

Vocabulary of Political Discourse at the English Lessons - Pages 1112-1115

Vilena R. Gagarina, Olga V. Shelestova, Dina P. Sheinina and Irian Vasallo Baez

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.129

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: Teaching English is based on the development and improvement of lexical skills, the appropriate use of words, phrases, idioms that are most suitable for describing a particular situation. Understanding words and expressions allows us to convey the meaning of our intentions in the process of communication. The goal of a teacher of a foreign language is to gradually expand the vocabulary of the student and activate the studied vocabulary by organizing a system of exercises that stimulate communicative expressions. «The secondary language personality is viewed by modern linguistics as abilities to communicate in foreign languages. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of that conclusion for the process of teaching a foreign language as it assumes basic distinctions in the choice of teaching methods for various groups of language learners». One of the major problems in learning English is listening comprehension. This problem is faced not only by beginners, but also people with a high level of knowledge. One of the effective teaching methods is to include video materials in the learning process at the English lessons.

Keywords: Training, English, political discourse, video materials.



Political Consciousness Formation in the Modern Global World - Pages 1116-1122

Vitaly V. Balakhonsky, Olga D. Shipunova, Vasiliy I. Strelchenko, Liudmila V. Balakhonskaya and Iuliia V. Beresneva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.130

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The article examines an actual problem of international integration, associated with the peculiarities of political consciousness in modern global society. The research methodology is determined by the synthesis of analytical and comparative historical approaches. The authors consider such conditions of global society existence in which the objective social polarity of a society and the heterogeneity of political structures give rise to a wide range of needs and interests of groups and individuals. This feature forms the difference in the elements of their political consciousness. As a result, several forms of political consciousness can exist simultaneously in every society. Conceptual description motivational structure in sociopolitical systems requires the complex application of various bases for their classification. In conclusion, it is emphasized that real social systems are characterized by a complex synthesis of elements of various political consciousness types. The unity of diverse forms of political consciousness organization in a global society is based on an axiological meaningful consensus of socio-cultural relationships between people, between society and man, between state and man, conceptual represented in the symbols that motivate individual and group consciousness on trust in the authorities.

Keywords: Global society, political consciousness, motivational structure, international integration.



Language Indigenization in Terms of Language Contacts (Based on the Nigerian English Variant) - Pages 1123-1128

Jerome Baghana, Olga N. Prokhorova, Igor V. Chekulai, Tatiana G. Voloshina and Natalia A. Sheyfel

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.131

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of the English language Indigenization procedure on the territory of Nigeria, one of the largest countries in West Africa. The research work has the complex system to analyze the cultural and linguistic processes, which are manifested in the study under the influence of cultural factors and its influence on the language functioning. The practical work part is based on the analysis of the language thematic groups “National food” and “National clothes” presenting the specific features of Nigerian English. The results show, Nigerian English has a wide range of words denoting local realities and reflecting the adaptation of the English language to the Nigerian culture peculiarities, which are the process of indigenization. All in all, English words with new lexical meanings, words from Nigerian languages, and Portuguese loanwords have been used for naming local food and clothing elements.

Keywords: Culture, communication, language variation, Nigerian English, ethnic languages, hybrid words combinations.



General Name as Cultural Code of Siberian Tatars - Pages 1129-1133

Radif Rifkatovich Zamaletdinov and Guzel Chakhvarovna Fajzullina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.132

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The article actualizes the problems of studying the pedigree and generic names of the Siberian Tatars in the linguocultural aspect. The source of the research is the Russian-language documents of the regional archive of the XVIII-XIX centuries, which recorded information on the composition of the family of residents of the Otdelno-Babasan volost of the Tobolsk province. Today, the issue of updating and preserving the language and culture of the Siberian Tatars is extremely acute, since the dialects of the natives of Western Siberia, according to UNESCO, are at the stage of extinction. The work has an integrated approach, therefore the following methods are used: the method of linguoculturological analysis, the method of interviewing informants, the method of language coexistence, the genealogical method, the descriptive-analytical method, the method of comparing definitions, the method of etymological analysis, the method of lexicographic description, the quantitative-statistical method The classification of generic names by etymology and structure is made, the models of the name of the deceased relative are identified, the traditions of the name of the deceased by the name of the deceased relative in Turkic cultures are examined, the mechanisms of metaphorization of kinship terms are determined. The authors come to the conclusion that the patrimonial names of the Siberian Tatars are a cultural code that stores echoes of the archaic world, namely the cult of their ancestors.

Keywords: Siberian Tatars, Babasans, Tobolsk province, generic name, family tree.
