric components have been analyzed in the article, the frequency of the structures in both of the languages was found out and the explanation of the phenomenon was searched for. Semantically the adjectival phraseological units with the parametric component may express a negative or positive attitude to reality, spheres of life, communicative process, or to a person, and that depends on the usage of this or that parametric adjective of the antonymic pair. General and specific features have been found out as well as exceptions. Based on the data got from the research the conclusions on the structure and semantics of the adjectival phraseological units with the parametric component are presented in the article.

Keywords: Adjectival phraseological units, parametric component, comparative units, non-comparative units, subordinate structure, coordinate structure, antonymic pair, negative connotation, positive connotation.
