

The Eurasian Vector of Georgia's Political Development: Specifics and Opportunities for Implementation - Pages 1757-1760

Timur Zufarovich Mansurov and Radmir Vladimirovich Ivanov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.200

Published: 17 December 2020

Abstract: The objective of this study is to identify the Eurasian vector of Georgia's political development implementation features and contradictions. The possibilities and extent of Georgia's participation in the Eurasian integration processes, as well as within various organizations (the Eurasian Economic Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, etc.) are considered. The study analyzes the possibilities of Georgia's implementation of the Eurasian development vector in political, economic, social, cultural, scientific, educational and other spheres. The potential of the Eurasian Union development as an economic organization and its attractiveness for the Georgian state is studied. It is emphasized that relations and cooperation building between Georgia and Russia and other member States of the Eurasian Economic Union is possible only subject to strengthening of the existing financial and administrative organization structures and its economic capacity building. Special attention is paid to Russia's policy towards Georgia to attract it to integration processes taking place in the Eurasian space. The authors note the peculiarities and shortcomings of Russia's foreign policy aimed at bringing the two states closer together, and gives recommendations for their correction. Unresolved ethnic and political conflicts and the uncertain state and administrative status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia are considered as factors that may encourage Georgia to participate and possibly join these organizations in order to resolve the existing problems. The authors of the article come to a conclusion that the Eurasian vector of political development is becoming more and more popular in Georgian society against the background of a rather distant prospect of the country's joining the Euro-Atlantic structures, and the competition of these projects will in many ways determine Georgia's future internal and foreign policy.

Keywords: Eurasian vector, Georgia, Russia, the Eurasian Economic Union, political contradictions, interethnic conflict, security, cooperation.



What Do Sheikh-Google And Facebook-Mufti Preach? (Theological Issues in the Muslim Blogosphere and Mobile Apps) - Pages 1761-1766

Rezeda Safiullina-Ibragimova and Inessa Beloglazova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.201

Published: 17 December 2020

Abstract: The article discusses what the Islamic segment of the Ru.net came to with for the twentieth anniversary of its existence. Using the communication theory of J.Habermas and based on the analysis of Gary Bunt’s work on cybernetic presence of Islam, it is considered how the development of the blogosphere and social networks change the communication and form the special type of Islamic public sphere through the personal pages of preaches - what topics and questions raised and how this commutation formulates the modern Russian Muslim’s vision. The effect of the social and cultural issues of the Muslims rules have been studied in the literature review. The Internet is turning into a kind of platform for expressing theological ideas, notation Mazhabic priorities and functioning models of the Muslim Ummah.

Keywords: Internet, social network, Islam in Russia, cyber-imam, Muslims.



The Shift of Indonesian Political Culture from Moral Legitimacy to Capital Legitimacy - Pages 1767-1772

Ali Masykur Musa

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.202

Published: 24 December 2020

Abstract: This research is the result of a study of the shift in culture and political practices in Indonesia from moral legitimacy to capital legitimacy. This research is based on the concept of political culture, political theory, the practice of political meaning, and the views of several political observers. The results of research on the changes and political culture in Indonesia. The embodiment of political practice is related to political actors who practice what is called homo homini lupus which is justified. The shift from moral legitimacy to behavioral capital legitimacy is only measured in material terms and this is not in line with the Pancasila Democratic Ethics, which in principle argues that all political processes must be based on the value of struggle for the Indonesian State and Nation. Political pragmatism as it is today will be linked to political capitalization and liberalization, all of which are based on 2 (two) determinants, namely, money and power. Money and power are everything that must be obtained to maintain power itself, regardless of whether the process is against ethics and hurts the conscience of the sovereign people.

Keywords: Political culture, moral legitimacy, capital legitimacy, Pancasila ideology, regeneration.



Deviation of Management of Medical Waste from Hospital Implication upon Environmental Damage in West Sumatera, Indonesia - Pages 1773-1781

Syukra Alhamda, Eri Barlian, Abdul Razak, Bambang Slamet Riyadi, Nova Herawati and Ariff Trisetia Anggara

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.203

Published: 24 December 2020

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to show and analyze suspected abuse of power by hospital administrators in North Sumatra with public officials, in this case the bureaucrats in the Ministry of Environment of West Sumatra Region, carrying out hazardous medical waste out of place according to environmental science regulations, so that it occurs environmental damage. This research approach method is a qualitative method. Creswell defines a qualitative method as a research method that is based on the perspective of constructivism, namely various meanings, meanings that are socially and historically constructed with a view to developing a theory or pattern. Researchers collect data that is open-ended and developing, with the aim of developing a theme from the data obtained. The data collection technique is carried out by literature study of primary and secondary and tertiary legal materials. Environmental regulation analysis techniques, with analysis using the theory of abuse of power. So that researchers draw conclusions deductively, and provide recommendations or suggestions according to research objectives The results found here were that the actors of the management of hospital medical waste disposal were not in accordance with hospital regulations and environmental regulations. Suggestions are provided by researchers for environmental crime prevention in an effort to prevent and tackle environmental destruction.

Keywords: Regulatory Deviation, Medical Waste, Hospital, Abuse of Power, Environmental Damage.
