

Limited Sanity in the Legislation of Russia and Europe - Pages 1134-1138

Natalia Yu. Zhilina, Andrey S. Burtsev, Anzhelika I. Lyakhova, Irina V. Savelieva and Oksana S. Shumilina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.133

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: This article presents the author’s analysis of the problem of limited sanity in the criminal law theory and practice of Russia and Europe. The author established that the problem of limited sanity, despite its long history, has not yet been developed in many countries, and that the boundaries of the concept of limited sanity are extremely vague and indefinite. However, the experience of some foreign countries in terms of ensuring security measures can be used in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: Legislation, limited sanity, reduced sanity, mental disorders, subject of crime, analysis.



Environment Design as a Method of Modeling a Cultural Space of a City - Pages 1139-1143

Madina Mukhametovna Makhmutova, Yusupova Elvira Rstamovna and Miskichekova Zanfira Yagsupovna

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.134

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The relevance of the studied problem because the study of the subject-spatial environment of the city, a comprehensive solution of which involves not only summing up the ideas of culturologists, architects, urban planners, designers, psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, but also designing and modeling the artificially created environment as a process of forming the cultural space of the city.

The content of the socio-cultural being of a human form the ideological and thematic basis of the designer's design plan. Modern environmental design, including an ethnic component, must correspond to the substantial and aesthetic characteristics of a particular regional culture.

After the research work conducted by the authors of the cultural and artworks of scientists and specialists - designers, architects, we can argue that the design of the environment is a necessary component of the cultural image of the city. In this regard, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of the factors of the formation of the cultural space, which becomes the basis for understanding the applied function of the designer’s activity, manifested in the decorative and ornamental nature of environment design objects. All components of the subject-spatial environment of the "Turkic-Tatar civilization" can be considered the basis of the design culture and as a result of the continuity of these traditions in modeling the cultural space of the city.

Keywords: Cultural space of a city, subject-spatial environment, environment design, image of the environment, design activity of the designer.



Formation of the Rational Socio-Economic Worldview Based on the Laws of Nature and Society - Pages 1144-1153

Alexander N. Semin, Nikolai A. Potekhin and Viktor N. Potekhin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.135

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: The study is aimed at the improvement of social and economic relations based on modern directions of the formation of a rational socio-economic worldview, eliminating the sociological contradictions of modern society. The use of a system-holistic interdisciplinary methodology determines the need to review the development tools of the problem of creating a rational worldview in society. The basis of the research methodology has become the conceptual matrix of the formation of a rational worldview according to community levels, taking into account the basic socio-economic law of human development in any system. The article presents the results of a study designed as a clarification of the concept of “rational worldview”, creating a list of the benefits of forming a rational socio-economic worldview based on the laws of nature and society, and determining the directions of formation of a rational worldview in the context of the topic under study. The results of the study can be used in the system of state management of economic processes.

Novelty/Originality of this study: (1) actualized, based on the systematization of scientific views, the theoretical provisions of the formation of a rational socio-economic worldview and determined the modern directions of its development; (2) the analysis of modern practices of the life of modern society is carried out and the logical and ideological contradictions in the field of behavioral economics are highlighted; (3) the conceptual apparatus of the category “rational worldview” has been clarified in the context of the contradictions in the functioning of socio-economic systems; (4) a conceptual matrix for the formation of a rational worldview has been developed; (5) the advantages of the formation of a rational worldview among the subjects of the development of society are formulated, based on social criteria analysis.

Keywords: Rational worldview, social reproduction, rational management, nature, society.



Framing Analysis of Village Funding Corruption in Media Suaramerdeka.Com in Central Java, Indonesia, 2019 - Pages 1154-1163

Agus Triyono

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.136

Published: 09 November 2020

Abstract: Various corruption cases have occurred in many villages in Central Java, Indonesia. Corruption is mostly carried out by village officials in running the government. One of many factors causing such corruption cases is the existence of village fund assistance. These corruption cases have been published in the mass media, Specifically on online media, i.e. suaramerdeka.com

This study aims to look at the media framing of corruption cases that have occurred in Central Java, particularly concerning village funding assistance in various regions through the online media suaramerdeka.com.

This study is a constructive paradigm research. The approach method used is qualitative. Meanwhile, the analytical method used is the Robert N. Entman framing analysis model.

The findings of this study stated that suaramerdeka.com framed the perpetrators of corruption as village officials. Although it is acknowledged that not all of them are corrupt, the news seems to give the impression that village officials have conducted a lot of corruption. However, on the other hand, the news content of suaramerdeka.com as a local media in Central Java also lacks detail in reporting corruption issues. Moreover, it seems only normative and does not show that it is a strong media in covering corruption cases. The explanation of the news was not very in-depth.

Keywords: Reporting on village fund corruption, news on suaramerdeka.com, framing analysis.
