

An Analysis of Criminology as a Profession in the Republic of South Africa - Pages 1822-1828

Mandlenkosi Richard Mphatheni, Sphamandla Lindani Nkosi, Owethu Johnson Tutu and Nirmala Gopal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.208

Published: 24 December 2020

Abstract: The professionalisation of criminology has not been a smooth process in South Africa. The literature reveals that it has been a slow process burdened with numerous challenges. The slow process of professionalising criminology has caused uncertainty about criminology as a profession. Although, South African universities have taken the significant steps towards recognising criminology as an academic discipline. This systematic review studied various sources to justify the inability of relevant structures to professionalise criminology. Moreover, it endeavoured to understand the extent to which criminology has been professionalised in South Africa. This critical analysis confirms that the process of professionalising criminology has been prolonged and that it has been fraught with challenges. Results of this study are relevant for any idea to restructure the criminology, and it is envisaged that appropriate structures may find results useful in altering the vision of the profession. This paper recommends that an independent professional board be established to assist and guide criminologists. Such a board could, for instance, suggest a constructive structure and broadly define the role and functions of criminologists within the South African context.

Keywords: Criminology, Crime, and Professionalisation.



The Role of Social Capital on International Trade Transactions at Wini Market, In Realizing Social Harmonization of Indonesia-Timor Leste Border Community - Pages 1829-1836

Sri Suwartiningsih, Daru Purnomo and John R. Lahade

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.209

Published: 24 December 2020

Abstract: May 20, 2002, East Timor was internationally recognized as an independent country by the name of Timor Leste with extraordinary support from the United Nations and thus officially became an independent state separate from Indonesia. One of the border areas that were selected as the research site was the Wini border, North Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. In the Wini region, there is a market called the Wini market. This study aims to explain the role of social capital in international trade transactions in the Wini Market because it involves different citizens from Timor Leste and Indonesia. The research used a descriptive approach and qualitative research method. Theories used are Social Capital theory, Classical Economic theory, and the concept of Cross-Border Trade. The research shows that the people from Timor Leste conduct economic transactions, in this case, shopping at the Wini market every Monday to meet their food, clothing, and other needs. For border communities, the interactions in the Wini market are not only for trade transaction but also to interact with their relatives and others. The results of this study may contribute to the knowledge of the relationship between the science of International Relations and Sociology. From a practical point of view, a border policy can be applied in the economic sector and in the mechanism of mutually beneficial trade transactions between citizens of different countries. The elements of social capital such as trust, norms, and networks have functioned in the process of trade transactions. The application of social capital in international trade economic practices in the Wini Market is what keeps social harmony in the context of international trade transactions in the Wini Market.

Keywords: Social harmony, social capital, international trade, border, Indonesia, Timor Leste.



Abortion Legalization and Child in The Womb Right to Life: A Study from Indonesia - Pages 1837-1843

Fifik Wiryani, Widjanarko Andang and M. Nasser

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.210

Published: 24 December 2020

Abstract: Based on the Indonesian legal system, women's reproductive and unborn child's rights to life are equally important. A woman has the right to determine her pregnancy period or even reject her unwanted pregnancy. On one side, legal abortion is part of women's reproductive rights. On the other side, the unborn child's life in the womb is also protected by law. Any attempt to harm the fetus' well-being or deliberately dispose of its life is illegal. Generally, Indonesian are against abortion. However, in specific cases, abortion legalization occurs when the pregnancy becomes harmful and endangering the mother's life. In fact, in certain labor cases, the doctor must do an abortion to save the mother's life. Through Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Article 75, abortion is permitted with emergencies on mothers and rape victims. This paper aims to analyze whether two indications of abortion legalization written on the Health Act are still acceptable from the standpoint of unborn child rights. As normative research, this paper uses both statutory and medical approaches.

Keywords: Abortion, Fetal Living Rights, Legalization.



Environmental Damage Due to Hazardous and Toxic Pollution: A Case Study of Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia - Pages 1844-1852

Bambang Slamet Riyadi, Syukra Alhamda, Sutrysno Airlambang, Ratih Anggreiny, Ariff Trisetia Anggara and Sudaryat

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.211

Published: 24 December 2020

Abstract: Until now, environmental crimes in the Citarum watershed, especially the disposal of hazardous and toxic waste (HTW) still occurs. Consequently, there are a countless number of disasters that are happening in a day. However, where is the social control of bureaucrats of the State Ministry for the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia? This research approach method was the qualitative method. The research results showed that the perpetrators of environmental damage to the Citarum watershed were not aware that the impact of environmental damage was more violent than other crimes. It was because this type of crime sometimes had unexpected impacts related to the intensity, duration, and extent of the area affected. Therefore, the efforts to prevent environmental crimes against the Citarum river water should cover various aspects. These include very strict supervision in terms of check and balance of the independent state institutions as well as the discretion given to the authorities in the disposal of hazardous and toxic waste into the Citarum River.

Keywords: Environment, Hazardous and Toxic Waste, Damage, Citarum River, Regulations.
