

Digitalization Trends in Education and Blended Learning - Pages 1062-1066

Andrew V. Danilov, Inna D. Nekrasova and Nnamdi Anyameluhor

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.121

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The article under review actualizes the problem of using digital computer technologies in the process of blended learning. The notion of «blended learning» is determined and specified according to various sources. Various models and ways of organizing this kind of work as an alternative to the standard form of learning are presented. The article presents a positive experience of using blended learning technology. Much attention is paid to visualization as one of the teaching tools to create educational materials for blended learning. The synthesis of verbal materials (especially spoken) and visual elements (pictures, graphic notes, animations, films, plots, and diagrams, etc.) within the limits of one text is an instrument to optimize the process of semantic perception and understanding text information. All the benefits of this modern technology allow students to establish a holistic adoption of this model and a positive direction for the development of blended learning as an innovative teaching technology

Keywords: Visualization, blended learning, e-learning, digital education.



Continuity in the Development of Judicial Law - Pages 1067-1071

Aidar Rushanovich Gubaidullin and Valeriya Vitalevna Kurnosova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.122

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The ongoing changes in the legal map of the world reflect the interaction of legal systems. These processes inevitably affect the scope of activities of the judicial authorities associated with such a phenomenon as judicial law. The authors of the article take a narrow approach to understanding it. It implies the manifestation of judicial law as judicial practice and judicial precedents. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the phenomenon of judicial law goes beyond the limits of a single legal family, which implies its comparative legal research. At the same time, an important direction of such activity is the study of the development of this law associated with the processes of continuity. The objective of the study is to identify the concept and features of continuity in the development of judicial law. To do this, the authors formulated the following tasks: identify the concept and signs of continuity within the framework of legal development; disclose the peculiarities of understanding judicial law; determine the characteristic features of continuity in the development of judicial precedents; characterize continuity in the evolution of judicial practice. The conducted research is based on a dialectically understood model of continuity. This assumes the use of a systemic paradigm associated with a constellation of different methods, such as comparative, structural-functional, etc. The results allowed the authors to determine the trends and prospects for the development of judicial law within the framework of certain legal spaces. The authors of the article believe it advisable to use these results in subsequent research on this topic.

Keywords: Continuity, judicial law, legal system, legal family, judicial practice, judicial precedent.



Mythopoetic and Realistic Image of the Native Land in the Works of Modern Writers - Pages 1072-1076

Gulshat lshatovna Nureeva, Gelyusya Faridovna Kayumova, Liailia Ihsanovna Mingazova and Alexander Victorovich Petrov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.123

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The article explores the specifics of the embodiment of the image of the native land in the works of modern writers. After the years of Soviet power, when a person was evaluated as a cog, nature as a source of resources, society overestimates the value system. Quite well-known works appear condemning the rejection of man as a person, works of an ecological nature. In this article, a rethinking of attitude to nature, to the native land is considered through the prism of a number of works by venerable writers about the native land, more often - about the native village. Distinctive features of the perception of the native land in these works is the personally significant perception of the homeland, its understanding as part of itself, its past, present and future, in contrast to Soviet literature, in which the narrator was aimed at perceiving the homeland in the present and illusory beautiful future. Sources are the stories of M. Galiev, G. Gilmanov, M. Vali-Bardzhily. The creativity of each of these authors was considered to varying degrees by scientists from the point of view of aesthetic value, poetics, and problems. However, the native land was considered more as a subject of works, rather than an independent image, which is an indicator of the life values and philosophy of writers. In this article, using the works of these writers as an example, the depth of the image of the native land is shown, understanding it not only as nature or the place where you were born, but as a source of strength.

Keywords: Homeland, homeland, mythopoetics, image, place of power, thanatological motive.



Lobbist Organizations as Conflict Resolution Institute - Pages 1077-1081

Alyona Olegovna Molchanova and Evgeniya Valer’evna Khramova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.124

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The study specified in this article is devoted to an important problem in the modern state management practice of Russia - the study of conflict resolution of such a politically significant institute as lobbist organizations. The authors consider the phenomenon from a socio-economic, organizational, political perspective, which is categorized through the conceptual series “government relations - public administration - political institute” and is scientifically justified. The analysis methodology is based on the symbiosis of the neoinstitutional approach and game theory (continuous games) with the rent-oriented behavior of players. The urgency of the problems of lobbist organizations is due to the prolonged political and managerial crisis, both in Europe, the USA and in the countries of Asia. The scientific novelty of this paper is determined by the use of the neoinstitutional approach and the theory of games with the rent-oriented behavior of players as the fundamental methodological direction of the symbiosis when considering lobbist organizations as conflict resolution institutes with all the functions and rules of behavior in a political game inherent in them. The study will be based on the use of such empirical methods as analysis of documents and cases, which justifies the use of a qualitative methodology. The article is one of the first in Russian empirical practice related to the problem of lobbist organizations and, undoubtedly, will make a significant contribution to the study of the conflict logical specific nature of this socio-political institute. The article is part of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 19-011-31376opn “Conflict logical audit as a system of technologies for influencing ideological youth extremism in modern Russia”.

Keywords: Lobbist organizations, conflict resolution institute.
