
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Impact of Foreign Investment on Economic Growth in OECD’s Members: A Panel Data Model, 1977-2017  Pages 838-846

Alí Aali-Bujari, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Tomás Gómez-Rodríguez

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.72

Published: 21 October 2019

Abstract: Motivation: This paper is aimed at analyzing the impact of foreign investment (FI) on economic growth (EG) in Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, and USA.

Novelty: The research is: 1) concentrated in countries belonging to the OECD; 2) based on a greater number of countries, variables and periods; and 3) addressed to correcting multicollinearity and autocorrelation of data.

Methodology: A Granger causality analysis is carried out and both static and dynamic panel data models are estimated.

Data and Empirical Analysis: Data is obtained from World Bank for the period 1977-2017. The causality of Granger reveals that during the first 10 years there is a unidirectional relationship from FI toward EG. In the following 15 years, there is empirical evidence of a bidirectional causal relationship. Moreover, during the whole period of study, 7 years have a unidirectional causality from EG toward FI. Finally, estimates of both static and dynamic panel data models show that FI has a positive impact on EG in all the studied economies.

Policy Considerations: A set of recommendations for policy designers and decision makers is provided to build the appropriate instruments and incentives to encourage the attraction of FI to boost EG and, therefore, to enhance social welfare.

Keywords: Economic growth, foreign investment, Granger causality, panel data.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Improving Efficiency of Asset Management in the Context of Ensuring Competitiveness of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises in Developing Countries  Pages 847-858

Irina M. Yepifanova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.73

Published: 28 October 2019

Abstract: The research paper deals with the formation of new scientific solutions regarding increasing the efficiency of asset management in the context of ensuring the competitiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises in developing countries. The study noted the disparity in the development of economically developed and developing countries. It is revealed that one of the main aspects of such disparity is the competitiveness of both the economies of the countries as a whole, and of individual industries and enterprises. At the same time, the importance of ensuring the competitiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises in developing countries was noted, taking into account their potential and opportunities for stimulating GDP and employment growth in these countries. The relationship between the competitiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises and their asset management is established. The main problems of asset management at the mechanical engineering enterprises in the developing countries are localized, and the ways of their elimination are proposed taking into account the division of enterprises into those operating as part of the transnational and foreign corporations, large enterprises with national capital, medium and small enterprises with national capital. A considerable range of problems regarding the asset management in small and medium enterprises was noted. Directions of further scientific researchers are suggested.

Keywords: Competitiveness, Developing countries, Mechanical engineering, Enterprise, Asset management.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Management of Reputation Risks at the Agricultural Enterprises of Eastern Europe as a Component of Increasing Their Competitiveness  Pages 859-872

Oleg V. Zakharchenko, Alina R. Eremina, Denis S. Ushakov, Oleh M. Odintsov, Serhii M. Mylnichenko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.74

Published: 07 November 2019

Abstract: We note a significant role of the agricultural sector in the development of economic systems in a significant number of post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe. However, Eastern European agricultural enterprises have significant problems in ensuring and managing their competitiveness, where reputation and the risks associated with it are of key importance. Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research paper is the developed algorithm of reputation risk management, which is based on the author’s methodology of their evaluation and takes into account the peculiarities of such management in agricultural enterprises from the post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe. To achieve the goal and test the hypotheses put forward in the research paper, a set of general, specific and technical methods were used at the empirical and theoretical levels, such as: abstraction method; expert method; methods of analysis and synthesis; comparison; deduction; induction; methods of systematization, grouping and logical generalization. The research methodology is based on systemic and functional, historical and systemic approaches in identifying and resolving the range of problems of reputation risk management within the framework of improving the competitiveness management of agro-industrial enterprises from the post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe. For the purpose of the study, data were collected and an empirical analysis was conducted concerning the eleven Eastern European countries that were part of the Soviet Union for 1991-2018 regarding analysis of the dynamics of agricultural production and its share in GDP according to statistics taken from the KNOEMA databases. Policy considerations: the agricultural sector of the economy plays an increasing role in the economic systems of some post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, serving as the basis for their sustainable development; agricultural producers from the post-Soviet space of Eastern Europe have problems with ensuring competitiveness in national, international and world markets; reputation risk plays a significant role in ensuring and improving the competitiveness management of agricultural enterprises from post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe; the formation of an effective reputation risk management algorithm is a key element in ensuring and improving the competitiveness management of Eastern European agricultural producers.

Keywords: Agricultural enterprises, Reputation risk assessment, Reputation, Competitiveness management, Reputation risk management.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Retailing from Consumers’ Perspective  Pages i-iii

A.K.M. Ahasanul Haque

Published: 02 December 2019
